01 September 2011

jandmayers September 2011 Twitter

Interested in changing people’s lives for the better and helping to make it happen through specialist guidance

Greece will not be able to be propped up no matter how hard the IMF try

…There are too many underlying factions, which cannot sustain a stabilizing effect long enough to enable a hold on monetary spending

Greece will have to fall & then find her own level. From that point, help of another kind can be delivered with short term consequences only

Every country must now look to their own house being in order…

…They really cannot look to the IMF for any more bail outs. There simply is no more money

The entire banking system will now be exposed for the many ill practices they have committed and how they have helped to stifle growth

There will be an entire new banking system, which can overhaul the banks to act responsibly for the first time

Greece will manage to hold onto a very tight rein, monetarily, but only for a short while before the economy slips further down again

Is there anybody out there actually listening? Yes, we are in unchartered waters and there is no one who individually can find a solution

The solution for monetary safeguards must come in by the RESTRUCTURING of the banks who have systematically put everybodys lives in disarray

Until that hard policy with safeguards comes in there is no safe haven for monetary growth and markets will continue to fall/collapse

The world needs leadership. It needs direction and drastic action

The banks now must realize their active irresponsibility has confounded the entire money the system. Banking heads will roll!

To move quickly is unwise. A grip on the markets, now out of control, is not the solution

There must be a firm attitude that money, in all its disguises, is put on the table…

…and for those who can manage to control their spending will be exempt from penalties and those that cannot, will have to be dropped

The World Bank does not have enough resources to bail out countries that continue to fall

It is best to let them fall, find their level and renegotiate a plan of fiscal recovery later

There is now going to occur another mighty fall in the Euro sending panic around the world

Until Financial and Government officials finally wake up, then all will be hit hard

Stock markets to take a further twisted fall as confidence is now at an all time low

Exasperated monetary chiefs will not know what hit them as they now are literally scraping the bottom of the barrel

The banks really have had their day…

…See further financial institutions fall before the full realisation of their sharp practices is finally uncovered

The entire stinking mess still to unfold, the banks are desperately trying to cover up their misdeeds…

…They cannot hold the lid on it for much longer

International uproar, where the people will have their say and all financial aspects will collapse before notice is finally taken

To be a sustainable nation once more a lifting of financial restrictions by the banks towards their fellow man must be implemented

It is the banks who are systematically crippling the man in the street while recklessly gambling with their money at no risk to themselves

Because of this, a new stricter financial system will be put in place allowing flexibility to be given back to Mankind…

…and then allowing growth to be returned to each nation

Start to see a movement of real ideas come forth from the affray as experts from every field of office will exercise their rights to speak

Egypt will start to rule the paths for change, a further wake up call to neighbouring countries

President Mubarak will further lie under oath and then the situation of events will take it out of his hands. His conviction strong indeed

To see the world in chaos is to appreciate all the good things now finally being sorted out

Some aspects will start to come to fruition very soon now and a full realisation of electoral matters for Egypt will intensify

Their people in the grip of determination and the old guard will have to be changed completely in order for the trust to manifest

As more and more of the world becomes unsettled, the grass roots that they need to building up nations again, is high on the agenda

Every nation is going through their own gradual weeding out of the old and embracing the new future…

…All is justified for the complete salvation of its people

To be strong as a nation, one must first deal with its weakest link and then rebuild, strengthen and encourage…

All can be raised up provided the will is there!

To see a brighter future for this world is to achieve a higher understanding of spiritual matters…

…Until that is in place Man remains based and unproductive

The people of this world voice one common theme and that is freedom for themselves and their children…

…The words now carry momentum and the wave of change is unstoppable

To allow for growth both financially and emotionally, all are bound together to bring about peace…

…Peace is the only criteria for long term stability

The Israeli/Palestine conflict only remains in deadlock, because the governments say so

Until there is a third party strong enough to bring these sides together and remain in tact to oversee events, nothing will change

All pray to the same God and use his name in vain. God does not say that Man must take up arms against another, only Mans idea does that!

What have the richest nations done in this world to eradicate poverty?

…Their responsibility remains only towards themselves, yet they ignore their neighbours

Until respect and love is found within the individual, there can be no hope for the others in this world

Mans continued pain upon each other is transcended through the generations…

…Until Man can finally emerge from that pain and start to forgive, no progress can ever be achieved

Shoddy governments now will see their shaky positions exposed. Their inadequate governing will bring about their own downfall

Every bad piece of legislation will be torn up. Governments to address the people and it is the people who will rule by default

From the World Banking Corporation new funding rights will be given to stabilise those economies…

…whose active participation in their own economies have now born fruit

Italy’s premier will be exposed for his sharp inadequate practices, a law unto himself. The people in outward revolt, see his Presidency go!

