01 May 2015

jandmayers April 2015 Twitter

As miracles continue to happen in Kathmandu, helplessness continues to be the main criteria on so many people’s minds

A young man of 28 years old was trapped for over 80 hours in a structure that collapsed around him

He watched his friends die in the surrounding wreckage. He had to drink his own urine to stay alive

He had his leg amputated, as it was crushed by the collapsed building

From his hospital bed he feels his life is a miracle, yet fears for his future are constantly on his mind

Today another miracle occurred when a teenage boy was pulled out of the rubble alive after five days of being trapped

He ate butter to keep himself alive

People can survive for days without eating. There are still people being found. More miracles are happening

It is however a slow pace by the Nepalese Government relief operations that have promoted anger and frustration amongst the residents

The Government has acknowledged it has been overwhelmed by the devastation from Saturday’s 7.8 magnitude earthquake

More than 5,000 people have been killed, the deadliest in 80 years

Lessons need to be learnt by Governments, whose people live constantly under the threat of earthquakes

It is their main responsibility to have contingency plans already for their people

The international aid is there and is usually quick and co-ordinated, but it still needs the Government to have the basics made available

This sadly has not happened and that is why the relief operation has been so hampered

This country will take make years to get back on its feet and it is always the poorest countries that suffer the worst

This disaster has been huge and unprecedented, yet it was still waiting to happen

Harsh lessons will have to be learnt and a new generation of commanding people will emerge to take on the tasks of long-term building

For all those who might have forgotten, Haiti was struck by an earthquake five years ago

That quake claimed 220,000 lives and 3,500,000 were affected

Work goes on today with the help of agencies, who are still involved in relief and construction work

There is now an improved water supply for 340,000 people, medicines for Cholera treatment and free medical care

Tools and seeds are supplied to help 23,000 in farming households

However Haiti is still fighting the Cholera epidemic, which it did not have for decades, but was brought in by Nepalese soldiers

They were a UN peacekeeping camp that spilled their waste into a tributary of the Artibonite

Cholera has struck more than 720,000 Haitians and killed 9,000

The UN still refuse to acknowledge their responsibility. Legal actions are underway to take the UN to court

Nepal needs to also consider diseases with their lack of water supplies and the exposure of people to these unhealthy conditions

All have to learn from these disasters and to put into place a more co-ordinated plan of action for people’s safety

Not to deal with situations after the event has already wiped out so many

That old adage, “God helps those who help themselves” certainly always applies!

About 1% of all the tree species in the Amazon account for half of the carbon locked in the vast South American rainforest

The Amazon region is home to 16,000 tree species and researchers have found that just 182 species dominate the carbon storage process

Amazonia is vital to the Earth’s carbon cycle in storing more of the element than any other terrestrial ecosystem

The Amazon is massively important for the global carbon cycle, as it stores so much of the planet’s biomass

Finding out how the carbon is stored is very important

We will know what might happen in the future in different environmental conditions

The tropical forest covers 5.3 million square km and holds 17% of the global vegetation carbon stock

Its large tree species store and grow more biomass making them a dominant feature in the carbon cycle

It is important that trees grow to a large size, because they contribute more to the carbon cycle

As these trees grow larger they develop more biomass that contains carbon, which is locked in its wood

Trees are long-lived organisms. The carbon they remove from the atmosphere is continuously being absorbed for decades and even centuries

What is being done is a plan to plant more trees to lock away more carbon from the atmosphere as it contributes to global warming

Scientists are looking for different species that will become important in the future

A good example is the Brazilian nut tree, which can reach heights in excess of 160 feet

This nut tree thrives best in dense undisturbed rainforests

Scientists have found that the carbon storage capacity of protected forests in West Africa had increased

This is despite the region suffering a 40 year drought

It was the forests’ carbon–storing biomass, which resulted in the shift in species composition

Trees are natural and need carbon to store within their structure

They are able to accommodate the ebb and flow within their own biodiversity

Mother Nature is a truly remarkable thing and we can never afford to abuse or ignore her active help for all of us who live on this planet

 “Why has Baltimore failed its black males?”

The worst public schools do one thing very well and that is to teach poor black kids how to stay as American underdogs

A black boy, who is in middle school in Baltimore, should have more than one teacher

But they throw all troubled kids in one class with a long-term substitute teacher all day

There they play cards, shoot dice, tweet, Facebook, dance, stand on desks and basically do as they please

Their normal teacher is absent and the children have been doing this for months

South Baltimore had multiple shootings last year, right in front of the school buildings by disgruntled youths

Going into school from the outside it looks good, but going inside reporters found built-in metal detectors cracked and unplugged

The stairwell smelt of used rubbers and rat urine. Unidentified fluids and candy wrappers littered the floors

Parents, who were sitting in an inner room, were waiting to see what kind of quality education they were going to get for their children

The school seemed like a jail

One floor looked like a psychiatrist’s ward with students belting up and down the hallways with desks flying in the air

Papers were scattered everywhere and fights were being recorded on mobile phones

It is hard, if not impossible, to get an education in this environment

The school had outdated computers. Textbooks were decayed and the classroom was 15ºC

How can anyone learn in these conditions? How can the US in 2015, in a major metropolitan city, not have temperature controlled classrooms?

