Interested in changing people’s lives for the better and helping to make it happen through specialist guidance.
As was predicted some time
ago, that world starvation will become the real threat to this globe
Where men are intent on
killing themselves all over the world, little is done to prepare this world
…the hazardous conditions
where food will become the scarcest commodity outside water
Due to the severe weather
conditions throughout the globe, whole areas of food production have already
been destroyed
These weather conditions will
continue to play havoc all over the place
The wakeup call to
Governments around the world is to put their minds not on war, but on preparing
for food shortages
The damage and further damage
to crops and vital food production is continuing
This is not a five minute
wonder and then next year there will be another crop. What is being damaged now
will last for many years
The damage incurred will not
be so repairable, as has been done in the past
The ground areas, where
severe devastation has already occurred, will take precious time to be
That time, for so many people
the world over, is no longer there. The starving are dying now
They are in no position to
wait another year or more. This situation will not get better & that’s why
urgent action needs to be taken up now
Too many politicians are
sleeping. Nothing ever gets done before the crisis occurs, but…
…only when the crisis has hit
the people and their lives have been destroyed, has something then been done
In the case of New Orleans,
when Hurricane Katrina struck them and the city had no adequate defences
So many died and the loss to
homes and infrastructure amounted to millions
It is only now that they have
put in contingency plans; they are able to with stand Hurricane Isaac
Yet hurricanes come every
year, this is nothing new, so it is with severe weather conditions, droughts,
wild fires, rainfall etc.
With modern technology we can
overcome and put in contingency plans, it is only when it is too late that we
act at all
…the courage and determination by the disabled to show they are human and worthy citizens to be a part of this world
They have what it takes to
put their disabilities behind them and…
…to concentrate on reaching a
level of spirit and confidence that is often lacking in an able bodied person
How many of us have had a
broken arm or leg or have been impaired in some way for a matter of weeks or
months at most…
…often cursing our
disability, because it impairs us with what we want to do
Then when we are better, the
thought is removed and we go back to being so called normal again
These souls have to endure
their disabilities for life and we must start to learn to understand that we
are blessed…
…having them in our lives to
show us how much we have to learn to be as brave and as tolerate as they are
Until politicians start to look at the general public for honours instead of primarily using civil servants, politicians and…
…celebrities all the time, it
makes a mockery of what the Honours List is all about
In society there are far more
deserving people, whose prime interest is…
…in the serving of their
fellow citizens in all hours and under all conditions, who never get a mention
It is these people who are
the pillars of society and who should be upheld as examples to their country and
the world
But for their good works,
many in this country would continue to suffer and would not have the advantages
that these people can offer
How many doctors or nurses,
care people, fire fighters, who sacrifice their own lives in the helping of
people on a day to day basis…
…under sometimes the most
horrendous of conditions? These are the true heroes and should not be
The great Harry Edwards, who
healed people of incurable diseases, he through his gifts was able to heal the
suffering and…
…where those who were born of
spinal abnormalities were cured and were able to walk again…
…before an audience of
medical physicians and the general public, who bore witness to this in the
Albert Hall
Harry Edwards was recommended
for a knighthood on three occasions after more than forty years of unstinted
service to humanity
He was rejected each time.
There was never a more deserving man
But the politicians would
rather give an honour to a pop star, who sings yeh, yeh, yeh and that is
This country should start to
get their priorities right, otherwise there is no hope for any of the good
people ever
Merits should be awarded for
services to humanity, where extreme dedication is performed in the saving of
others and…
…used as an example to the
rest of the country and the world
While celebrities rule the
world, our moral compass has gone haywire
Senegal’s President has
called for the countries Senate to be abolished in favour of using the
necessary funds for…
…the saving of his people against
the violent floods that have affected his country
The relief of suffering of
his people was more important than the Senate.
