The US has suffered a major strategic set back in recent weeks
A growing number of western powers have joined the China-led Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) as founding members
China is determined to push ahead to recreate the regional order through its vast financial resources
America has managed to successfully dissuade its important allies from joining the AIIB
Japan, South Korea and Australia are boycotting this new institution
This then left the China-led bank with only the developing countries, which have limited resources to invest
Just recently the UK decided to join as a founding member, which will then pave the way for Germany, France and Italy to follow on
By defying the US the UK has tried to justify its decision by underlining the importance of engaging rather than opposing this China-led bank
By the UK maintaining its strong presence in this newly created financial institution, the West can more effectively shape its direction
It will ensure its compliance with accepted banking practices
The American Congress still refuses to ratify the longstanding proposals for reform, which are needed for the IMF and the World Bank
This then has brought forward a solution for the emerging powers, as in China, to create an alternative solution
With many more countries which will follow on to join the AIIB, it will be a more diverse representation of what is needed worldwide
America will lose its monopoly on what they want all the time, as a new and exciting challenge is now being offered up instead
With a variety of Western and Asian economic powers signing up as founding members…
…China will have more of a difficult time monopolising decision making in the AIIB
This will allow for a greater say in how situations are run and managed
The World Bank and the IMF will need to start to wake up
They will no longer have the grip on economic measures as they think they have, which has always been run by America
The talks in Lausanne, Switzerland regarding Iran’s nuclear deal will fade away again
An agreement of sorts will be realised with the finer stumbling points being re-issued at a later date
As far as the present talks are concerned nine tenths of the various necessary agreements will have been met
The remaining logistical talks will continue under a less arbitrary framework
More leniency will be necessary to formulate the last efforts for a total agreement
The world stands and waits
Israel will continue to huff and puff behind the scenes in order to try and secure their own agenda
They will quite literally be left out in the cold
The Arab League Summit has convened to deal with instability, division and violence
This is as a result of the actions of many of the Middle East leaders
Don’t expect the Arab leaders to take responsibility for the dreadful situation they have helped to bring about
The Arab League is instead placing the blame, unsurprisingly on external forces, which are the extremists and terrorists such as IS
It is primarily the short comings and the exploitation of Arab governance that has led to this situation in the Middle East
The Yemeni Government did not include all the factions in their national agenda
Instead they gave all the advantages to the Sunni population
At the same time alienating the Shia Houthi tribes and the other factions in Yemen
One cannot deal exclusively with only one aspect of the population, because it suits them to do so, without upsetting the others
Democracy is about dealing with all the people, not just the few
That is why there is so much unrest in the Middle East, as they only have one agenda and that is authoritarianism and not democracy
The Arab contingent have blatantly ignored democracy
They need to involve all the people in all their lands, which is what they are so frightened to do for fear of losing their power
The Arab Summit is now calling for an established joint Arab military force
The whole region is suffering already from the excessive violence, which has affected and destroyed countless people’s lives
What is clear here, is that the Arabs have not got the experience or the expertise in mounting such an operation
They grossly lack the sophisticated logistical and operational plans that allow for different militaries to work jointly together
Even the UN forces have difficulty in mustering forces together and they are experienced and used to it!
The Arab force will never be able to confront the bigger issues, such as Syria and Israel
They rely on other nations to fight their battles for them
So they will only intervene in small wars, such as Yemen and Libya
This is where President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is keen to exercise his power!
The Arab Summit has lent its support to Saudi Arabia in an effort to stem the tide of unrest on its boarders
The clash of big opponents, which is Saudi Arabia and Iran, they will not want to confront head on, so a backing off will occur
Then a compromise deal with the issues that face them jointly regarding IS will generate a positive outcome
Africa’s two female Presidents have joined forces for women
The only two female heads of states in Africa are Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Malawian President Joyce Banda
They have just committed to using their positions to improve the lives of women across the continent
Both Sirleaf and Banda have long championed women’s rights
On April 29 in Monrovia, two years into what the African Union (AU) has declared the “Women’s Decade”…
…they pledge to work together to accelerate their efforts
Sirleaf and Banda stood side by side and said, “This is our year and this is our decade”
These Presidents are out to empower women. Both have the strength and commitment to ensure women’s role in society is enhanced
Banda said, “There has never been a better time to advance women’s rights in Africa”
Sirleaf is a Nobel Peace Prize winner, she was elected as Africa’s first female President in 2005 and was re-elected in 2011
Her first term of office focussed on reconstructing the country devastated by two Civil Wars, one 1989-1996, and the second 1999-2003
Sirleaf set out on her second term as President by making women’s health a national priority
So devastating were Liberia’s civil wars that nearly a decade since the end of the conflict…
…the country is still in a state of reconciliation and reconstruction
In Malawi the male President Muthanika’s last year in office saw an economy crumbling under Government mismanagement
This was compounded by the withdrawal of donor aid because of human rights abuses
Now Banda, who took over, is barely one month into her time as President
Already there is concrete evidence that women’s advancement have been put on the agenda
The ratio of girls in education is almost equal to that of boys
Women’s health policies in Liberia will now half the high rate of maternal and new born deaths
There are more skilled birth attendants on all levels of health care
Banda has strengthened the voice of women in Government by appointing eight women in senior Cabinet
There are women in positions of Deputy Chief Secretary to the Government and also a Deputy Director Inspector General of Police
There is an advanced women’s economic empowerment with the introduction of an agricultural programme and market initiative
Maternal health and safe motherhood is still to be launched. Banda admits she is following in the footsteps of Sirleaf
Both Presidents have prioritised African Women’s Decade and they have agreed to accomplish these goals for the AU Women’s Decade
They know that women in Africa still face many challenges due to HIV and AIDS, poverty, conflict and harmful cultural practices
They believe they will work tirelessly together
These two ladies are no longer lonely among men anymore. They have each other for support
The more women that are in power the more society will advance, as they will not be drawn into hot-headed masculine wars
They will be the nurturers of society and the bringing back love and harmony that this world so badly needs
It is men’s aggressive nature that has brought this world to its knees
It is high time that women brought back balance in this world and repaired the damage caused by men!
