27th April 2017 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)
“As the country goes to the polls again, new life is already being breathed in in Westminster”
“All that has been so hard fought for and where so little progress was being made on the political front”
“Now a new brand of optimism is emerging and where new predictions of importance to the country will be announced”
“The people will speak favourably of a strong female leader, where strength in delivery is of the utmost importance”
“The country will rally around so that Great Britain can obtain its exit strategy from Europe in a better way”
“The emergence of a new world order, where Great Britain has been trailing along in so many ways”
“Start to see a stronger more committed country and where reforms to Europe must come out of the affray”
“The pressure on Great Britain to stay within the European Market will strengthen to allow Britain to get her trading deals”
“Europe does not want to lose Britain as a trading partner”
“So even though Great Britain will leave, they will leave with honours, more than they even though possible before”
“The iron will of Brussels can no longer hold its position”
“Too many disgruntled countries will no longer support the status quo”
“See extraordinary events transpire, leaving Europe sinking without a lifeline”
“Germany alone cannot hold the guide rope; dissention in its Government will have its own consequences”
“There will be a new chapter written for Europe as it starts to claw back or salvage what is now only left to see”
“Europe broken in two and where there is no common ground to repair it”
20th April 2017 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)
“The General Election announced by Theresa May yesterday will give her a greater mandate to get the best deal for Brexit”
“The British people need now to get behind the Prime Minister in order to help safeguard our future”
“The European Commission will want to negotiate a very hard exit strategy”
“Their fear is, if Britain gets of lightly others will follow – this will happen anyway!”
“Britain will stand firm behind their Prime Minister Theresa May with a show of solidarity”
“United, Great Britain has always stood firm especially when the odds are heavily stacked against them”
“They will never give up the fight for long-term justice and a decent exit for the people of Great Britain”
“See the negotiations go head to head almost in mortal combat, where tired and frustrated…”
“...deals will be made to the mutual satisfaction of both sides”
“The British people will rise to take up the challenge behind their leader and will be able to smell victory before it has all been settled”
“New laws, new trade deals, with European countries coming out in favour as they want it also for themselves”
“Britain would be directionless under Jeremy Corbyn. He has no idea how to negotiate a strategic plan of action”
“His days within the Labour Party are indeed numbered. The Labour Party is in disarray in six different ways”
“There is no united force within this party”
“They will be out of office for another twelve years, sitting in the side-lines waiting for opportunities that never come”
“This is not about victory for Theresa May, it is about victory for Great Britain where united a strong unit can move mountains”
“See concessions and more concessions given to Great Britain in their stringent negotiations, which will bear fruit”
“Great Britain stand shoulder to shoulder themselves from a sinking and ineffective bureaucratic Brussels machine”
“They will win and gain many new trade deals. They will wonder why they didn’t come out earlier”
“History will prove that Great Britain did the greatest thing and where success to the people will be seen by all!”