This man should be hailed as a saviour and having common sense
It appears in this day and
age a rare commodity, but nevertheless a welcome relief that there are still
good people about…
…who think of others in times
of humanitarian devastation – his rewards will be mighty indeed and…
…history will show he had a heart
and caring and was prepared to do the right and honourable thing
The respective UN armies and
US armies will be in no position to defend this onslaught
It has taken many months to
operate this objective and so it will harness a range of brutal killings right
across the entire spectrum
The allied armies will not
know where it will strike next. Their alert system has been paralysed due to
traumas in other regions
See the allied armies being
caught unawares. Until the foreign forces are removed once & for all, then
no healing for this country can occur
The thought that the Taliban
will override this country, putting Afghanistan in a backward motion position,
is now ludicrous
More Afghans are moving towards
a more integrated society, where the beliefs from the past…
…do not hold the same
importance that they do in present day
To allow the Afghan people to
resolve their own problems over a given time must be allowed to happen
That will be the only time any
real progress to this war torn country can come about
By constantly interfering
with their own way of life and worship only brings about rebellion after
The people themselves must
make the necessary stand to equip themselves of what is right and just
The Taliban in time will be
taken over by the people and…
…a new political leader will
be appointed and not a US puppet that is only there for his own ends and
political advantages
Yulia Tymoshenko will be
given a more lenient sentence, as the judgement against her is unlawful
Her time under detention will
be revoked in her favour
See a political outcry, as
the Ukraine authorities try to back up their decision
There will be a very public
hearing by the Court of Human Rights and a lesser sentence will be invoked
He was a soft-natured man,
whose dedication to his work took him all over the world to discuss the finer
things of outer space…
…together with the
complexities of what it took to get the first man on the moon
Always liked, always
straightforward in this thinking and delivery, he was one of the greatest
ambassadors of his time
He never gave up the fight to
make a difference to this world and to help those around him and far away from
getting a better life to live
He felt he was one of the
privileged few, who could make a difference to Mankind
He felt he was touched by God
in his pursuit of the unknown and…
…that he was a changed man
when he returned after that amazing historical moon landing
Camorra mafia boss was gunned
down to the south of Rome
His killing came a month
after a similar attack on another organised crime participant, who was also
shot and killed
As has been previously said,
all these people one by one will be either caught or killed. The noose around
their industry is tightening daily
As they live by the gun, so
they will die by the gun. All crime, no matter how large or how small, is now
being dealt with in a major way
No one will be getting away
with anything anymore
The Universal Law now makes
precedent of these crimes to release the people from the horrors and corruption
of their dictate
As despots, the entire world
over, are now getting their just desserts, so these organised crime syndicates
are also getting theirs
There’s nothing they can do
about it. Their time is now up & their industries are being infiltrated by
the Higher Power of Justice and Order
Many banks and investment
companies, who have not towed the line, will be axed in one way or another
The major league banks will
be suppressed from doing their daily business of ripping off their clients in
favour of huge profits
A new Law will be enforced
right around the globe insisting that banking regimes are enforced
See a shattered industry of
which there is now no going back
Governments, who have turned
a blind eye to these inconsistencies, will also be pulled up for gross neglect
of a rotten system
Bankers in general will have
to account daily for their industry
This will put a halt to the
manufacture of false accounting, which has been going on for long enough
See the revolution to the
banking system hit home hard enough. They
won’t know what hit them
His sentence is the longest
term the courts of Norway feel they can give for such a crime
Public opinion within the
country will last for decades, as so many children were murdered
They being the innocents here
and had no idea of the political ideology of this man or how it would affect
their country
This is a wound that will
refuse to heal for a very long time
So for this man to be locked
up and never released will give the families some small kind of reassurance
Anything other than that will
provoke a public outcry
Saif al-Islam, Col Gaddafi’s
son and most likely successor to Col Gaddafi, will go on trial in Libya in
He has requested to be tried
in The Hague by the ICC. For him and the people of Libya this will be a show
He will be tried by his own
people for offenses suffered by his own hand and his father’s against the
people of Libya
To take away their rights to
try him under their Courts of Law is not what is needed
The objection that the trial
might not be a fair one is ludicrous, as this will be shown around the world
Libya’s legal system must
come up to the mark
They must demonstrate to the
world that they can try people under their laws, which are fair and just
It is high time that
countries started taking responsibilities for the crimes of their own people
against their own people…
…with a clear indication to
their countrymen that a fair trial will be administered…
…which is more than the
Libyan people received from Col. Gaddafi and Saif al-Islam
The world will see a show
trial, an expression that they will be able to come up to the mark and deliver
a just and fair trial
They will never be given such
an opportunity to excel in such a way again
It will be a credit to their
legal system and a triumphant to their own democracy
This country is growing up
fast, so that they have a chance to make their mark upon the world
This they will do with style.