Scientists are having their best view of the state of Antarctica’s floating ice shelves, which are thinning at an accelerating rate
The study includes 18 years of data from European radar satellites from which to compile their evidence
For a decade before 2003 the ice-shelf volume for all of Antarctica did not change much, but since then the volume loss has been significant
The western shelves have been persistently thinning for two decades
If the thinning continues, so a break-up of the ice shelves will occur, the ice will lift off the seabed floor and float upwards
Floating icebergs will be produced, which will melt and the sea levels will rise as additional water is delivered into the oceans
There is now much evidence that scientists can produce
If there are any doubters in Climate Change, they have not seen the respective data
Governments need to act with a positive structure for dealing with these enormous issues
It is no good trying to deal with it when it has run away from us
Solutions need to be put in place now to curb the making of our greenhouse gases
We need to see where we pollute our rivers and oceans, all of which contribute to these disastrous happenings
As we have often said, “Wars might kill off Mankind, but it is hunger which will be the greatest killer of all”
With Climate Change, the amount of increased flooding, rainfall, droughts and typhoons have already occurred throughout the world
It is bringing devastation, from which it takes decades to recover
Crops are completely wiped out and, where droughts are concerned, crops have no chance at all to survive
Animals are affected, as their food is also damaged and a with lack of proper food they will also die
Disease will affect all life and methods to cure it will not be sufficient to combat the magnitude of the destruction
Our ecosystems, which the earth has taken millions of years to produce a balance in our vegetation, will be completely wiped out
Mankind alone is the single most destructive element to our change of habitat and virtually nothing is being done about it
What legacy are we giving our children and further generations to come?
Are we so selfish that we cannot see or won’t see that something needs to be done?
Greed and money and industry have to be managed at a level that the world can stand
Overproduction cannot be sustained at this level – the price is far too high
We, as a population, do not need to have a new car every two or three years
We don’t need to have new televisions every couple of years or mobile phones every year and so on
With everything that is manufactured, we are taking out huge amounts of the earth’s resources and putting nothing back
We are in a sense robbing our planet and we will all pay a very high price for it!
For many years now women all over the world have been trying to stand up for the rights of women in all aspects of life
The American Elizabeth Cady Stanton was one of the foremost leaders of the women’s rights activists and philosophers of the 19th Century
She organised the first women’s rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York
She spoke out that women were equal to men and had the right to vote
In 1920 on Election Day millions of women exercised their right to vote
Emmeline Pankhurst born in Manchester, England was a huge supporter of women’s suffrage movement
She fought for women to keep their earnings and property acquired before and after marriage as well as getting the vote for women
Women have fought for their rights as equal citizens in this world
Campaigns are for the reforms for marriage and divorce laws, together with the expansion of education opportunities for girls
Today the fight for women is a constant battle against the laws and prejudice that prevent women from being equal
Throughout the world, discrimination against women is rampant and in some areas getting worse
It is all about ownership, which is how men see women – they are their property to do with as they like
Next year will mark the 20th Anniversary of the landmark World Conference on Women
The Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action, was adopted unanimously by 189 countries
It is considered the key global policy document on gender equality
It will address critical areas such as women and poverty, violence against women and human rights of women
Women suffer from domestic violence in 70% in the world and it is slow to be dealt with
In Thailand police now are 40% women. Both women and male police are trained to deal with domestic violence
They wish to change the culture and to provide a safe area for women to come forth with their grievances
There are many highly influential women, who are trying to advocate raising awareness and to end the violence against women
Violence against women and girls is endemic in conflict zones. Its consequences are both devastating and lasting
Sexual and gender based violence are not just a product of war, but they are a strategy of combat. It is used to terrorise and humiliate
There are organisations which are working towards healing these survivors
For women to become equal & to be taken seriously, it needs for them to band together collectively & stand for what is right and just
It is only by standing up as a united force and demanding that violence and abuse will no longer be tolerated
Situations will eventually change
It is an uphill battle, but not impossible. Our ancestors did much for us
It is now up to women to continue and, with a united global voice, they will be heard!
The sequel to Nelson Mandela’s 1995 autobiography ‘Long Walk to Freedom’ will be published next year
This sequel Nelson Mandela began writing in 1998 towards the end of his five year presidential term
The book will give a candid and clear-eyed view of the many difficulties he faced while in office
The ‘Long Walk to Freedom’ covered Nelson Mandela’s early years, his political struggle against South Africa’s apartheid regime
It also contains the twenty seven years he spent in prison
The new book will be based on material from the Nelson Mandela Foundation’s archives
It will remind readers everywhere what he stood for!
Nelson Mandela was released from prison in 1990. He went on to win the presidency in South Africa’s first all-race election in 1994
He also won the Nobel Peace Prize alongside former South African President Frederick W de Klerk in 1993
This was for negotiating the end of white-minority rule
In 1999 Nelson Mandela stepped down from his presidency to concentrate on his various charity works
What will be so important about this book is the transition from freedom to power
This information will be very inspiring, because it tells you what to do when you have power
Nelson Mandela is one to the world’s greatest men
He was prepared to sacrificed his life to do what he felt was right for the good of all his people
Never once did he shirk from his responsibility and he always said it how it was
Truth and justice was what he believed in, never ever thinking, What is in it for me!
You have here a man of exceptional courage and conviction, who knew, like Winston Churchill, his place in history
Neither failed, but both have risen to the plate to do what is right and honourable
There are very few people in our world today that are able to match up to what they have achieved
The reason quite plainly is that they put themselves last and concentrated on doing the right thing for the Greater Good
The world now looks to see who else is able to fill these souls’ shoes that have the integrity and the willpower to do what is right?
With so many wars going on, there is no one to stand up and take charge
All have their own petty vested interests, which are not for the wellbeing of the people as a whole
History will judge them, they who have let their people down. So many in power had the chance to make something good happen!
There is coming again a saviour, who is prepared to take up the mantle and do what is right
For this person to succeed they cannot be exposed to any bribery, coercion or corruption
It is these traits which have tarnished so many, who were potentially good, but quite clearly not good enough
We all wait in anticipation, as the world now needs a new leader, who is both wise and loving
He will be able to steer this world into a better way of living for all
Angelina Jolie’s bravery is in trying to rid herself of the risk of getting ovarian and breast cancer due to her faulty BRCA1/2 genes
Two years ago Angelina Jolie went public when she had a double mastectomy to cut down the risk of her getting breast cancer
Her mother died at the young age of 49 years of ovarian cancer. Her grandmother and aunt also died of the disease
Recent blood tests revealed a number of elevated inflammatory markers that could be a sign of early cancer
She was advised surgery. Angelina Jolie decided on the difficult decision to have her ovaries and her fallopian tubes removed
Recent tests revealed she is now free of a tumour. Hormone Replacement Therapy is being given
Angelina Jolie’s dearest wish is to see her six children grow up and if possible to be there for any grandchildren that might come along
Her husband Brad Pitt, as is his nature, has been a marvellous loving support to his wife and their children throughout these ordeals
Charity Ovarian Cancer Action has praised Jolie’s decision to announce to the world that she has had preventative surgery
They are now anticipating another wave of the Angelina Effect, which saw a dramatic increase in women referred for genetic testing
While all women in the UK have a one in fifty-four chance of developing ovarian cancer…
…those who have the mutation gene BRCA1/2 risk is one in two
Angelina Jolie continues to be a force for everything that is good in this world
Situations where she can help others around the world are her forte
Her mental strength and foresight make her the world ambassador that she already is
All can be proud who know her and to know she is always a force for good, putting herself last and others less fortunate than her first
This lady is a walking living saint. It is a pity there are not more like her
We, with others, wish her a speedy recovery!