Black African Americans have a long history of wanting education

The South had laws against teaching slaves to read and people risked beatings and death trying to learn to read

The Lincoln Administration made a conscious effort to right wrongs in education and social injustice up to his death in 1865

Andrew Jackson, the next President, reversed Lincoln’s promises

Jackson confiscated land African American’s had acquired in the South and gave it back to the white Americans

Some free slave schools emerged

At least 8,000 former slaves attended schools in Georgia. Eight years later those same black schools struggled to contain 20,000 students

Scores of children piled into these shacks, trying to learn while dealing with broken or no desks, leaking ceilings and limited utensils

In 1951, thirteen families from Topeka, Kansas filed a law suit against the Board of Education

They wanted quality education for their children, similar to what white children in the US received

The case became known as Brown v. the Board of Education and was a major victory for the education of African American students

White education is held back from blacks. The prison doors are wide open and welcome them with open arms

The pipelines from school to prison has been a hot topic in the US and debated frequently

Black schools are a part of the prison industrial complex. Grade schools are supposed to prepare students for college or a trade

Yet there are bars on the windows, prison like guards and metal detectors. Everything is industrialised like a jail

In Baltimore City schools, 57% of the black males graduate compared to 81% of white males

The streets of Baltimore provide an education in everything, where many schools don’t

There are no courses on survival, kinship, moneymaking opportunities or love

Love is absent from the cold hallways of these schools, where millions of African Americans attend

More and more schools are closing in Baltimore with a $35 million cut from Baltimore Public Schools

This means that classes are getting bigger and the issues get worse

The cry comes out, “Our schools are broken.” But are they?

Schools are funded by property taxes from neighbourhoods full of housing projects and boarded up homes

Here the poor pay to perpetuate their own misery. As with law enforcement, it all makes a pipeline from public school to prison a reality

The US needs to deal with black Americans and they need to fix the schools!

Black Americans were born into permanent recession, where making $20 last week is not a miracle – it is a way of life

African Americans want to learn and be inspired like everyone else

All Americans must be responsible for challenging this failed system and forcing it to create a fair learning experience for all students

We are dealing with more than just a failed schooling system and a failed racist law enforced system

We are dealing with millions of broken homes. The failure is on an historic scale, spanning hundreds of years

Acknowledging that we face this kind of epic failure is the first step in bringing about real change

That is the big challenge in the US, where accepting failure has never been their strength!

No one can do everything, but perhaps they should follow the Ethiopian proverb, “When spiders unite they can tie down a lion.”

All must work together to solve their issues to make a fairer society, where dreams really can come true!

Once again this is the time of human endeavour, where Mankind comes to the aid of those who have suffered due to natural disasters

Nepal’s situation, which is dire, does not stop those who are fighting with their bare hand to remove rubble, where many have been buried

Emergency workers, army and police personnel together with bystanders, all are working

Together they work tirelessly to clear rubble and rescue survivors from underneath the debris

It is at times like these, which are horrific and fear is the main overwhelming thought, when miracles do happen

These are the times when spiritual forces come in to attend to the needs of so many

Children, babies, are often found still alive having been helped by those who stand and watch over them as it is not their time to pass

All know the risks that living in these areas entails, where two tectonic plates meet beneath the Himalayas along a fault line

It is by living in the shadows of destruction where death can appear from nowhere that life takes on a different meaning

Life becomes more worthwhile

The climate in earthquake areas tends to be good, warm enough and wet enough

The soil is always fertile and the natural resources make for a good living

Earthquakes do not happen that frequently, maybe every 80 years or more and not necessarily in the same place

Families feel they have lived in these places for generations and may never have suffered any major disasters

For them the life is better, which heavily outweighs the risks and so these people are content to live alongside nature

This is their home and they trust they will be looked after

It is their spirituality & love of nature that allows them to feel at one with their surroundings & so are often a very contented people

Jumby Bay is the site of the world’s longest running research programme for the critically endangered Hawksbill Turtles

The turtles have been there longer than humans

It is one of the only places in the world where Hawksbill Turtles are increasing

In the last three decades researchers have tagged 450 Hawksbills for monitoring purposes and the number is increasing three-fold

Every single turtle laying eggs on the island’s Pasture Beach is identified thanks to the meticulous hourly patrols by researchers

They also have volunteers, who every night look after the turtles for the duration of the five and a half month annual nesting season

Dr Seth Stapleton from the University of Minnesota has been overseeing the work

Stapleton said that 2014 was a record year for nearly 90 Hawksbills were spotted

What is even more remarkable is that they are now seeing the same turtles first tagged in the late 1980s returning to nest in this bay

Those that were originally tagged were only 15-20 years old and they are still reproducing decades later

The cooperative research shows that the Hawksbills worldwide have declined by 80% in the last 200 years

They were critically endangered since 1996. Now they have managed to survive and are starting to make a comeback

It is right to mention their hazardous journey, where only 1:1000 hatchlings make it to adulthood due to the omnipresent marine predators

Nature can come back where the right application is given and where turtles are no longer killed for their beautiful brown and gold shells

These shells were used in sunglasses and jewellery

Man is now recognising that the planets’ creatures are just as valued for being on this planet as ourselves

All creatures deserve equal consideration
Australia and New Zealand remember their soldiers, who fought at Gallipoli in Turkey during the World War I

Britain, France and Russia were at war with Germany

At that time there was a stalemate in the war and Britain and France needed to link up with their isolated ally Russia

Britain and the Combined Forces were hoping for a surprise attack and to seize the Ottoman Empire’s Dardanelles

They would then occupy Constantinople, called Istanbul today and knock Turkey out of the First World War

The Ottoman Empire was Germany’s most important wartime ally

Churchill’s plan was to send in the battleships from the British and French navies