The eyes of the world are on them now
…as being from the Occupied
Palestinian Territories
This is in the line with South
Africa’s stance that they recognise 1948 border delineated by the UN
The Israeli Foreign Ministry
said it is totally unacceptable and is discriminatory
This Nation never considers
that land taken away from the Palestinians
…where the rest of the world
does not recognise their actions, as being discriminatory
It is only because they have
the backing of America that they feel they have a right to bully Palestinians
…get away with it time and
time again
When another country deems to
challenge their rights, they get all in a huff about it
They continue to ride
roughshod over the rest of the world; because they feel they have a right
Until Israel starts to live
in this big world instead of in isolation and starts to accept that we all have
a right to live…
…which includes Palestinians
on their own land then they will come up against opposition the world over
Will these people never learn
that we are all God’s children and by that we are all chosen and therefore
They do not have the means to
cut anymore. The IMF and the European Bank think more can be done
Greece is already on its
knees. Nothing, except a mass exodus of people from the country, can relieve
their finances
Those Greek people, who are
left, cannot with their own taxes raise this fallen country. All is too little
too late
The people and the country
are sunk and have been for many years. Even the €31.5bn bailout cannot save
this country
The money would not even
touch the sides. The Greek people would not see any benefit in their daily
The only way to save this
country is to go back to basics and to form a new monetary policy that…
…for every three drachmas
that are earned the government takes one away
This way the people
themselves have to see that the money taken away goes towards something
A bit like giving towards the
rebuilding of a church steeple, the target for this repair is so many thousands
…the amount collected so far
is on the graph
The Greek people need to see
every day where their money is going to, where they can see them coming out of
their own debt
When this is pointed out
plainly and so every person who resides in Greece is able to see…
…their own country emerging
out of their own debt, confidence through that austerity will work
Then nobody will dare ask for
more, because they would only jeopardise the nation’s decline
Over many years a gradual
evolvement out of the poverty can emerge, because the entire country is…
…now working for their own
survival and cannot afford to disrupt this for fear of plunging their country
into further hardship
Until this policy is adopted,
the entire population will have no confidence in their government
The people of Greece must
demand a greater scrutiny of their governments handling of their affairs
It can no longer be dependent
on politicians. It has to be the entire country pulling together for them alone
Every year outbreaks of
cholera occur, yet the countries that are most susceptible to this disease do
little to guard themselves against it
It can affect every person,
who it comes into contact with – mainly through the bad water supply
International Aid has already
been called for in Sierra Leone, where more than 10,000 people are infected and
at least 176 have died
When will these governments
wake up to these crises?
The International Federation
of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies say this outbreak is potentially
People are dying because
these governments have not provided for their own people
Until governments and
political individuals are made accountable, people are left to die before
anything happens
Were there no International
Aid available, then more would die
Governments really should
start taking personal responsibility for their people
The rainy season comes in
every year, so every year they face this problem and will continue to do so
Muslim extremists the world
over are doing their religion no good at all with their own radicalism, they
bring fear & hatred upon themselves
There is only one God
irrespective of what name you give. That
God is a God of Love and not war or extremist and…
….until that is realised,
then Muslims will suffer the same as Jews and be hated and held in suspicion
the world over
Tolerance by all is what is
required for a world to begin to live in harmony
Until that day happens, then
these radical extremists will be persecuted and they bring down their own faith
Until Muslim leaders come out
in force and denounce this kind of behaviour, then all will suffered under
their hand
Extremists feel justified by
their actions of harming and killing. If
you live by the sword, so you will die by the sword
What you give out, so you
shall receive and that is the code given by all religions. Nothing justifies killing
The opening of a new era of
Spiritual activity has already occurred
People all over the world are
now questioning, “Why are situations as
they are? Why can’t we live in peace and
The simple answer is control
by the hierarchy of the country
Until Governments decide that
people rule the country and not rulers, then change will be a long drawn out
Until full democracy is
implemented in every country around the world, then it is always the people who
Time is now running out for
these Governments, as more and more will have to adjust to a more modern way of
living and…
…where the Law takes a vital
stance in bringing back law and order to the people
Where people can have their
say without fear and not be locked up just because they have an opinion
We are out of the so called
dark ages. We have sent people to the
moon, who have returned better and more stabilised then they were before
Wise people no longer need be
fearful of being strung up and executed for their views
Midwifes are no longer burnt
at the stake for delivering new born babies, but are just doing a profession