Great Britain is one of the most tolerate of societies anywhere in the world
From the Second World War Great Britain has allowed immigrants in from all four corners of the globe
Today we enjoy one of the most diverse societies and our culture has been enriched by its diversity and our citizens have all benefitted
It is now that our tolerant society, praised and admired throughout the globe, is under threat from extremists factions
They see our generosity of spirit as a weakness, as opposed to their own hard-line agenda
Home Secretary Theresa May has now made the stance that this country will no longer tolerate this behaviour of Islamic extremists
It is they who wish to destroy this country and its tolerant way of life
Mrs May will no longer tolerate their behaviour, which rejects British values and our way of living
Enough is now enough!
Theresa May has stated that Britain has responsibilities as well as rights, all must respect the laws, institutions & the rights of others
No one holds a gun to another person’s head and says they must remain in this country
If you cannot abide by the laws and respect all who wish to live here – then leave!
Leave this pleasant land and go to another which suits your purpose – if they will have you
There is a plan of action to ban hate preachers, who purposely incite violence and hatred and wish to ignore British values
Islamic extremists have been ousted out from other countries, including Arab ones
Their intolerance caused pain, suffering and the killings of innocent people
All this because those souls did not accept this extremist warped ideology
These extremist hateful beliefs will now be exposed
It is a tragedy that these small bands of extremists are British born and who now reject our values
Again if they feel they can do better, then go elsewhere
This country does not want or need you. You are all free to go!
These extremists will find that it is not so easy to express their views in other countries
Their behaviour will not be tolerated and in a much more rigid way imprisonment is their likely outcome
As it was in the post war days in the 1950’s…
…it was far easier to be a Communist in a British tolerant society than it was to be a Communist in a Communist country
In Communist countries there were restrictions and losses of privileges
Those who left Britain at that time to experience their ideology found hardships of a very constrictive life
Their liberties were restricted and life was not that rosy existence they imagined it would be
They realised they had made a mistake and should have remained in Britain to continue enjoying freedom of speech
All these liberties they took so much for granted
The grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence in one’s imagination, but not when reality strikes
Extremists, in all their forms, need to be defeated for the sake of the Greater Good
This is for all the people, who view Britain as a great country, which embraces all creeds to live and work together for a better society
It is the extremists who are selfish and devoid of love and compassion. That is the damaging element which will be defeated!
At last something good has come out of India!
An award known as the “Nobel Prize for Water” has been given to an Indian campaigner, who brought water to 1,000 villages
The judges of the Stockholm Water Prize say his methods have prevented floods, restored soil and rivers and brought back wildlife
The prize winner, Rajendra Singh, is dubbed the “Water Man of India”
Mr Singh’s methods are cheap, simple and effective and his ideas should be followed worldwide
Mr Singh uses a modern version and ancient Indian techniques of harvesting rainwater
This is done by building low level banks of earth to hold back the flow of water in the wet rainy season
This then allows for the water to seep into the dry ground for future use
Mr Singh first trained as a medic, but his local villagers said their greatest need over health care was drinking water
What ground water there was from the rainy season had been sucked dry by farmers, which caused the water to disappear very quickly
This then made the crops fail – rivers, forests and wildlife also disappeared and the people left to go to the cities
Mr Singh has stated that this century of exploitation, pollution and encroachment has caused so many problems
To stop this, one has to convert the war on water into peace – that is his life’s goal
The Stockholm International Water Institute, who presented this prize, said his lessons will be essential
Climate Change is altering weather patterns around the world
As the world demand for water ever increases, humanity must learn to take better care of our water
It is today’s water that cannot be solved by science and technology alone
This is a human problem
It is only by right governance and leadership from those in the know, together with social cohesion, that these matters can be solved
Rajendra Singh’s lifetime work has been in building up social capacity to solve local water problems
This has been done through human participation, action and the empowerment of women
He has also linked in with the indigenous knowhow, assisted with scientific and technical skills
This award was equally applauded by Katherine Pygott, who is a leading UK water engineer
She has already drawn on Mr Singh’s work to prevent flooding in the UK
It is only by having people who have the vision to save, not only Mankind, but the environment as well, that this planet will be saved
There is too much destruction to life and the environment by ruthless greedy people
It is their intention to destroy forever what is both sacred and holy
God gave this world with all its goodness to support life in every capacity and Mankind has tried to obliterate all that is good
Until humanity starts to see what is right and how we can resolve important issues, we are not fit to remain on this earth
We will continue to leave a world of desolation for future generations to be hurt by
Have we no conscience?
It is high time that a person like Rajendra Singh was hailed as a saviour
Others, whose lives have been dedicated to saving us all, must also be acclaimed
We need to redress the balance to proclaim those who do good deeds instead of continually advertising those who wish to destroy
The media has to rectify and not to glorify wrong doings as sensational news
They need to pronounce to the highest those who do right, as a permanent example to us all!
They too have an obligation to save society and not wish its downfall!
Africa really now starts to fight back against the ideology that one must have ivory at whatever the cost
These costs are high indeed with the destruction of a species, which has every right to share this world with everything else
The other high cost is of lives where poachers kill rangers, who are trying to manage and protect these elephants in the wild
Ethiopia has destroyed its entire stockpile of illegally poached ivory, tusks, carvings and jewellery
All were burned in the capital Addis Ababa
Ethiopia is the second African country after Kenya to burn their stockpile to discourage the black market trading
This pushes a harsh signal to China that ivory poaching will not win
The elephants will be saved, even though China wishes to render these creatures extinct!