The global economy to take another severe hit…

…until governments wake up and see that they must get their own houses in order nothing can ever get kick started

Blame on other economic countries is not the answer…

…We can no longer afford to bail out other people’s debts. Their counties governments must rein in their own monetary problems

To be of true service to the people, governments worldwide must get their own house in order and finally to be accountable to the people

Start to see the Middle East conflict take a strange course of action. From what seems an impossible conflict of interests new ideas are born

The people are emerging the victors and governments all around the world are in disarray…

…They must acknowledge Man’s rights and look to ways of sorting these matters out first

President Obama will instruct Congress to adopt a wider range of fiscal evolution so that full recovery can come about

His policies can finally take root and the people will see growth in their lifetime

Recovery will not take as long as expected as the strict ruling will accommodate these matters

Worldwide banking reforms to take immediate effect. No more can they be trusted to conduct business in an orderly way

More effective scope to the man in the street will see him have more concrete choice. The banks truly worried now

Better banking facilities to encourage growth can at last come about. No more will banks dictate their policies

The awakening of the global financial worries is not quite there yet…

…For true reform to take place, further dips in world economies need to take place. Then the wake up call is finally realised

All governments must heed this warning to start getting their own economies in order. The failsafe aspect cannot work alone

For the banking system to continue, stricter policies need to be introduced, so everybody gains and not just the elite few

See more and more banks fall until they at last are reined in permanently.  Justification to let them pull out is not an option

Now the banking system will be overhauled and new international banking regulators will be appointed – the banks no longer in control!

Each country must now look into its own stability first…

…and to bring in policies to regulate their own banking systems, which have largely gone unchecked

We all reap what we sow, so for monetary policies to be firmed up new drafts must come in to stabilise the influx of other countries

The man in the street is always hit the hardest and so the banks need to cooperate in order to prevent their own downfall

The entire economic situation is falling down…

…No one is prepared to listen to reason and that is new financial policies need to be put in place now

Open warfare regarding political financial situations will not be tolerated…

…There must be new policies with extreme measures to bring back all financial institutions back into line

The havoc the banks are creating is to allow foreign policies to dictate their own criteria

The Israeli people will demand much more from their President. The tide is now turning for full scale political unrest

No longer are the Israeli people prepared to be fobbed off….

…Their rights/demands will enter a cry so loud it will be heard in the four corners of this earth

The crashing down of their legal system will see the final breakthrough, whereby a peace settlement of lasting quality will emerge

President Assad will see mounting opposition as another government emerges to overthrow him. The people will be heard

All despots one by one are in jeopardy. None are safe any more. There are no safe havens for their escape

Colonel Gaddafi will be exposed to his people as the traitor he was. He will be wheeled out and the full might of the law will be executed

His sons will face the death penalty for crimes against humanity. Nothing now can save them. They are an example to the rest of the world

All traitors towards their own people will be dealt with in an orderly fashion. The full might of the law will be seen by everybody

See Gaddafi burnt to the stake. His threats no longer grip his people. All to surrender in time

There will be a three party state in Libya, so that all can finally have their say as they work out solutions, which are all law abiding

The infrastructure will be very fast indeed, as all the people will want to secure their freedom

The entire Middle East to show increasing conflict and unrest – another mutiny within Syria will see further uprising

Syria’s President will be forced to leave, his situation is now untenable

Other extreme factions are gathering strength now to put him and his family out of office. The momentum is rising

Restorative justice can only be applied once the criminal is mindful of his faults and a willingness to change is applied

Justice for all can be a heavy price. All come in and do their part to strengthen the failing system

Mankind rarely learns from his mistakes. It takes a catastrophe to bring the realisation home

We transcend through these positive earthly vibrations to bring in the new life, for reconstruction on every level is now possible

Look to see the magnificent aura of love guiding, protecting and satisfying all our needs

The motions are now of a positive dimension, so that the rebuilding of life and limb has purpose once again

To truly move on in life is to put the past behind once and for all, then any likelihood of problems arising never come from that sphere

All who are troubled stop and see the light of reflection. Give yourselves a chance to bathe in the understanding that all are saved

We all must pick ourselves up and start anew. These new vibrational energies come to rejuvenate us and make us whole again

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