they happen to be good at
The world is now changing and
where there was darkness, new light of understanding is entering in
It is unstoppable, so
Governments be warned. You cannot stop change and…
…it is the people themselves,
who will enter into that change and execute it and not the politicians
The new envoy to Syria,
Algerian Lakhdar Brahimi, although a very competent man will at this time make
no difference to…
…the bringing about of peace
to this troubled country. The war, like a forest fire, has to burn itself out
We are now at the halfway
stage of proceedings within the format of how this war is going
Both sets of ideologies are
still intact and, even though the Assad regime is faltering…
…they still have major
control over various parts of the country, especially in the North Eastern
There will certainly be a
change of Government. See Russia come on board, not as a reluctant supporter
but as a link to help where necessary
They will see it as their
right to do so
The Medecins San Frontieres
are a medical charity, who are currently in a South Sudanese refugee camp
They are battling against the
odds to deliver emergency treatment. The rainy season makes it impossible to
bring food in by road
The only delivery of aid is
by air. Some 120,000 have fled to camps
in South Sudan following fierce fighting north of the boarder
This is a humanitarian
catastrophe, where children under 5 are dying every day due to diarrhoea and
The medics are all
volunteers, who sacrifice their lives to assist humanity against what sometimes
are impossible odds
They are the true angels of
this world. Their compassion to the sick and dying takes them through what
seems like impossible situations…
…where heroism is the main
thing that they do constantly
They are unaware of
themselves just to get the job done no matter what the cost to themselves, but
to help humanity in whatever way they can
Many doctors have to leave
their families back home for months to provide this vital act of service
Not much in the way of praise
is given to them globally, but they are recognised
These are the true role
models the world needs instead of those celebrities…
…who walk around with
designer handbags costing £1000 and do nothing for Mankind. There is no merit
in that!
The humanitarian aid will get
in for those refugees, because a Higher Power will deem it possible to do so
Many lives will be saved as a
result of this Divine Intervention, but sadly not all. Governments have to
…that it is their
responsibility to deal with emergency situations, where their people are in so
much danger due to wars
…will now auction that medal
to help a seriously ill child of a neighbour
The child, 5 years old, has
cystic fibrosis. The money raised will
help to buy her the necessary treatment, a bouncy castle and…
…holidays to warm countries,
so that she can breathe and get a life from this debilitating disease
This Polish lady was
determined to win that medal, not for herself or for her country, but for a
child whom she feels she can save
The compassion, generosity of
heart shown by this lady for a child will be her reward for all time
Landslides kill up to ten
times more people across the world than had been previously thought
Many countries have been
warned by Environmentalist that deforestation by their Governments would put
lives at risk
These were ignored, so when
it happened again and more lives were lost, so Governments started to wake up
and take note
Weather patterns due to
global warming and deforestation on increasingly dense settlements puts lives
at risk
It is only when devastation
occurs time and time again, do people then act
The Universal Forces
orchestrates severe methods before Mankind does something to rectify this
problem to safeguard the rest of the people
Who is to blame for this form
of killing? Surely not the local people, but Governments who ignore valid
Over 32,000 people have died
as a direct action of landslides and the numbers are increasing
Standard Chartered have
agreed to pay $340m to New York’s regulators to settle claims that it hid
transactions with Iran
The bank, accused of
laundering $250bn, had been threatened that its US licence may be revoked
How typical of banks, they
deny any wrongdoing, but when faced with the facts that they have done so…
…are then so ready to save
their own skins, once a real threat to their livelihoods has been imposed
As always it is one rule for
them and one rule for the rest of us!
Their fine is all part of the
Universal Laws, which will set matters right…
…bringing banks and other
institutions, who think they are above the Law back in line. This is only the beginning
The bravery and courage of
one man to put his life on the line for his people is astounding. His name is Baba Ramdev
He is demanding for stronger
anti-corruption laws and he is prepared to go on hunger strike until India
takes him seriously enough to act
He is also after the recovery
of bribe money held overseas. He is a
thorn in the side of India’s Government
He has millions of followers
and his daily TV programme is watched by millions
Police stopped him from
marching on Parliament to stage a demonstration
If the Government of the day
is not afraid, why should they stop him?
Corruption is widespread in
It is a way of life and, as
in Pakistan, it is expected that bribes/money are exchanged for transactions of
any kind
The tragedy of this way of
life is that it has been going on for generations and has harmed the people in
so many ways
To change the mind-set to
become honest and to abide by the Law is something incomprehensible
That is why it is so
difficult to remove this culture, but one man sees it as wrong & he is
honest enough to stand up for right and fairness
See his gatherings and his
support grow. One man can change a
country, a Nation
It started in Tunisia with a
vegetable trader and became the Arab Spring
It is starting all over the
world. These people are indeed God sent!
