06 March 2011

jandmayers March 2011 Twitter

Interested in changing people’s lives for the better and helping to make it happen through specialist guidance

For mankind to learn to understand the future they must learn from the past It’s difficult for them They remain entrenched in their old ways

Corruption never gains, for what man takes with the one hand is always lost in the other that is due to the higher Laws of the Universe

The invisible emotional scars of the soldier are seldom seen, but stay with them for life.  This also applies to a nation

How little man advances, through war and greed nothing changes. When will man learn to become wise instead of greedy?

The Credit Crunch has done little to change matters. This scenario is not yet over – another wave will hit humanity until man finally learns

The currency is not money but food Mankind will start to understand this and prepare for what is necessary to save this world and themselves

Nothing much changes unless we make that effort to do so.  Open up your hearts. Do not be afraid. The future is welcoming the new

It is the wise man who negotiates peace.  It is the egotistical man who won’t let go and is entrenched in his own mindset

For peace to be maintained, a common ground of survival must be found.  Trade is the only way where peace and prosperity can be accomplished

We are long out of the caves, but what has man learnt.  We still fight like savages. To use ones intellect is harder than to use ones fists

The Laws of Nature are such that it cannot – must not – be tamed, but to accept its might readily and to learn from it

It is now that the world must change in order to bring about a desired harmony. Failure to do so only brings down Mankind further

To fight over a promised land is not relevant in today’s world Man must learn to live with man there is no room for ignorant pride any longer
We come to build a nation from the depths of despair. To rise again against all the odds in a more fruitful and positive way

Never despair against Man’s destruction by the forces of nature. All have their necessary place in the hierarchy of life and endurance

To be at one with nature is to recognise its strengths and not try to combat it.  Respect then comes on both sides

To see man face his enemy unconscious is victory indeed the brutal beast of tyranny has now been spent and will not rear its ugly head again

To quash rebellion is never easy when righteousness is on the side of those who are right and honest. Their destiny will be honoured

Man must acknowledge the frailties of man, but also his strengths. To work together is the only panacea to live a healthy life

Nothing of any value has been lost.  All to be put into place at a later date

To destroy a nation is impossible.  While there are people there it exists.  It is the people who make the nation not the country

A breakthrough of extraordinary events will see the people free at last and they will learn to govern in their own right

For peace to be restored to the Middle East all must subjugate to their people – not the other way around.

The human force of activity will not bend to corrupt leaders.  That time has already past

With the gathering of time, new intricate policies, the like that has never been witnessed before, will be acted upon

It is now that the Middle East must come to their senses and to see they can no longer expect a populace to be subservient to their whim

A further uprising with crucial events will be quashed, only to re-emerge even stronger.  It will be unstoppable

Gaddafi has lost.  It is his pride that won’t admit defeat.  His heart already knows it

Take only what you need in this life.  The rest is only excess baggage and will weigh you down

Every piece of goodwill is given back to you ten times over

There must be a time for change.  The entire Middle East is facing it.  The point of no return is now!

To believe in your own prosperity is to bring light into your life

To give a person a present without asking is to bring further upliftment to your lives

The forgotten people of this world are indeed happier than the rest

Man must help man in order to turn this plague of selfishness, which pollutes this planet

Until man learns to take personal responsibility for ones disruptive actions, he can never hope to experience a happy life

See the whole of the Middle East collapse under the strain of the populace.  Righteousness is now fully on the side of the people

The Higher Intelligence is now in charge of the Middle East.  The course is now set and nothing can turn these events

People all over the world are crying out for help.  Do not turn a deaf ear.  It might be you that is in need next time

To be of service to others always brings its own rewards.  One is never left wanting

Peace comes from the stillness of the mind, where troubles are left outside and love enters in

We believe we are right, but unless we are tested how do we actually know. Wisdom is a lifetime’s ambition and cannot be rushed

The greater the love within, the finer the light without – you are known by your love not always here, but in a different dimension

A closed mind can never know true love as they are always too calculated for their own good

It is in the peril that a new light and life is born.  Both are very precious indeed

No more will Nations be suppressed the Higher Power instigates matters for Mans survival Spiritual Law motions this for all to see & believe

To see God is to believe in his wisdom always and to know the right act has been achieved

Over half the world’s population have a spiritual experience.  Do not deny the love intelligence always around you working for your benefit

The Middle East to collapse all around – the tyrannical stranglehold losing its grip – none can stop this process as momentum grows daily

To hold a people under subjugation is to dispel all hope of survival. Their very souls are crushed and their eternal light starts to fade    

Time will see this revolution of Mankind finally come to grips in changing life for the better.  They have had to learn harsh lessons indeed

When there is true righteousness the tyrant is lost forever

All acts of subterfuge are dealt with by the Higher Power.  None can escape this judgement

To go forwards with strength is to trust in Mankind’s ability to know what is right and then to go further and act upon it

To be positive in times of great hardship seems an impossible task to do, but it is in this act that allows positive changes to occur

In this age of austerity new life is born and a new generation of hope becomes possible

Man is always helped if only he would recognise that feat.  The idea that luck comes into it is a misnomer

While Mankind is hell-bent on greed and selfishness nothing in this world can ever change

Until we can go back to basics and adopt a healthy lifestyle we remain slaves to our own technology

To begin a nation again one must look to the old and bring about change through decisive action

People must be guided by wisdom not by reckless thoughts, in order to proceed to peace and prosperity

To stop history repeating itself, a clear message from a higher force must be acted upon

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