01 March 2012

jandmayers March 2012 Twitter

See Syrian troops continue to do Bashar al-Assad’s will. The proposed peace plan will not be in operation…

…Governments are naïve if they think Assad will roll over gently

See a new hit to European finances, as the Euro begins to draw ever closer to its eventual fall

European Banks will be further scared as new legislation will squeeze them even further…

…They will have to pay compensation to the people who bank with them

European Bankers will meet to try to waylay situations, which are growing grave indeed – the crunch to hit them all again

Until Israel wakes up to the fact that the world will no longer tolerate the situation with Israel and the Palestinians…

…there will be continued outrage throughout the world

Jews will increasingly come under fire, so no Jews are safe anywhere in the world…

…Growing anger and hatred towards them will eventually bring about disaster

Wake up Israel you are not the only ones on this planet, you are not special. All God’s children are loved no matter what race you come from

Until the world really looks at itself and starts to remove itself from extreme radical thinking, there can be no peace ever upon this earth

People have to start to live in harmony to have their own beliefs, but must not feel obliged to exert that belief on another

When the time finally arises, there will be no more need for religion…

…and people will automatically be able to think for themselves and come out of the box of indoctrination

It is religion which is the main cause for all our wars and deep suppression of the people

It is hardly surprising that Israel has cut working relations with the UN Human Rights Council…

…regarding the investigation of Jewish settlements in the West Bank

It is of course one rule of law for the world and a completely separate rule of law for Israel…

…When will Israel realise the world is utterly fed up with their methods of hypocrisy

See Israel lose its voice and be quietened down by a Higher Power than theirs

President Obama’s healthcare reform will go through by a tight margin

As was recently predicted, a backlash of attacks by the Afghans…

…Intelligence prevented a mass suicide attack, which would have involved over a thousand being killed

The situation in Afghanistan is getting worse and not better.  These suicide attacks are getting to the highest level of Afghan Government

There will be no let up until all foreign forces are removed and for the Afghan people to deal with their own mess…

…Then they will have no one to blame except themselves

For the Afghan people to be saved there has to be a collective voice…

…This has not happened and so the status quo will remain for decades to come

As predicted Japan would need to sort out another nuclear power station as there would be further problems. This now has been shut down

All of Japan’s nuclear power stations are in jeopardy…

…and a total overhaul needs to be done before there is any likelihood of further development

Pope Benedict’s visit to Mexico will have no effect on the advanced drug-trafficking that goes on in Mexico…

…He has no effect on the drug-trafficking in Naples in his own backyard

To condemn openly as he has done, again shows the hypocrisy of the Catholic Church when nothing is done by the Church in Italy anyway…

…The Church chooses to turn a blind eye

President Obama will make significant strides in South Korea, where a better united front against North Korea will be established

The South Koreans will forge ahead with making their views held regarding North Korea’s planned launch

See China step in to put pressure on North Korea to abandon this rocket launch. The child must not be allowed to play!

President Obama’s remarks on the tragedy of the young black teenager shot by a neighbourhood watchman…

…will escalate until a final judgement is made

The young teenager, armed with a bag of sweets innocently going home, is then attacked and killed. This will split the vote in Florida

More white people are actually outraged than black and it will be the whites who carry a stronger sense of urgency to bring justice in

The neighbourhood watchman has not seen or heard the last of this yet, inspite of being released and not convicted

Until the world recognises Palestinians as a people and not vermin, nothing can move forwards into helping these people…

…and for wounds finally to being healed

We are all people of this world and until we learn to live together with our many diverse beliefs, nothing but war will prevail

All religions teach peace and forgiveness.  When will the people then practice what they believe is the right for every human being?

We will all come before a Higher Power when our time comes. Can we honestly justify our actions or will we be found wanting?