They were to smash their way through Turkey’s decrepit, obsolete forts along the narrow Dardanelles

Then they could move on to the Black Sea, which was Russia’s maritime lifeline

British and French battleships failed miserably to force their way through the Straits

The Turks had laid new mines and the Allies lost three battle ships and three more were badly damaged

At the same time a vast amphibious operation was underway, landing tens of thousands of allied troops on the Gallipoli peninsular

It was this landing that was particularly bloody

The Allied troops were caught in withering artillery fire from end to end

They were in fact sitting ducks. Many men were killed

Around 131,000 died of whom 45,000 were Allied Forces, including 25,000 from Great Britain & 10,000 from France.  86,000 were from Turkey

It was Churchill and his entourage, who failed to properly understand Gallipoli’s torturous topography

What was seen on maps turned out to be different and there were steep waterless slopes that proved a nightmare

The Australian and New Zealand troops (ANZAC) had not previously seen combat, but they fought with honour and gallantry

Gallipoli was a disaster for the British Army and the collective Allied troops, who died or were wounded for no good purpose

Turkey also suffered, but at least they could claim victory in defence of their nation

We are remembering the Armenians now after their brutal experiences of being nearly extinguished from this earth

The Ottoman rulers were Muslim. They permitted religious minorities like Armenians to live amongst them

In spite of this they viewed the Christian Armenians as infidels, so they were given unequal and unjust treatment

They had to pay higher taxes than the Muslims and had few political rights, but yet they thrived

In 1908, a new Government came to power in Turkey

The ‘Young Turks’ wanted to have another Turkish Empire and the non-Turks were a threat to their new state

When Turkey entered the war on Germany’s side, the Armenians sided with the Allies, which included Russia and were viewed as traitors

This was the excuse to get rid of the Armenians on the pretext that they might support the Allied invasion

Their extermination began in April 1915, where the rounding up of intellectuals and community leaders lead to their disappearance

The Special Organisation, known as killing squads, were used to liquidate the Christian element

They drowned people in rivers, threw them off cliffs, crucified them and burned them alive

The Turkish countryside was littered with Armenian corpses

This crime against humanity, committed by the Ottoman Turks, was the killing of the major part of this ancient Christian race

Turkey now needs to face up to their atrocities and own up to the barbaric way they had treated these people

‘Young Turks’ massacred the men and sent women, children and the elderly on death marches through the desert, where there was no return

The people died where they dropped, hundreds of thousands of them from starvation or attack

The Treaty of Sevres was designed to punish the ‘Young Turks’ for this colossal crime, now being called genocide, but it was not implemented

In Turkey today one can go to jail for saying there was genocide in 1915

It counts as a crime insulting Turkishness, such is their fear of their own past

Britain in the 1915 was determined then to expose and punish the Turks for this crime against humanity

However in recent years the British have called the situation a tragedy and now refuse to use the word genocide

The facts are that they cannot be denied

The Dardanelles landings on 24th April 1915 in World War I was the trigger for the start of the genocide

The evidence of the Turkish Government’s genocidal intent is overwhelming

Even the ‘Young Turkish’ leaders have admitted that they were going to eliminate the Armenian problem by eliminating the Armenians

There can be no justification for genocide. This crime includes the destruction of part of a racial or religious group

One and a half million Armenians were killed and when the war ended 388,000 were left

The Armenians were inflicted with life-threatening conditions and so the verdict is guilty beyond reasonable doubt

Reparation now needs to be given and seen to be given to the Armenian people, which includes an apology

Today Turkey is an important ally of the US and other Western nations with NATO bases already there

They also allow their borders to be open for refugees, therefore Western nations are reluctant to condemn the long ago killings

No country can ever go forward with the stain of such a horror still embedded in their history

The people of the world won’t forget and neither will they let Turkey forget

In March 2010 a US Congressional panel voted to recognise the Armenian genocide!

The fight for finding the solution for the Ebola virus continues

A new treatment known as TKM-Ebola-Guinea, targets the Mokona strain of the virus

It is the Mokona strain virus that was the cause of the current deadly outbreak to occur in West Africa

The experimental drug was tried on Ebola infected monkeys in the US

All three of the monkeys receiving the treatment became healthy after 28 days on the trial

Three untreated monkeys died within nine days

US scientists have been cautious of the drug’s efficacy as it has not been proven on humans

At present there are no treatments or vaccines for Ebola that have been proven to work on humans

Scientist Thomas Geisbert is the senior author of the study published in the journal Nature

He has stated that this new study is showing a post-exposure protection against the new Makona strain of Ebola virus

The treatment works by blocking particular genes, so stopping the virus replicating itself

It can be manufactured in about eight weeks as opposed to the ZMapp experimental drug, which takes several months to produce

The solution, as far as a remedy is concerned, will be found in plants, which will be able to eliminate the disease completely

The plant is water soluble and when the residue is drunk it will give the antidote to this conspicuous virus

Man has yet to find this cure as scientists continue to look for artificial solutions

Instead they should look to natural products, which God has already given

One day that solution will be found and another deadly virus will have been cured

Since March 2014, more than 10,602 people have been reported as having died from this disease in six countries

These countries are Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, the US and Mali

So far the reported number of cases is more than 25,556

It has proved to be the deadliest occurrence of Ebola since its discovery in 1976

The cure is out there and a leading scientist will find it and so be able to tackle once and for all this deadly disease

We know the time is coming. It is just a period of waiting and having faith in its discovery