You will find that more and more African countries will join in this public fight
It sends a clear signal to China and the rest of the world that they are heartless greedy people
They have no sense, other than to have what is so morally wrong
In time public opinion will change, but that will only happen when the right education and government rulings are administered
The very high costs of running the European Parliament has soared to £1,332 billion per year
This is £838 million more than Westminster
This appallingly high running cost for the European Parliament has been exposed
The British Government was asked for comparative costs between the European Parliament and Westminster
Lord Sassoon, the Commercial Secretary to the Treasury, confirmed in 2011-2012 that the cost was £1,332 billion
This compared with £494 million for Westminster, which included both the House of Commons and House of Lords
The cost for an MEP was £1.79 million each, compared with just £0.59 million per member of the House of Commons
Peers cost a mere £0.13 million
Lord Stoddart, an independent Labour Peer, said these are eye watering figures and it makes Westminster look very good value for money
The European Parliament costs £838 million per annum more than the combined costs of the Houses of Parliament and the House of Lords
The British Government is constantly on the lookout for ways to save money to reduce the deficit
It should now take a serious look at the contributions to the cost of running the European Parliament
This institution does not hold proper debates and its members cannot even introduce a Private Members Bill
It merely acts as a rubber stamp for the unelected European Commission’s legislative proposals
The number of MEP’s has now risen from 736 to 754 since these figures were produced, so even these figures fall short of the real costs
This is an absolute disgrace and when countries in the European Market are struggling to balance their books for their countries…
…this Parliament can keep expanding and asking for more money to feed their greedy little ways
Until the European Parliament is overhauled, it becomes a runaway train on very expensive tracks. No wonder they call it the gravy train
Expensive luncheons and hotels all expenses paid for, for doing next to nothing
What a disgrace! Will anybody do anything about it?
We don’t think so. Who would wish to end such a lucrative social club?
The White House might have condemned “divisive rhetoric” in Israel’s election won by Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party
They should have seen it coming
Netanyahu has been the main stumbling block to the two-state solution for years
He has been undermining John Kerry’s attempts to broker a deal all the time President Obama has been in office
It was to be President Obama’s legacy to establish finally this two-state solution after more than twenty years in the trying
The US, EU & UN have all been naïve & asleep, while all this time Netanyahu has been disruptive regarding negotiations behind the scenes
Netanyahu has become a law unto himself, openly criticising President Obama. He says jump and everybody says, “How high!”
It is because he has got away with murder, literally, for so many years under the gazes of the US, EU and UN
He remains unchallenged, so that the Palestinians have been placed in a no hope situation
We challenge all politicians of all Governments in the US, EU and UN to live under the Israeli apartheid system in Gaza and the West Bank
To experience first-hand the outrageous conditions that these people are forced to live under without basic human supplies
This concentration camp exists
Then and only then will something finally be done
There is also this farcical control of expansion of settlements, which are deemed to be illegal, but he continues with impunity
Netanyahu is unstoppable and it is due to the sycophant situation that the US, EU and UN have always accommodated him
Where does the law stand? Obviously nowhere, if illegal settlements can be built against the law and nothing is done to stop it
The world looks and laughs at the US, EU and UN for their continued failure to act
All of you have the blood of the innocent on your hands and will be judged by a higher authority for the lack of decisive action
Collectively you could have enforced a situation that is just and not to leave it, because it is easier to do so
We, the public, realise that the terms of office are not that long, so that the problems can always be shelved and given to another
Those in office receive the cream of the position without ever having to get their hands dirty – that is the disgrace of it all
When will a saviour eventually come in to do the right thing for the Palestinian people?
As we now see it, no one, and we mean no one, have the guts in office to do anything about it
Therefore Netanyahu can blatantly continue to undermine and do precisely what he likes and there is no institution that can stop him!
As he sees it he rules the world!
The rest of the world looks on all of you with despair. No one is fit for purpose. Collectively you have all failed these people
Prime Minister Netanyahu thinks he has won, as more votes were cast for his party then for the centre left Zionist Union
Netanyahu’s pushy and extreme ways have now split the country
Even though he will get his allocated number of seats with a coalition, it will do him no good at all
All his bare fisting antics will now show him up to the world for what has already been stated
He wants power for himself and nothing must get in his way
The fact that he never wanted a two state solution with the Palestinians was always obvious
Now his admission bears fruit to his disruptive behaviour and brings credence to his agenda
He wants the whole of Palestine for the Jews
On the face of it, he will be jubilant and think naively he has got his way
Unfortunately this will backfire and all those who opposed him in the election will now voice their own opinions more strongly
Netanyahu has put much fear into the Israeli people and this is why they have taken him at his word
Now the truth is out, the entire world will see Israel differently
Israel is already on sticky ground and that will be exacerbated by his behaviour
People the entire world over want fairness
What they now see is a dictator out for his own agenda and not what is right for the entire people of Israel and Palestine
No matter how much money the Jewish people give to others around the world to help them fight their corner…
…it has now lost its lustre and charm
They see Israel and especially Netanyahu for the bully he really is
See the US back away with a vengeance, which we have already predicted
Israel with all its might will be frozen out
Many allies they thought they had in the Arab world, such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt, will now mellow with their addresses to him
No longer will they pay lip service to him
Many things will be on hold and he will see his popularity throughout the world diminish into nothing
He has in a sense cut his own throat
That old adage, “Give a person enough rope and they will eventually hang themselves” will ring true here!
Netanyahu thought he had friends. Those same friends will turn their backs on him. Israel will find themselves isolated & frozen out
The bad boy of politics is recognised for what he is – a small-minded power-crazy bully
His people will renounce him and strong opposition will bring him down
The tide of public opinion hasn’t truly realised the implications of this victory
But now, on a day to day, basis they will and they will be concerned about it
The implications for the entire country are grave indeed
The Palestinians, with UN approval, will now step up their agenda and with confidence a new resolution will be found at last
The Palestinians can achieve some come back and recognition for their plight
Netanyahu might have won the election, but has lost his country as world opinion is no longer with him
No matter how much he tries to buy loyalty
He buys Republicans, so that they can win an election in the US, so not to allow the Democrats in
This shows his determination that money buys what he wants
The answer will hit Netanyahu in the face again!
It is an absolute disgrace that yet again people who are in power become a law unto themselves
Cyril Smith sexually abused his victims and continually got away with it
It is one law for the common man and one law for the violators of the law who have the power to do so!
The people can never have any faith in a Police Force or Government that allows individuals to flagrantly oppose and undermine the law
They are totally blind to the lifetime’s injury that has been inflicted on these victims by these sexual predators
Until a complete renewal of the Police Force and the political system is overhauled, then no one in this country is safe
Children were gathered up & used for sex parties by Cyril Smith, high-ranking policemen & high powered army officers, who need to be exposed
Until this cancer of sick minded people is rooted out, the public and the innocent and vulnerable, have no chance to a life
We must all understand that victims, who have been damaged by these heinous crimes of sexual abuse, have suffered severe pain
Their lives were completely ruined for all time, both mentally and physically
They were scared for life, just to satisfy some sick perverted minds
Where is our justice system when undercover police have investigated these paedophile rings & have obtained the evidence to put them away?