Chancellor George Osborne will be torn to pieces until he revises his budget allowances in favour of pensioners

There will be a cross-parties criticism on the plight of pensioners. A reversal allowing for pensioners to be better treated from now on

The increased winter fuel allowance will not be enough

See a revival in Burma’s Aung San Suu Kyi, as her political role starts to gather momentum

The Burmese Government can no longer ignore her voice crying in the wilderness, as public opinion for her starts to grow

Aung San Suu Kyi’s life has not been in vain & like Nelson Mandela before her, she will rise out of the ashes of despair into a world leader

The Bank of England is a joke. They do not or hardly ever give loans to businesses, even mortgages where risk is minimal they will not allow

Only when there is no risk to banks will they lend, yet they can speculate with our hard-earned money and that is alright

Until the double standards of banks in this country and abroad, whose wages we all pay…

…are regulated in favour of the people, nothing will ever change

Governments are clearly not on the side of the people, but are clearly on the side of big enterprise

Another Credit Crunch will evolve until banks are further broken up and realise their assets are the people who use them and nothing more

The increase in child poverty and pain seems to invoke little interest in the media these days…

…The plight and suffering of those whose representation seems of little consequence

When will the world wake up?  Children are the harsh victims all around the world…

…whether it is through war, famine or systematic abuse by the church and in the home

The innocent are violated and nothing of any substance is being done about it

The children have no voice, yet they are brutalised daily…

…Organisations protecting children need to wake up and present a greater case for safety

The Vatican has sat on explicit information for years to hide its own cover-up in so many ways

See another revelation emerge, which will put the Vatican on the back foot in so many ways

Centuries of deceit and mismanagement all to be revealed, as the leaks will just keep coming and coming

A minefield of information now to reveal itself, the cover-up of the Vatican can be no more!

North Korea will launch its rocket-mounted satellite no matter what China and Russia has to say…

…They will launch it as a proposed 100th birthday celebration of its late leader

North Koreans have to save face and that is more important as to how their country sees them against the worldwide opinion

There will be a strong backlash from Beijing against North Korea to bring it back into line

The Argentinian situation is like a small storm in a tea cup and greater forces than Argentina will put out this flare of activity

Watch for another situation, which will come in and further put Argentina in its place

They will be the laughing stock for all the world to see!

Many of the Belgian teenagers from that fateful accident will have flashbacks and will see their deceased friends come back to them

Unfortunately there will be precious few who can help these children as few are qualified in this expertise
The Falkland’s people will never give up their rights to sovereignty of their islands…

…They categorically do not want Argentina to rule them.  They would rather die first

The UK will never let go of the Falklands.  They feel this is a part of England and will remain so, whatever the cost!

Cristina Kirchner is lying to her people…

…She is politically throwing up a smoke screen of hostility to camouflage all social and economic unrest within Argentina

The people of Argentina are not stupid. They can see through their President and see the torturous system that their country is in

See the Argentina situation regarding the Falkland Islands gather momentum and then blow itself out. This is all hot air and sabre rattling

New light will come in about the impoverished children of the world…

…The crisis has largely been unreported, but it will be announced soon enough

The children are the silent majority in so many cases of unrest and systematic abuse…

…We tend to think adult humans are civilised as far as children are concerned.  We tend to be the worse violators of their human rights

New evidence on the abuse of children will be reported/highlighted. A new framework to prevent abuse happening will emerge

Kofi Annan will be rejected by President Bashar al-Assad. He is just paying lip service….

…Assad has no stomach to change – he has an iron will – his own!