Although the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has officially announced the end of its “Decisive Storm” operation in Yemen, it has started up again

This brings in renewed anxiety and disruption for the entire country

The Saudi attacks cannot win on the ground politically, as there are too many unmanageable factions to deal with

There needs to be structured talks between Iran and Saudi Arabia to bring back a political solution

It must incorporate all factions, not just the chosen few

Saudi Arabia nor Iran nor the US can be responsible for putting their agenda on the table

It has to be a Yemeni decision for Yemeni concerns and welfare

The entire country, made up of all united tribal group representatives, must discuss Yemeni matters

All must honour what has to be a collective decision for trade & commerce to flourish unilaterally throughout all of Yemen & its people

It is high time that this expansive coalition of ideas and agenda was put forward

All must benefit and prosper and not just the chosen few

The power struggle has brought in a very weak Government

They were in no position to advise or dictate policy to all that matter, hence its collapse

It is time that the Saudi administration realised that President Hadi is not man enough for the job

To reintroduce him back into power will only see the various factions start vying for control again – nothing can be achieved this way

A solution from outside, with only balanced views to be discussed with the Yemeni people, will be the only salvation for this country

After all, the Yemeni people all want peace

All want security, but all also need reassurances that their wishes are honoured throughout the country

It has to be a nation as a whole or nothing can ever be achieved

Violence will only produce hardship as has been clearly seen

Political stability, with financial long-term help, is the only solution with an overseer, so that all remains running properly

This nation needs and deserves to be brought back from the brink of death and into a viable trading country for its entire people

Kenyan’s environmental activist Phyllis Omido has won the prestigious Goldman Prize

She has seen it as her mission in life to clear up the poisonous mess left by a battery smelting plant

As an employee of the plant she was inspired to act after her baby son was diagnosed with lead poisoning

The plant was melting down batteries to extract the lead

Her young son became very ill after she had been working at the plant for three months

Various tests proved that he was suffering from lead poisoning that was being passed through his mother’s breast milk

Miss Omido then quit her job in 2009 and she was encouraged to talk to the community members to see if they also suffered any ill effects

She found that many people were complaining of health problems including miscarriages, still births and high fevers

Chickens were dying after drinking infected lead water that was coming out of the smelter

At the same time researchers discovered unusually high levels of lead in the soil

It was Miss Omido who began campaigning for the removal and cleaning up of the smelting plant

Her efforts to talk to the owners were rebuffed

Letters were sent to all levels of Government in Kenya and many people went on marches, but those campaigns were ignored

Phyllis Omido was told she was a nuisance and that the community was lazy

It was when Miss Omido involved the United Nations and international campaign groups that the plant was shut down in 2014

The Goldman award offers prize money of $175,000, which Miss Omido will use to take the Government to court

This is to ensure the area is cleaned up in line with constitutional commitment to provide a safe environment for the citizens of Kenya

Who says that one voice cannot bring down an institution – never mind even a Government?

It is upsetting that the Kenyan Government are not interested in their own people and to do what is right for them

It has to take a bigger organisation to come to the rescue over those whose responsibility it is to look after their own people

At the end of the day nobody is too great or too rich to be pulled down when they break the law

At the end of the day Spiritual Law always wins and will use any person who is willing to stand up for what is right and just

There are more people needed around the world to stand up and voice their opinion

Spiritual Law will no longer allow for injustice to take hold

Ethiopia’s Tigray province was stricken by a famine that shocked the world

Today the local people are using ancient techniques to turn this part of the desert green

Thirty years ago, a BBC reporter alerted the world to a biblical famine

Michael Buerk described it as “the closest thing to hell on earth”

These devoutly Christian people, the Tigrayans, were depicted as exemplars of passive suffering

They were dependant on the good will of the rest of the planet to get them through the day without dying

In the village of Abr’ha Weatsbaha, a very different version is happening

People come from every direction, many chatting excitedly or singing hymns.  Joy is in the air

These souls are summoned before dawn by horns to the call of a compulsory 20 day community labour programme to tame the desert

Some 3,000 people all over the age of eighteen are armed with shovels, picks and bare hands go to work

They turn treacherous slopes into rock-walled terraces to trap the annual rains

This is how the Axumite Kings got things done 2,000 years ago

The rain water pours into the soil rather than running off in devastating floods

A 58 year old famer called Aba Hawi is the chief organiser. His leadership has miraculously transformed this sun-blasted land

In just one decade, entire mountains have been terraced

Families are now reaping three harvests a year from fields of corn, chillies, onions and potatoes

New forests of eucalyptus and acacias have also taken root

The Tigrayan people have created 85 hand-built dams

These mini reservoirs fill up during the rains and are fed by ground water in times of drought. Every farmer now has a well

There are even Malachite Kingfishers living in the desert

Aba Hawi said, “The people are now wanting electricity!”

Aba Hawi also says “God was here when the land was bad. He is still here, but God will only help those who help themselves”

Let us all see what the future can further bring this now fertile land and how else can these people benefit?

At the end of the day it must be the people themselves who take up the mantle and work it out for themselves

With God’s help much has already been achieved. They believe in him and so it will happen!