He is also looking to reform
pay, what a joke
Until the banks are reformed
themselves, they will continue to play their little games of business as usual
with everybody
“Just look as if we are doing something and lie low and perhaps
this whole sordid mess will creep away.” We don’t think so
The time is now up for all
the banks and the Law is now getting a grip of the unruly mess they have landed
themselves in and…
…the entire world by their
greedy and underhand management
By Universal Law they will
see their own downfall and will have no safety net to hold them this time
No institute is so big it
cannot fall. See the breakup of the banks. They have not seen anything yet
The UK has pledged £120m to
research into draught resistant crops and…
…said it would urge
multi-national companies to play a role into tackling hunger. Although this is never enough, it is a start
There are 25m children under
5, who are suffering stunted growth due to malnutrition throughout Africa
Until these African countries
start to take personal responsibilities with each other their children will
continue to suffer
There are enough resources
throughout the continent if used wisely to eliminate all these problems
Africa has oil and raw materials,
which can be used between countries to build up revenues to help tackle this
growing problem
Wells for irrigation are
always a success, yet it is the western world and their technology, which
always acts in these cases
The countries themselves do little
to tackle their own situations
While the West keeps on
giving these vital resources of food, humanitarian aid and numerous mechanical
…Africa will never band
together to sort out their own problems.
The incentive and fight to do so is never there
Corruption on every level is
rife and continues to place barriers against the help to their own people
In The Gambia the majority of
their roads are a complete disaster when the rains come making enormous pot
holes, which nobody bothers…
…to ever fill in, so making roads almost impassable. A Swedish firm of road builders said they would be happy to alleviate…
…the suffering of the people
and would be happy to construct all new roads for this country at no cost to
the country just out of good will
The head minister of the
country at the time said to the Swedish company, “What is in it for me?”
The reply came, “Your country will get all its roads done
for nothing”
“Yes I know,” said the minister, “but what is in it for me?”
“Nothing,” came the reply
“In that case,” the minister said, “I don’t want it.” To this
day their roads are mud tracks still
This is the mentality that
the West has to deal with and one can understand the reluctance by many to give
Having said that, the
Universal energies always find a way to achieve inspite of these hardships
Once the level of corruption
is sussed out, then individual people take in aid and materials to assist
against the suffering of these people
Unfortunately it is only on a
small scale, but still effective. It has
to be said that it is always the children who suffer
The introduction of knowledge
is a powerful thing when the individual is ready to receive it. Time must
…Mankind to fall into the pit
of misery before action on his/her part opens up the opportunities for personal
and spiritual advancement
Then and only then can the
true awakening occur and that individual is transported from a realm of
self-doubt into self-belief…
…that other aspect, which can
be achieved through the misery of uncertainty
Everybody goes through
self-doubt at some point in their lives
That is a time for expansion
and growth, where to sometimes change course is necessary for that individual
to find their true self
David Rudisha from Kenya has
retained his title in the 800m Olympic race. He beat his own world record and
fully deserves his gold medal
His lovely smile, gentle demeanour of total modesty, has won
him not only the hearts of the crowd, but anybody who knows him
He is a real credit and role
model not only to the many Kenyans, who will come after him, but to the world.
He is a true inspiration
It is a pity that many of the
athletes who have achieved great feats of personal endurance over water cycling
& running as in the triathlon…
…do not get the press these
hardworking athletes deserve. They, like David Rudisha, have worked,
strategized and endured
Theirs is not a five second
wonder, theirs is true punishing skills of courage and endurance over a long
stretch of time
Mo Farah, is another athlete,
who has shown utmost humility in his quest to achieve over a long distance
These people should be better
acclaimed for what they have done, not only for themselves, but for sport
With the right intentions and
dedication, coupled with humility for their respective craft, shows the
in-depth nature of…
…who these people truly are
and the measure of their dedication throughout their lives
We are all blessed to have
them in our lives and especially at this time when all around is falling apart
We at least have souls who
try against all the odds & achieve because their heart & soul is always
in it & who don’t just rely on raw talent
The Olympics are a true
reflection of this spirit!