They are then forced to stop their investigation
Threats against them were imposed by those who had power over them, regardless of the law!
It is this sordid threat of power & control, which opposes the law, because it suits them to abuse it, that has to be removed at the root
This then will allow victims to come forward knowing that they can finally believe in a judicial system
Justice must protect them and they need a Government which actually cares
The undercover policemen, trying to do their job to expose those paedophiles, should be heard
They must be supported by the state as is their duty to do so
The public outcry over Jimmy Savile and other paedophiles, together with MPs & Cyril Smith, have to be aired publically & dealt with
It is high time that this country sought justice and compensation for these victims, whose lives have been damaged for all time
The public demand it!
If the Government cannot do its business, what is the point of having a Government in power and a police force in situ?
They cannot and in this case will not, protect the public?
It is an absolute travesty of justice and all should be hauled over the coals for their part in these heinous crimes against humanity
The Government, Army and the Police Force responsible for putting a halt to these known investigations need to hang their heads in shame
They equally must bear the guilt of damage on these victims, as much as the perpetrators of these crimes
All is known in the eyes of God!
When will the right justice ever seen to be done?
Does it need for the public to take the law into their own hands before institutions sit up?
They must take notice and listen. They must take the responsibility for which they were elected
Until Climate Change is fully addressed and strong action taken, the likes of Cyclone Pam will continue to wipe out parts of the world
Cyclone Pam has literally wiped out development in Vanuatu
This development had taken years to complete and with one cyclone all has been wiped out
The storm has devastated many parts of the country and its adjoining islands
Tragic as this is, Climate Change is happening on a daily basis
Until something is done about it people and countries will continue to suffer
Current data suggests we need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in developed countries by at least 80% by 2050
This is to have a chance of staying below the average temperature rise of over 2%
Factory farming produces greenhouse gases throughout the supply chain
Factory farmed beef requires twice as much fossil fuel energy input as pasture-reared beef
Factory farming requires large amounts of energy to function. This isn’t just to rear the animals, but to grow the feed that they need
The feed alone takes up 75% of the total energy required. The rest is needed for heating and lighting and ventilation
Gases, such as methane and nitrous oxide, are produced in significant quantities & these are released from animal waste and fertiliser use
Livestock farming produces 37% and 65% respectively of our global methane and nitrous oxide. Both gases are more potent then carbon dioxide
Forests clearance to grow crops and rear animals releases vital carbon ‘sinks’
This releases gases previously stored in the soil and vegetation
The effects of global Climate Change include more frequent wildfires, longer periods of drought and…
…an increase in the number, duration and intensity of tropical storms
Glaciers are shrinking, ice on rivers and lakes break up earlier
Plant and animal ranges have shifted and trees are flowering sooner
In addition, there are higher sea levels and longer intense heatwaves
All aspects of life are being affected
Infrastructure, agriculture and fisheries, together with our ecosystems are being increasingly compromised
The sea levels rise and erosion of coastal areas are an additional concern
Oceans have more acidity, which poses major threats to our seas
There are more insect outbreaks and more tree disease
The declining water supplies reduce agriculture yields
There are also health problems in our cities due to the heat
The President of Vanuatu, where Cyclone Pam struck, has seen the changing weather patterns of rising seas and heavier than average rain
All over the world we have seen these incidents happening to our own countries, yet the Governments still continue to do precious little
It is the incompetence of these Governments that put all our lives in jeopardy, because nobody wants to do anything about it!
Once again India is in the news for rape and vandalism
This time the rape was on an elderly nun! Have the men of India no shame?
The Indian Government is not doing enough to sort out this extreme mental intolerance of women
It is high time the culture of abuse on women was changed. We are after all in the 21st century
These people behave like barbarians with no conscience only violence in their minds
Six men, who gang raped an elderly nun of 74 years old, are being searched for by police
The gang ransacked a convent school and stole money before entering into the convent itself
Security cameras inside the Convent of Jesus and Mary school show the faces of the six men, who carried out the assault
There are only three sisters in this community. One sister, who was badly molested, the other two and a guard were tied to chairs
The men vandalised the chapel, broke into the tabernacle on the altar and took away the chalice that holds the holy sacrament
This attack comes at a time of growing concern about sexual violence against women
Christian groups have been increasingly targeted
The Indian Government needs to take a precedent on this continuous abuse on women
Until harsher penalties are enforced and there is a deterrent put into place then the general public will take action
Vigilante groups will be formed and put in place, the punishments that the local authorities are not skilled in doing
The Government and the local authorities will have no choice, but to act quicker if they wish to avoid this happening
The people of India will no longer tolerate this abuse on any females whether they are very young or old
The time has come for extensive action to take place or India will lose its already fragile credibility within the world forum
India will no longer be able to brush this kind of barbarism under the carpet, as has been its policy in the past
Now the time has come to face up to the enormity of this problem and to set aside an agenda to deal with their lacking cultural system
The people of India will not wait any longer!