France is now taking a more active role in pushing forward a European policy

The destabilisation of the Middle East will have a direct effect on Europe

This is already happening with huge amounts of migrants reaching the northern shores of the Mediterranean

The increase of European involvement in the Middle East is largely due to the US influence being pulled back

The US pull back was already predicted by us some time ago and is now being witnessed throughout the Middle East

President Obama has largely ended the US military presence in Iraq and Afghanistan

While the US is trying to regain some influence, they have been hampered by IS and other radical groups

American power is now contracting

Europe is the home to the biggest trading partners of most of the countries in the region and Middle East

It now has to be seen how it translates from a financial role into political influence

There is much scope for expansion and open dialogue

American influence has always had strings attached to the Middle East

Europe’s stance will be completely different. It will assert its influence on political stability before any major trade deals are signed

Conditions will be thin on the ground. However there will be hard facts and talks

This enables stepping stones for a greater autonomy for these countries

There will be a steadfast assurance of trade and peace is at the heart of stabilisation

France will attempt to pass a Security Council resolution on the Palestine situation

It will be the greatest test yet for a new France-led European role

France will get the agreement for the Palestinian and Israeli situation as well as avoiding the US veto

It will indicate the French/European push is working

Washington is symbolically washing its hands of being Israel’s political shield, but it will remain its military ally

It is noticeable that Obama supports Israel’s military

It is also noticeable his reserved attitude to Israel’s refusal to implement the two state solution

A stepped up European role in the Middle East, with France taking the lead to attempt to revitalise a Palestinian–Israeli peace process

This of course would be on the understanding of recognising the Palestinian state

This solution would be welcomed in many capitals, not just in the region, but around the world

Now a shift in policy and a diplomatic solution can be placed on the table of the Security Council

Concrete action can be implemented instead of allowing the status quo to remain

By allowing the Higher Power to introduce these new methods, all can gain

For Israel to turn their back on this positive solution will show contempt gaining against them

Their voice will be drowned out by the majority

The Moringa Tree or Miracle Tree as it is often called is the life saver against malnutrition in Africa and all around the world

Steven Putter was taken so much by this plant’s potential that he abandoned a corporate career in South Africa and moved to Zambia

He has now set up a project to grow these trees and sees the Moringa supplements as revolutionising Zambia

Zambia has one of the highest malnutrition rates in the world

“About 45% of Zambian children under the age of five suffer stunted growth,” says World Health Organisations

UNICEF says that thousands of children and women suffer from one or more forms of malnutrition

This includes low birth weight and multiple vitamin deficiencies

Steven Putter sees the Moringa Tree as a very good cornerstone to relieve these problems that exist very quickly

A farm foreman, who joined this project a year ago, feeds his children Moringa three times a day

He has noticed a difference in his family’s health. His children don’t get sick. They seem brighter and have more energy

In Zambia, the people rely on a diet of maize staple Nshima, which grows easily but has little nutritional value

Steven Putter is trying to educate the Zambian people

He says that maize might give you the food security, but what is needed is nutritional security

Moringa is rich in minerals and vitamins A, B and C and when given to cattle they increase their growth size by 15%

Moringa is a small sized tree, approximately 5-10 meters in height

Every part of the Moringa is used for certain nutritional or medical purposes

It is a good source of protein, vitamin oils, fatty acids and it is also anti-inflammatory and is an antioxidant

It is an energy food with high nutritional value

Moringa is a plant that is native to sub-Himalayan areas of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan

The Moringa leaves, bark, flowers, fruits, seeds and roots are all used to make medicine as it boosts the immune system

It can also be used directly on cuts of the skin as a germ killer

Moringa is an important food source in some parts of the world, because it can be grown cheaply and easily

Its leaves retain lots of vitamins and minerals

The seed cake remaining after the oil has been extracted is used as a fertilizer

It will also purify well water and will remove salt from seawater

Moringa is used in India and Africa in feeding programmes in the fight against malnutrition

Moringa can become a multi-million dollar export product for Zambia, as it’s got the water, the soil and the people

All that is needed is the will and perseverance

This world is the most amazing place as God’s garden

Nature through its plants & resources are given freely to benefit all in this world naturally

This is without the harsh formulas from pharmaceuticals

We all can benefit from this Miracle Tree and we are sure Zambia will be able to benefit also!

Hundreds of Yazidis gather to mark the year 6765 in their calendar at their holiest shrine in Lalish, as they pray for better circumstances

In the temple of Lalish are hundreds of Yazidis waiting for sundown, so they can celebrate the advent to their New Year

The disaster brought upon the Yazidi community since the summer of last year was by the IS fighters, who attacked this religious minority

Along with Christians, there were also Sunni Arabs and Kurds attacked, all in the north of Iraq

Sadly that disaster has left them with little reason to engage in any joyous celebrations

The Yazidi people have decided this year not to paint eggs or hang red tulips on their doors

Nor are they able to give their children any sweets

In spite of this they have managed to go to their holiest site in the world – Lalish

Many have come to pray to God and to the Yazidi saint Sheikh Adi to end their misery and to bring back their stolen women and children

Usually the New Year’s festive is their biggest celebration in the Yazidi community

Every year in the past, thousands of Yazidis from across Iraq and the world would head to Lalish to celebrate this occasion

This year the numbers are noticeably lower, which is hardly surprising with the extent of the tragedy and hardship they have endured

For those who could attend the temple, they come to pray and drink from a spring of holy water

They pray to Sheikh Adi by kissing the cloth that surrounds his tomb. It is well worth it

The Yazidis believe Lalish is the centre of the universe and they say it was the only spot on this earth saved during the biblical floods

Lalish is nestled in a valley surrounded by mountains covered with oak trees

The temple complex is dotted with twelve cone-shaped domes marking the shrines of the Yazidi saints

In a room at the back of the temple, young Yazidis throw a piece of green cloth on a protruding part of a wall and make their wishes

If the cloth falls on the bulge, it means that their wish will come true

Many now are wishing and praying for their women to be freed from IS

It is believed that IS have abducted as many as 3,000 Yazidi women and girls forcing many into marriage or sex slavery

As the sun sets over Lalish, the Yazidis set off to light their candles and chant their religious verses

The catastrophe that IS has unleashed on this peaceful race has instilled in them a strong sense of Yazidi identity

But also it holds a deep sense of helplessness

The turnaround for these people has not yet happened, but it will!