Libya’s National Transitional
Council have handed power to a newly elected assembly one year after Gaddafi
had been removed
Like Egypt the people of
Libya are beginning to pick up the pieces and forge ahead with a life without
the constraints of dictatorship
As predicted with both Egypt
and Libya, the newly elected governments must represent the various sects
within the communities…
…to make Government more
accountable to the people and where for the first time the people will be heard
This transition for Libya
will forge out a vital place in the world and they can emerge finally…
…out of the darkness of dictatorship into another dimension, which they never thought was possible
The courage and conviction of
the Libyan people will stand the test of time and even though there are small
military factions still…
…operating in parts of the
country, they will in time band together for the greater good…
…which is a people, who
deserve now the freedom to make a difference in their lives
See Libya transform
themselves, not because of outside investments, but because they want to do it
for themselves. They have waited decades…
…for this time and they won’t
allow any outside interference to operate with what they see is their right to
govern themselves
The Higher Power of
Intelligence now guides them forwards into realms not thought possible before
See a happier more robust
people with a mission to succeed as never before
China’s economy will be
stretched to the very levels of endurance
Where they were riding high
on the backs of other global countries, they now will see their growth cut in
They will start to feel the
pain suffered by other countries around the world, as their greed also will be
China cannot feel that they
have a right to succeed over the backs of slave labour that they have within
their own industries
Also their investments
abroad, where the manpower used to expand their global empire, comes under
severe hardship
The Chinese have no
compassion for their own people, they only wish to control…
…nor do they care about the labour they enforce for their companies around the world
No man can work for next to
nothing and their exploitation of Mankind for their own benefit will now suffer
Slowly, slowly the effects of
global economic starvation will hit the Chinese in various ways
Until their mind-set changes
to allow freedom of expression and a decent wage and respect for their people
…those who serve them around
the world, they will see the constant erosion of their authority and wealth
being drained on a daily basis
They cannot stop this impact
to their economic and social structure as they become more isolated, as the
world continues to implode globally
As always the Pakistani situations
regarding corruption is trying to get quashed
The supreme court is ordering
the investigations dating back to 1990 when Mr Zardari and Benezir Bhuotto were
accused of…
…using Swiss bank accounts to
launder bribe money. Mr Zardari is claiming presidential immunity from
prosecution as head of state
While the very heads of
Government continue to get away with what is a flagrant abuse of their own
authority for personal gains…
…no one in Pakistan is every
safe from corruption. That country is so rife with it, that honesty is a rarity
and not the norm
See the supreme court fight
on. They must by example forge ahead with honesty & integrity to start to
change the mindset of their people &…
…to change the culture that
has haunted Pakistan throughout the centuries. Until the system changes &
is seen to be changed…
…at the highest level then
nothing can be fully achieved by this country and they remain in deadlock
throughout life
The shares of Standard
Chartered Bank have tumbled due to money laundered through Iran. The bank denies this laundering
The Financial Services have
found out that £161bn over a decade has gone through hidden transactions for
Iranian Financial Institutions
More and more of these
misdemeanours are being extracted out.
Nothing is hidden anymore
The full mess and intrigue by
banks are being exposed the world over
The Higher Intelligence is
now wheedling these institutions out one by one and…
…the world will finally see
the fall of these monuments to greed and avarice. None are above the Law
They have bullied their way
long enough and have subjected Governments to the power of their will feeling
they are above everybody
Their day of judgement is not
far off. Lehman Brothers in America went
to the wall and others have followed
A banking crisis, the world
has not seen, is on the way, where a total collapse of the system is now in
The banking giants of the
world feel they are now slipping into the abyss
They are trying to hold on by
placing heavy safeguards to protect their schemes
They have not seen anything
yet. Allow Spiritual Law to put an
abrupt stop to their escapades. Their
days are truly numbered
See smaller, independent
banks coming into their own as they start to overtake the giants of this world
with ease
The banking system is no
longer trusted by the man in the street. They have systematically burnt their
bridges for all time
Until the gun laws are
repealed to bring about safety to the American people, nobody is safe living in
that country
The powerful gun lobby, who claim that everybody has a right to carry arms, is preposterous
When will America learn that
they are no longer in the Wild West and life has progressed
Americans claim they are a
tolerant society and wish to express this opinion globally and…
…will fight in various
countries to protect the rights of those people. Yet in their own country
people are mowed down…
…because of their religion or