Terry Pratchett, who died on the 12th March, was just 66 years old
He was an English author of fantasy novels and especially comical works
His best known work was his Discworld novel, the Colour of Magic, which was published in 1983
He sold 85 million books worldwide in 37 languages and was the UK’s bestselling author in the 1990’s
In December 2007 he announced he was suffering from the early onset of Alzheimer’s disease
He filmed a television programme chronicling his experience of the disease for the BBC
The world has now lost one of its brightest, sharpest minds. He died entirely naturally and unassisted
All who read him know Discworld was his vehicle to satirise this world, which he did so brilliantly
He did it with great skill, enormous humour and constant invention
He called his Alzheimer’s disease an “embuggerance” and faced it bravely and publically
Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive degenerative condition that involves the loss and dysfunction of the brain cells
Four years ago, Sir Terry featured in a film documentary about suicide
He accompanied a man with Motor Neurone Disease to the Dignitas clinic in Switzerland to see him take the lethal dose of barbiturates
He was asked why he made that film and he said it was because he was appalled at the state of the law
He said the Government here in the UK has always turned its back on it and he was ashamed
The British people had to drag themselves to Switzerland at considerable cost in order to get the services they were hoping for
Hilary Evans is director of Alzheimer’s Research UK for whom Terry Pratchett was a patron
She said Sir Terry’s legacy to Dementia Research is huge, both financially and is an enormous motivation to our supporters and scientists
When he announced the inaugural Terry Pratchett Research Fellowship in 2010…
…he insisted on a single word to be engraved on the trophy, “Strive”
Our scientists continue to act upon this powerful call
They will push forward with the research that will eventually defeat this disease from which Sir Terry suffered
Sarah Wootton, chief executive of Dignity in Dying, called him a ‘committed campaigner’ for assisted dying
Terry Pritchett was often found saying, “It’s time we learned to be as good at dying as we are at living”
His brave approach to confronting issues of death, including his own, was a heartfelt demonstration of dignity
It has been said he is a lovely man, kind and thoughtful and took people to his heart. It was a pleasure to know him
This man changed the way Dementia is seen and understood. He will be sorely missed
He is now in the greatest adventure of his life & can continue to write if he wishes, but in another dimension, with total clarity of mind
The disgraceful failing situation of the UN Security Council to implement solutions to the Syrian conflict, is beyond belief
Humanitarian agencies have tried their best under extreme hardship and opposition from Bashar al-Assad
They still have been found wanting
The Syrian people have faced their worse year in the many killings that continue unabated day in and day out
Bashar al-Assad still holds the main position of power
The UN still believe they can bring in a political solution that will sort out this war
Bashar al-Assad will never surrender
His people are just pawns in his struggle to maintain his power with Russia being his main backup
The naiveté of the UN Security Council is mind-blowing and really they are not fit for purpose
They have achieved precious little in this four year war
Until a proper strategy to remove this President from power occurs, the country which is already destroyed, will take decades to climb back
It is now up to the international nations to bring about a consensus for military action, where new strategies are formed
A greater force will be able to push through an agenda to finally save the Syrian people
This nation has suffered enough, while the rest of the world continues to turn a blind eye
The dysfunctional UN Security Council should be ashamed of themselves for not dealing with these issues in a more effective way
There needs to be solutions for the sake of the Syrian people and not what is best for Bashar al-Assad!
It was after Jackson’s resignation that another low-key demonstration occurred, outside Ferguson’s police headquarters
It was when the crowds were starting to break up that shots were heard and two officers were seriously injured
The riots, which have continued, show the hugely long-term frustration over a system that is painfully slow to change
The people have had enough and every day they suffer injustice by the biased way the police deal with them
Ferguson has now finally been given enough rope to hang themselves
The injustice remains rife throughout America
Until integration and equality start to take hold then these problems will remain simmering and finally come to the boil
There is no getting away from it, America has never been white
It was the first nation American Indians, who are the true Americans here and the white man has all but tried to wipe them out
Now a role reversal is happening and it will be other coloured skinned people, who will take the place of the white man
They will have to revise their thinking. They will no longer be in the majority!
Lessons here need to be learnt and tolerance for all races is required now!
Jeremy Clarkson has been suspended by the BBC following the throwing of a punch to the face of his producer due to lack of food on the set
The 54 year old has already had his final warning issued last year in May
The BBC then said he would be sacked if he made any more offensive remarks anywhere at any time
There have been many remarks made by Jeremy Clarkson, where he has continuously got away with it
For example there is his calling Mexicans lazy, feckless and their Mexican food is refried sick
This raised many complaints in Mexico and included newspapers and websites
Richard Hammond is a co-presenter for the programme of Top Gear
He said he doubted there would be many complaints against them as the Mexican Ambassador would be asleep
The BBC was forced to offer up an apology after British MPs described the comments as ignorant, derogatory and racist
Other derogatory comments by Clarkson were about Indians on their clothing, trains and food
The Indian High Commission formally complained to the BBC about his comments
Clarkson compared synchronised swimming to the deaths of twenty three Chinese cockle pickers in Morecombe Bay in 2004
Previously he had been in trouble comparing a Japanese car to people with growth on their faces
He called Gordon Brown a ‘one-eyed Scottish idiot’
Clarkson stated that striking workers should be shot and executed in front of their families
He had a longstanding feud with Piers Morgan and had a fight on a Concorde flight where he punched Morgan in the face
The BBC continues to employ presenters who thrive on notoriety
In the case of Clarkson, he has been embroiled in rows on everything from racism to safety rules and political correctness
The BBC is in an awful position as they hate him, but can’t afford not to have him on Top Gear, because of the money it brings in
Top Gear has made Clarkson a multimillionaire, where he has no scruples to say and do, as he pleases with no accountability
The BBC also had a situation with Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand
These two also had millions of fans, who were content to accept week-in-week-out obscenities and bad taste
They were paid a fortune for their outpourings by the BBC
These presenters have no self-control
They think they can say what they like to whom they like and if questioned turn to foulmouthed personal ridicule
Do we, as a society, have any boundaries or can anybody say anything on air?
It looks like the BBC currently represents the trendies, who are arrogant, smug, self-seeking and overpaid
They have no standards of decency and no moral values
All of which is paid for by the taxpayers of this country
It is time that the BBC started to clean up their act
They need to be replaced with another organisation that can represent the majority of decent people
No one or any organisation is too big that they cannot be replaced
Until decency and respect is brought back into society, we will continue to breed these verbal thugs
This then becomes the lesson we teach our youngsters
It is no wonder that young people do not have any role models they can look up to
Hundreds of convicted sex offenders have gone missing from across the UK according to police records
Figures recently released from 39 forces, show that 394 sex offenders are currently wanted and their whereabouts are unknown
Registered sex offenders are required to inform the authorities of their addresses and if they move, so that they can be monitored
Among these recorded offenders some have been missing for more than a decade
One offender has been missing since 2000 and another since 2002 and many more besides
It is now time to engage in a new exclusive department, who have police authority to monitor and supervise sex offenders
Sara Payne’s daughter Sarah was abducted and killed in 2000 by a convicted paedophile
What redress did she have or even the family for the wilful neglect by authorities on this paedophile?
These paedophiles are a constant risk to society
Until a much tougher line is taken they will pose new threats to the innocent and vulnerable
A special electronic tagging inserted into the body, as is done with cats and dogs, is now necessary
Then the authorities can keep an eye on them
This information should be shared with Interpol, so that when they move out of the country they can equally be monitored
One cannot just expect paedophiles to voluntarily inform the police when they move
It is not in their nature, as skilled devious and manipulative creatures, to do so. Their sole purpose is to reoffend
It is primarily the authority’s responsibility to keep a watchful eye on them all the time
They cannot be trusted and to roam around free without monitoring is not acceptable anymore
The alarming amounts of paedophiles that are known are just the tip of the iceberg
Have the public not suffered enough with the likes of the Jimmy Savile case and Stuart Hall and many more?