There will be renewed strength and a vision given to them to take up the mantle of righteousness for their fellow men and women

From extreme hardship & injustice, new life is born & for those who have been lost many will be found & reunited with their loved ones

Their belief systems are strong and where there appears to be impossible odds, new circumstances are born out of the ashes of despair

Many Yazidis will find their way home, as the light of God will steer them on

A rebirth will be allowed for them and they will rise up against their captives and learn to live another day!

There is an unusual slant of a Christian Taliban’s crusade on Ukraine’s front lines

Vitaly Chornly was a former molecular biologist. He is now the ideological officer of St Mary’s Battalion, a pro-Ukrainian militia group

St Mary’s are on the front lines fighting against pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine

St Mary’s is the de facto fighting wing of the extreme-right Ukrainian political party Bratsvo

They have become heavily involved in the war in the Donbas region. They are self-styled modern-day crusaders

Chornly claims his battalion is the Christian equivalent of the Taliban and its fighters, who are holy warriors

Their main ideology is faith and it is used to great advantage

The enemy – the forces of darkness – have all the weapons. They have greater numbers. They have money

It is St Mary’s soldiers, who bring European traditions and the Christian mind-set of the 13th century

To them they represent the side of light against the dark side of Putin and his supporters, who represent to them the devil

Chornly is mindful to say he does not support certain tactics used by the Taliban

These are suicide bombings, targeting of civilians and the lack of religious tolerance

St Mary’s do admire how the Taliban face their powerful enemies, despite having smaller numbers and resources

Chornly also admires the Taliban of their devotion to their religion and the way they are able to channel it into their fight

St Mary’s have a constant faith in God. Faith is much stronger to fight with than political ideas

“It is because we have faith, we are able to fight and win against stronger enemies”

St Mary’s commander is Borgese ‘Alex’ Serediuk

He believes he can contain violence and that his religion is not just of the cross, but also of the sword

Serediuk believes their successes come from their faith and character, not their equipment. They do not answer to anyone but God

St Mary’s will continue to fight until the Kremlin is in ruins

These militia formations have the ability & the desire to break down the current shaky ceasefires & continue to a full-fledge civil war

While they do not have the amount in arms, they have the strong motivation to fight, which is much stronger

The Ukrainian Government is scared of the militia Serediuk commands

Serediuk has stated that he remains adamant his men would not honour any lasting ceasefire

The men of St Mary’s are holy warriors and will not lie down to anyone

They have strong ideological roots and a desire to fight compared with a conscripted Ukrainian army they can go further

Serediuk said that people have the image of a Christian as a peaceful abbot. We are the sword instead of the cross

It will be interesting to see how they progress. Faith has always given the underdog the edge

We must not forget how Joan of Arc saved France against the English and against all the odds in 1429

God spoke to her and Joan, although being but a maid, rallied the troops to win France back for the Dauphin

In the days of the British Raj, tea plantations were set up to break China’s monopoly

Those huge tea plantations provided everything for their workers, which included food, work and health care

Now, if a plantation owner decided to close down his operation for whatever reason, the entire work force suffered enormous hardships

No reason was given to these workers that the plantation was going to close down, it just did overnight

For the entire work force this meant losing everything

When the plantation closes down there is no thought for the workers or their livelihoods

Factories closed, schools were boarded up & health care was no more & no food so as a result workers died of malnutrition-related illnesses

Young people were placed in a life of servitude and hardship into military families that treated them like dirt

They were forced to work all day and everything they did was wrong, so they were beaten

Even the children of these families beat them as slaves

The Indian government is now looking into the matter

It is the children’s fund UNICEF, which has found out that hunger, disease and child exploitation happens

This is not only on the tea plantations, but all over India

It is the World Bank, the National Human Rights Commission, the UN and other institutions who are now scrutinising these happenings

It is high time that these agencies access these plantation estates in West Bengal and monitor their behaviour and management

It is now being implemented that workers are beginning to know their rights and that these rights are not violated

Sadly for those who are constantly being abused, nothing happens until outside agencies highlight these problems

India still remains in the Dark Ages as far as human rights are concerned

In India life is cheap and so human beings are not respected and it is always the poor who suffer the most

It is now one year since the abduction of over 200 schoolgirls by Boko Haram from Chilbok in Nigeria

There has also been at least 2,000 women and girls abducted since the start of 2014 according to Amnesty International

Many have been forced into sexual slavery or trained to fight for the group

It is the relatives of these girls, who bear the continued pain daily, not knowing of their children’s fate

It is now up to President Buhari to do the right thing for his people and bring back hope to this war torn country

On the night of the abduction, three girls jumped off the moving trucks in which Boko Haram was transporting them

They wish to tell their story. One of the girls is now studying at the American University of Nigeria

She wants to become a lawyer in Chilbok

She wants to fight for justice and she prays daily for her school colleagues that God will set them free

Another of the girls wants to be a medical doctor and build clinics and hospitals, because they do not have educated doctors in Chilbok

She wants to save lives and help those who can’t pay their medical bills

The third girl wants to be a teacher, because education is very poor and so she wants to help build schools.