the colour of their skin. Hence the recent killings by a gunman in a Sikh
Temple in Wisconsin
It clearly indicates that
America is still a very young country in its outlook and for those countries
throughout the world…
…who are much older and have achieved a form of stability over centuries of strife, can manage to live side by side with their people…
…in relative peace and
harmony, without everyone having to carry a gun, so that they will feel safe
America should do something
to sort out their own backyard by enforcing new laws, so that their people can
feel safe
To be able to live in peace
is a given right, to live in a state of fear, because someone or a body of
people decree it, is lunacy
America you cannot have it
both ways
American Michael Phelps has
won 18 gold medals for his country & with 4 silver medals makes him the
highest achiever in swimming of all time
A truly remarkable
achievement, who is an admirable role model for any young person coming up
The world is in need of role
models and the 2012 Olympic Games shows these people to full effect
If only these role models were
more advertised by the media throughout the world, more than they actually are,
then more people would be…
…inspired to create a better
world. A world without wars, but with compromise and intelligence…
…that people can work and
play together to create a better world for all
To see life change in so many ways, all for good reasons, is to know…
…that a guiding light is
always there before us, leading us on to better things
We, as a people, must remain optimistic
that all our troubles, no matter how hard they may be, we will always come out
on top
Many despair at the time, but
as events unfold the greater cause behind the circumstances becomes apparent so…
…that the way ahead can
become clear and so our decisions to move on is the way forward with hope and
renewed resolution
We are all in this together
All, as one body of motion,
going forwards with a mind-set, which will see the job done and a new life
emerge out of the chaos of the past
It comes as no surprise that
Kofi Annan has resigned. For him the
position he was put in was impossible from day one
See the uprising in Syria
escalate out of control before the impasse that is necessary to come in…
…before the final strike from
the Free Syrian Army against the current regime, which will collapse
As humanitarian aid gets
under way to supply North Korea’s starving people you will see that much of the
aid will not be able to get through
By Universal Law, the
Government of North Korea is culpable in helping their own people, so while
they still consider arms and artillery…
…are more important than the
feeding of their own population, so they cannot receive the help that they feel
is necessary from outside
Some humanitarian aid will
get through, as the Intention of the Law is in place here
However the Intention of
North Korea’s Government is not to create adequate facilities for the feeding
of their own people…
…as arms are more important,
so the Law has to fall back in its supply to aid
While International aid is
always at hand to bail them out, then the lessons to be learnt by the North
Koreas will never be achieved
The famine in 1990’s is believed to have killed hundreds of thousands of their people. Two thirds of the population of 24 million…
…are starving, yet nothing
has been learnt and their people continue to suffer again under another despot
The world is changing at a
dramatic rate and so one by one these depots are being removed by Universal Law
and it does not matter…
…how long it takes, the Law
comes into force and so the result will be achieved. Their long term dynastic
rules will be no more
What is the world doing,
preferring to send rockets to the moon and content with blowing each other up
…completely ignoring the plight of innocent children starving from malnutrition in The Sahel region of West Africa
Almost 200,000 children die
each year and nobody cares
Children are not commodities
that are bought and sold like cattle
They are our future, the next generation and they are
all sacred, as life throughout this Universe is
The millionaires of this
world do precious little to alleviate their great suffering, preferring to
invest their money to always make profit
Doing whatever it takes to
avoid even paying their own countries taxes if they can get away with it
Money for them is purely for
making money. It never dawns on them that life in this world is worth investing
For the sheer joy of seeing
healthy smiling children is reward enough. Children are a gift from God and
cannot be bought to make a profit
Invest in life and you will
be rewarded in other ways and your own life will be greater for it
To bring the attention of the
world into the Spiritual view point is to transcend all of their workings and
dealings of today’s life…
…into a just and vibrant
cause. Whereby they can see that what they are doing is false & inadequate
to what must be a change for the better
The world now needs to look
at the many faults it has incurred not only to Mankind, but to nature and
We, as a people, are the
greatest pollutants of this earth and this galaxy
We totally disregard nature
and our surrounding landscape to what we feel is our right to have
The galaxy has numerous
unwanted space equipment, which flies around until it is hopefully burnt up in
the earth’s atmosphere…
…or comes crashing down
somewhere on the earth
We never think what our
actions can do to hurt or to maim another human being
We blindly walk through life
oblivious to what is out there and how we also play an integral part of what is
to come
How we feel and how we act is
reflected back on us in so many ways