See Kofi Annan come away with precious little…

…It is not so much that Kofi Annan has failed, more that Bashar al-Assad will not be dictated to by anybody

Until there is some military aid to the opposition, the fighting and bloodshed will not be stopped

See the next town after Homs being obliterated. Assad’s rule is final. His people are of no count, only his will is

See the Japanese gather momentum now as a new criterion to sort out the Fukushima nuclear plant takes on a higher priority

Building in that area has been halted, as new areas are cleared to bring about new buildings for those citizens who have lost everything

See construction workers working overtime to bring relief to those stricken people. The Government under pressure to provide

See Israel further under attack. This country is so hated by the entire world and they don’t give a damn

Until Israel takes its head out of the trough and begins to come to the table of negotiation…

…nothing will ever get settled and the hatred against them further mounts up

See the US tighten its grip over Israel, so that it cannot flex its muscles as it wants to

As predicted before, Norway’s trial on Anders Behring Breivik will be held behind closed doors…

…Publicity of this trail will not be given to Breivik, which is what he wants

The trial will be held in a strictly controlled low key manner, publicity virtually non-existent. This situation cannot happen again

See Iran’s nuclear programme go underground. It will not stop what it feels it must do to defend itself from a tide of mounting hostility

Ongoing trials will be required, but are difficult to coordinate

The city of Homs will be a ghost town in less than two weeks.  Anyone found still alive will be shot

An attack on Bashar al-Assad, he is a living time bomb. It is only a matter of time. His left cheek will be injured

Kofi Annan will be pushed back. His diplomatic aims will fall on deaf ears. Syria does not want to know

Syria expects and Syria delivers the moral high ground.  While adopting this attitude no one is safe

As predicted there will be a breakup of the Eurozone. It can no longer sustain itself

A new European community will be born out of the chaos of the old. It will start with just a few in the so called club

Then it will grow, as new legislation will be brought in, tried and tested, so a solid emergence for all countries eventually can be formalised

As predicted another great loss in Afghanistan.  Why are we there? It is not our war

The Afghanistan situation will never go away until the people themselves fight for what they want out of their Government

The Taliban will always be there as a constant threat…

…They will never leave, so it is up to the Afghans themselves to sort out their own mess

Too many people’s lives have been lost on all sides…

…The price of blood in that country over decades is too high a price. Nothing much has been achieved

Kofi Annan will have great trouble trying to convince the Assad regime to stand down…

…Assad will have no one dictate to him while he sees he can still stick it out

Kofi Annan to try to get further support from both Russia and China to back his plan for peaceful talks to begin

China is now loosening its grip in the wave of huge political pressure. See Kofi Annan make a significant breakthrough there

The diplomatic community will be able to breakthrough in time as massive opposition is now mounting on Syria

Bashar al-Assad
As has previously been predicted, the Putin election will have a fall out…

...The Russian people will revolt and anger across the streets will be heard

Vladimir Putin is on very shaky ground and he knows it. Concrete proof will be shown that these elections again were rigged

See Putin’s name blackened, as more outrage will hit the streets of Russia. Putin is no longer safe in his seat

See Libya under attack again as forces have to be deployed to deal with the unrest. The nation will get sorted out

A new upsurge of violence in Palestine as an army of people will protest at their inhumane ways of living

See Israel shell again. They will be condemned for it. They cannot hope to get away with unresolved matters any longer

The situation in Homs to get worse as atrocities will be found and verified. All blame now on the Assad regime

Assad cannot hide from Universal condemnation. The Arab League will oust him out sooner than he thinks

His right to govern is no longer negotiable. He is fully responsible for all crimes against his people

See the World close in on him now!

Prince Harry’s seven day tour to Belize, Bahamas and Jamaica will be a huge success as he starts to come into his own…

…He will be well received and loved for his witty humour.  He will be asked to return

The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee will go without a hitch inspite of additional security throughout the pageant

It will go down as an amazing historical event seen by most countries around the World

Heightened activity through trade and industry will be achieved as Britain is again put back on the Map of the World

See new investment come into all parts of Great Britain as a new surge of interest is now taken up

As predicted the IMF’s funds are at an all-time low.  Christine Lagarde will find it increasingly difficult to replace much needed funds

Until Europe can sort out its monetary situation, which at this time it can’t, so further defaults will happen

Germany must wake up to the point that the economic situation cannot be borne out by them

It is all countries, as individuals, that must apply their own systems…

…so that they eventually must be able to balance their own books correctly