They all wish to return to Chilbok. They all say if you educate a girl you educate the whole nation, it is so important

Their combined message to the girls who were abducted is to be brave and courageous

Be a hard worker and always believe in God that whatever you go through God is there for you and he will help you

To this we totally concur!

The Estonian President Toomas Ilves has called for a NATO force to be stationed in his country

With Russia manoeuvers just over the borders with 40,000-80,000 soldiers, a NATO force of just 5,000 will not be enough

The Russian Government is now concerned over moves by Finland and Sweden towards closer ties with NATO

The Nordic defence ministers will also include Norway, Denmark and Iceland

It is Russian’s recent behaviour, which is giving the greatest challenge to European security and Northern Europe

They must be prepared for any crisis

NATO needs to recognise that Russia’s position has now changed. It is no longer co-operative and is hell-bent on expanding its borders

Russia wants to resume, where possible, its control that it had in the days of the Cold War, where Eastern Europe was under its control

This is something that President Putin is slowly trying to do again

By undermining authorities in Governments and extending his bullying tactics, Putin’s scaremongering will have the desired effect!

Russia is already winning the war of wills

The Estonian President said that Russian troops could reach the Estonian capital Tallinn in just four hours

It will take NATO 48 hours to deploy its troops to protect Eastern Europe from Russian aggression

At this time NATO only has 150 soldiers stationed in Estonia

So the request now is more urgent to obtain many more to remained stationed there

NATO’s founding charter states that if a member country of the alliance is attacked, every member is oblige to go to war in its defence

Estonia’s standing army is just 5,300 troops and it relies on NATO to police its airspace

We have already seen aggressive Russian jets fly close to the UK and other Northern European countries’ airspace

These are intimidatory and are having the desired effect

Europe can no longer be complacent and must wake up to Russian’s aggressive tactics for its own expansion

By seeing how quickly military defensive action is taken, Russia can better gage how much is needed to invade when necessary

President Putin is a rogue dictator and only has his own agenda in mind

That is to enforce Russian military dictatorship once again over Europe

We must be ever vigilant and can no longer wait until a strike occurs

We must be ahead of the game or places like Crimea and Eastern Ukraine will fall again

Malala Yousafzai gets her own asteroid

Malala is a teenage activist, who campaigns globally for the right for girls around the world to be educated

She was shot in the head by the Pakistani Taliban while boarding her school bus. They left her for dead

After emergency treatment in the UK, she became a worldwide sensation speaking in front of the UN and elsewhere for the right to education

She was also awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts

The asteroid, which is a full four kilometres wide, is situated in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter

It orbits the sun every five and a half years

Under International Astronomical Union rules, they have the right to name an asteroid

They decided to honour 17 year old Malala

The world desperately needs young brainpower and clever young people to help solve humanity’s difficult problems

Malala’s bravery and dedication is in helping all girls to get an education and to highlight their cause where the sky’s the limit

Malala has the endurance and willpower to reach the height of her mission

This asteroid, named after Malala, will be an inspiration to all those who wish to save humanity against those who wish to destroy it!

There needs to be an Arab, Iranian and Turkish summit, where diplomacy is given a chance

The Iran-Arab conflict through the Yemeni situation is only getting worse, dragging in other countries who do not wish to enter in

As the Iranian-Arab escalation continues more countries will live Syria’s nightmare of continued suffering, mayhem and destruction

Nobody can win these sets of conflicts. All become a form of self-destruction with the cost in human lives incalculable

No country or community will escape these wars, which includes Iran and Saudi Arabia

Violence continues unabated in Yemen, Syria and Iraq together with global rivalries

They are slowly causing an implosion of entire nations

It is now time for all factions, such as Iran, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, to sit down and talk to see where there is common ground

They must be mindful of the outside forces and interests, which want to continue this unrest in the Middle East as it serves their purposes

Divide and rule is the object of the game, where the US, Israel and Russia all have a vested interests in keeping the pot boiling

Now the Arab world needs to get wise and to see that these conflicts will never resolve matters, but only add to increased hardships

While Israel rejects the US-Iran deal, Saudi Arabia supports it, in the hope that the US will support its military action in Yemen

This the US has now done

The US has now warmed to Iran with the ice completely broken

The two sides are co-ordinating military actions against IS in Iraq and also in Syria

This shows that the US are once again playing both sides to their advantage

It is now time for all the sides to come together and to meet face to face and address their differences

There was a Turkish-Saudi summit that in spite of major disagreements all went well

This week there has been a Turkish-Iranian summit and with massive disagreements the two sides recognised the importance of moving forward

It is now vitally important that Iran and the Arab world meet up together and vent their displeasures and equally find common ground

Where there is a will and where there is wisdom, there is always a way

These important summits should involve all national leaders with meetings starting in Mecca

Another should follow in Istanbul and the next finishing in Tehran

There can be no military solution to solve these wars

It is now up to the political dialogue to face up to their numerous problems and one by one start to settle them together

Hundreds of thousands have already died over the past dozen years since the US invaded Iraq

How many more children must die before considering the rational alternative to war?

We are all God’s children and must answer to a Higher Power – there is no getting away from that

With everybody already having blood on their hands and with nothing having been achieved, now is the time to give diplomacy a chance!