They have devastated the lives of both girls and boys
We know already how devious they are and that nothing can alter this fact of their insatiable appetite to offend and injure another
It is because they do not accept any responsibilities or remorse for their actions that they need to be monitored at all times
It is already known that half of those registered sex offenders raped or sexually assaulted children
The public have the right to see that authorities make special efforts to protect the vulnerable from these predators
We cannot allow this laissez-faire attitude to continue
Otherwise the public will be left with no choice, but to take appropriate action into their own hands
There is no justification or argument that states that police resources are not there any longer – they simply have to be
See the results of a convicted rapist in India, who was taken out of prison by a mob, stripped, beaten and hanged for his crime
These feelings within the public are running high and the people will not be fobbed off with any excuses anymore
In this present climate of so much abuse now coming to light, when all was swept under the carpet for so long…
…the public will not let this situation rest and why should they?
They demand justice and it needs to be seen to protect society once and for all from these very sick individuals!
The Eurozone is not viable in its current form, which has been stated by one of the UK’s successful fund managers Neil Woodford
A good example of the Eurozone’s economic incompatibility can be found in the labour mobility
This represents one of the most marked differences between the US states and the Eurozone countries
If employment rises in Detroit because the demand for cars falls, workers can move to a state where demands for work are needed
This eases Detroit’s unemployment problems
America does this frequently
This is not true of Europe with their labour markets, which they are mainly due to culture and language
There is no common language in Europe and there would be friction if there was a common language
So if there was a shock demand in Detroit, it would not put the dollar at risk
Washington would transfer money to Motor City to allow for a rebalancing to occur
This does not happen in Europe for many countries have surrendered their economic self-determination
The Germans have ignored this pressing need for action in their shared currency
Everyone can see Germany’s role in this tale
Either agree to a fiscal integration, debt mutualisation and a genuine guarantee of the currency or…
…unlock the system and give the Eurozone countries back their self-determination and bring this project to its conclusion
No matter what the language is that is spoken…
…the investors can see the current crisis for what it really is, a vote of no confidence in the currency itself
Sunday, 7th March 1965 was the date of the Selma Civil Rights March in Alabama
It is now its 50th anniversary and President Obama & his family were there to pay tribute to the heroes who took part on that Bloody Sunday
It was there that the Security Forces attacked black demonstrators in the city
They beat back demonstrators with tear gas, as they made their way over the crossing on that day
A crowd of 40,000 people watched Mr Obama and his family make that symbolic crossing on that part of the bridge
They were accompanied by those who had made that march in 1965
It was that march plus another from Selma to Montgomery two weeks later, which helped to carry the momentum
They gained approval of the Voting Rights Act by Congress later that year
Despite the progress, the fight against racism is not over
Once again another recent killing by a policeman on an unarmed black youth has occurred
President Obama reminded the crowds that there are laws across the country designed to make it harder for people to vote
These laws are being proposed & as so much blood sweat and tears have gone into getting these voting rights, right now it stands weakened
Its future is subjected to partisan rancour
The face of America is changing with more Latin American people coming in
The white Americans will find it difficult in the future to count on an all-white America
That is slowly changing and there is nothing they can do about it
It is high time that equality for all Americans is realised, so that the transition becomes less hostile to keep the status quo
They must become more realistic as to what is actually happening
Republicans and Democrats need to embrace all races and to find solutions for the full integration that is so much needed right now
America cannot go on about Human Rights’ violations in other parts of the world when it cannot deal with its own ethics
These are becoming sorely lacking – hypocrisy continues to grow in America
The Pakistani authorities have renamed 107 schools after the victims of last year’s massacre by the Taliban on a school in Peshawar
Already more than 60 schools are now bearing the names of the victims of the attack
The parents of those victims have already given their approval
The Taliban gunmen killed more than 150 pupils and teachers at the school on 16th December 2014
The authorities have promised to crack down on these militants
Teachers are now being given firearm’s training and they will be able to carry weapons in class
The re-naming of the schools is meant as a memorial to all the victims
This sends out a message to the militants they cannot stop education
The children and teachers died because of wanting education and the terrorists don’t want them to have it!
In addition to the renaming of the schools, the central government is giving out the highest civil award for bravery to all the victims
This is sending out a clear message that these victims are martyrs to a cause they firmly believe in
They are prepared if necessary to die for it
The Government has paid out $20,000 to each of the victims’ families
It is a small but necessary gesture for the sacrifices these young souls made
They were after all the future of Pakistan and valuable to the community
The ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud has been vandalised by Islamic State militants
The ancient site was founded in the 13th Century BC and houses the royal tomb of Nimrud
The city was given the name of Nimrud in modern times after the Biblical Nimrod, a legendary hunting hero
This city was the capital of the Assyrian Empire for over 150 years
The city was known as Calah, which is in the Bible
The ruins of this magnificent city were found within 1 kilometre of the modern day Assyrian village of Noomanea, not far from Mosul
Archaeologists have revealed remarkable bas-reliefs, ivories and sculptures
The treasures of Nimrud were unearthed in excavations and some 613 pieces of gold jewellery and precious stones were collected
These treasures had been put away during the Iraq War in bank vaults to protect them
They have been stored safely for twelve years and have again been rediscovered
Nimrud’s various monuments face threats of demolition
IS have already destroyed other holy sites including the Mosque of the Prophet Jonah in Mosul
IS have announced their intentions to destroyed pre-Islamic artefacts, as they offend their religious views
They have already destroyed artefacts from Nimrud
This deliberate destruction of cultural heritage constitutes a war crime and cannot go unpunished
It is down to all religious leaders in the region to stand up
They must remind everyone that there is absolutely no political justification for the destruction of humanity’s cultural heritage
This destruction continues to demonstrate the kind of barbarians these people are!
The film “India’s Daughter” was due to be shown on Sunday, which is International Women’s Day, but has been banned on Indian television
The documentary by a British film maker on the 2012 gang rape and murder of a female student doctor in Delhi has kicked up a storm in India
The film seeks to explore the crime and the culture context and not how it was committed
The British producer Leslee Udwin gained extraordinary and rare access of any film maker to the inside of an Indian prison
She interviewed the rapist Mukesh Singh over three days with the permission of the jail authorities and the Ministry of Home Affairs
The film includes extensive interviews with the victim’s parents, families of the convicts and their lawyers
These are interspersed with the reconstruction of the incident
Mukesh Singh, who is facing the death penalty, expressed no remorse and blamed the victim for fighting back
He stated that when a girl is being raped, she should not fight back, but just be silent and allow the rape
Jyoti Singh was gang raped by five men, who put an iron rod up her and took out her entrails and then threw her off the bus
It is a miracle that she survived at all
After three days of agony the surgeons said there was no hope as too much damage had been done
In the time before she died, she was able to name her attackers
Only four men await their final appeal in facing the death penalty, the fifth criminal committed suicide in prison
A prison psychiatrist, who examines rapists, said India’s jails contained many men who have committed rape
Some of which committed more than 200 rapes in one lifetime, but they will only be convicted of about a dozen
A lawyer for one of the rapists, who himself said he would burn his own daughter alive if she brought shame upon herself by being raped
He also claimed that many MP’s had committed rape and murder, but had not yet faced any trial
He further stated that in order to change society, India’s leaders should start with their own necks
Several of India’s politicians criticised the Government of appearing more worried at the country’s reputation…
…than about the dangers women faced
Prime Minister Modi is trying hard to spruce up India’s global image as a favoured destination to invest and visit
India is hailed as the rape capital of the world
Nearly one in three rape victims in India are under the age of 18
One in ten is under the age of 14 and every 20 minutes in India a woman is raped
Yet India only ranks third for the number of rapes reported each year
What country is first? The United States
In India a country of 1.2 billion people, 24,206 rapes were reported in 2011
That same year in the US a nation of 300 million, 83,425 rapes reported, so every 6.2 minutes a woman is raped
Jyoti Singh had just passed her exams and qualified to become a doctor
She wanted to open up a clinic in her parent’s district, where there was no medical facility
She studied hard during the day and to help get her through her education, she worked in a call centre at night
She only had four hours sleep, but she got through
On receiving her results she went out with a friend to a local cinema to celebrate and then her life was inextricably changed forever
What kind of a human race are we to allow this butchery of women to continue with precious little being done about it?
It is Universal crime against women and it is time justice was seen to be done!
The fight to preserve elephants and halt their demise carries on!
Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta has set fire to 15 tonnes of elephant ivory as part of East Africa’s national efforts to curb poaching
The ivory had a black market value of $30m and is the largest consignment to be destroyed in Kenya
The tusks taken were due to the slaughter of these animals by criminals
Rhinos are also poached for their horns and used in Chinese medicine
Conservationists have warned that elephants will soon be wiped out in certain parts of Africa
There has been a 25 year enforced ban of the ivory trade, but emerging markets once again put African elephants under threat
President Kenyatta’s example of burning the ivory is to show that wildlife trophies must be put beyond economic use
Future generations need to see live elephants in the wild and where they can be appreciated for the magnificent beings they are
Elephants are a thing of beauty and majesty
We can all learn from these sensitive beings in how they conduct their lives and how we can be enlightened from their example
President Kenyatta is poised to destroy the countries stockpile of ivory during this year
The stockpile of ivory was acquired and confiscated from poachers, who had been apprehended and relieved of their valuable cargo
Kenya is committed to combating this menace until this vile economy is dismantled
Interpol has a new office in Kenya and this has proven to be a significant boost in this battle
Last month China imposed a one year ban on the import of ivory amid gross international pressure and criticism
The demand from Chinese consumers fuels the illegal poaching in Africa
Until extensive pressure continues on China, which is the major purchaser of ivory, nothing will really curb this destruction
Pakistan is now taking the disease of Polio very seriously indeed. They have literally declared “war” on this disease
The Government have conducted their first-ever mass arrest on parents, who refused to have their children vaccinated against Polio
The authorities in the town of Peshawar in the north-east of Pakistan have detained 471 people
They are charged with “endangering public security”
The Government now recognises they will only be free once the country has eradicated Polio
Therefore a robust vaccination plan is in operation
Anyone now who refuses to have their child vaccinated will be sent to jail
Pakistan accounts for the vast majority of Polio cases globally and is one of only three countries where it remains endemic
In 2014 the number of Polio cases in the country reached a 14 year high with 306 confirmed cases of Polio
Nine new cases have been detected already this year
The WHO (World Health Organisation) recommended that all international travellers from Pakistan are administered Polio drops
This will take place at airports to prevent the disease spreading
Crass stupidity by the Taliban, who claim that the Polio vaccination drive is a front for espionage or even the sterilisation of Muslims
They are responsible for Polio vaccination workers being shot dead in the city of Quetta
It is the responsibility of the Government to push ahead with this worthwhile programme and release the country finally of this disease
As always it is the children and the vulnerable of society who are the worst hit of all
At last Pakistan is seeing sense in helping its people
Plans to generate electricity from the world’s first series of tidal lagoons has been unveiled in the UK
The six lagoons, four in Wales and one each in Somerset and Cumbria will capture incoming and outgoing tides behind giant sea walls
The tides will use the weight of the water to power turbines and provide electricity
The £1bn Swansea scheme is able to produce energy for 155,000 homes and is already in the planning scheme
The cost of generating the power will be high indeed, but as time goes by the lagoons will be able to produce electricity much more cheaply
It is expected that six lagoons could generate 8% of the UK’s electricity for an investment of £30bn
The Government is in negotiation how much it can charge for the power. A price of £90-95 per MWh of power already looks favourable
The lagoons are designed to last 120 years and are a much lower risk than nuclear
The UK has some of the biggest tidal ranges in the world and it would be useful to harness this clean energy for us and for the environment
Yet another Putin assassination – is this man unstoppable? Will no one bring him to justice?
The climate of fear brought on by Putin towards all his adversaries will not stop them going forwards
It will not stop them trying to bring about justice and economic stability for all
To make a place where ideologies can be voiced without the fear of constant reprisals
None has the right to quash another group of people, who wish freedom from oppression and fear
Putin will see the backlash of his actions, not only from his own countrymen, but within his own protective guard
The world is coming to despise Putin as they did Hitler, both are power crazy at whatever costs
Both will suffer death in a gruesome way, where no mercy is shown as no mercies to his victims were shown
The rule of law will be exercised
Both man’s and God’s for these extortionate acts of violence, which has Putin’s signature on it and no one else’s
The world and the Russian people are not blind to Putin’s lies
He has not been believed for years, it is only fear that holds people back
When that fear dissipates and changes to anger & when the people have nothing to lose, the next uprising will occur & devastate his regime
It is only a question of time
Mr Boris Nemtsov will be hailed as a martyr of the cause and Putin will be damned as the butcher of Russia
The eyes of Nemtsov will be constantly bearing down on Putin’s soul until his dying day