On a lighter note we wish much happiness and joy to Andy Murray and Kim Sears, who are getting married today in his home town of Dunblane

A terminally ill boy had a wish to see his parents marry

His wish was granted and they had their wedding at his hospital bedside before he died

The five year old named Corey Edwards from Devon had a congenital heart defect

Corey was being treated at the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children

When his doctors told his parents that it was only days their son had left to live, the child requested his parents get married

His parents organised the wedding in 48 hours, they received a special licence from the Archbishop of Canterbury

Hospital staff were involved with making the cake and doing the bride’s hair

The hospital chaplain the Reverend Stephen Oram said he was fulfilling the wish of a dying child

It was emotional, as the outcome for poor Corey was known, yet it was a good outcome for everyone

It made Corey’s last days very special indeed

Many children, who have parents that are not married, feel the need to request that their parents should marry

It is the children themselves who feel they need to be a part of something more binding and it is their needs that are so often ignored

Last year Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt got married

This situation was again brought on by their children, who felt they needed that completion as something special and more binding

Another famous family is Julio Iglesias and Miranda Rijnsburger, who have five children together and have been together for two decades

The parents decided to get married when they were spurred on by their children

Their children enjoyed the festivities and became an integral part of the service that joined the whole family together

There are many families where the parents are together, but do not think it is necessary when there are children around to be married

Listen to your children and when you have love in your hearts you cannot deny them something that they feel is right for them

At the end of the day love conquers all

On Thursday, 25th March 1965 Martin Luther King led thousands of nonviolent demonstrators to the steps of the capital in Montgomery, Alabama

This was after a five day 54 mile march from Selma and it had been said that it couldn’t be done

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) & Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) had been campaigning for voting rights

King told the crowd, “There never was a moment in American history more honourable and more inspiring…

…than the pilgrimage of clergymen & laymen of every race & faith pouring into Selma to face danger at the side of its embattled Negroes”

At that time the brutal law enforcement under Sheriff Jim Clark was well known

Previously black people were awarded the vote…

…but they had to endure harsh brutality from police attacks on a nonviolent demonstrating crowd

In a previous incident in Marion, a 26 year old church deacon, who tried to protect his mother, was shot by a state trooper

It took eight days for this man called Jimmie Lee Jackson to die

The carnage inflicted on that peaceful crowd by police and state troopers was filmed by journalists and went all around the world

It became known as Bloody Sunday and triggered a national outrage

After that King called on all the religious leaders from the nation to join them on another peaceful march for freedom

This ended peacefully with the police standing down

On 6th August, President Johnson in the presence of King and other civil rights leaders, signed the Voting Rights Act of 1965

What is now going on in Ferguson, Missouri and again in North Charleston, South Carolina is a similar brutality

This is of white police against the black people

It is of injustice on a massive scale where overzealous white police are killing unarmed black youths in cold blood

There still is massive racial bias in the Ferguson police department and it is widespread

In the latest shooting of a black man by a white police officer, a video showed him firing at Walter Scott

Scott was running away.  He was shot in the back several times

State investigators said the officer Michael Slager would be charged

In the case of the shooting in Ferguson, the white officer was not charged for his murder

It really is high time that the black community took up the stance in a national way to bring about justice

There are so many injustices that have taken place

We are fifty years on since the Selma situation on the vote and the black people’s human rights

How far forward have they progressed?  Very little

It is high time that all America deals with its coloured population and especially where the law is concerned and its continued injustices

As the First Nations were so brutally massacred, almost to extinction, the other races will not be such an easy push over

They have as much right to be citizens to this country as any whites have

Remember it is not the original country of the white man

They stole it from the First Nations, who would have preferred to have lived in peace

It was the white man’s greed to want it all for themselves

The American Nation is for everybody and it must now learn to live in a multicultural society

They must learn to benefit from all its people and not to give to the whites only

America is now reaping what it has sown

It is time that all Americans, not just the blacks, need to march once again for the injustices done

The laws must be changed so that all are treated equally under the Constitution

Chagas is a parasitic disease and is spread by the ‘vinchuca bug’s’ bite

In rural Argentina, villagers speak of the ‘rapid death’ caused by Chagas

This disease eats away at cardiac muscle until the patient dies

It can also devour the intestinal wall leading to toxicity and massive internal bleeding

The dreaded ‘vinchuca’ is the insect that transmits the disease & is a master of hiding, concealing itself in the cracks of walls & ceilings

It is dormant during the day and comes out at night to bite and infect people

Chagas affects more than 15 million people worldwide

Most of them are located in Latin America where as many as 50,000 die each year

With more people migrating, this disease is also migrating

While the disease is easy to diagnose with blood tests, it presents few obvious symptoms

Doctors in Argentina dedicate their lives to fighting Chagas. It was Doctor Carlos Chagas who discovered the disease in 1909

Doctor Chagas stated that once you speak out about this disease then you have all the Governments against you

Chagas is a manifestation of the level of abandonment & carelessness that Governments around the world show those who are poor

Films today are being made to bring the world’s attention to this disease with the hope that awareness will make something happen

Health workers & researchers are supporting awareness and ultimately this will help Chagas sufferers around the world

Treatment for this disease is focussed on killing the parasite in the acute infection stages

Benznidazole given to the patient, is 100% effective in curing this disease

The spraying of houses and surrounding areas is also needed

All houses should have bed nets and good hygiene practices in food preparation helps to eliminate the risks

That is where Governments must do their bit in helping those communities to overcome this disease and prevent more people being infected

Until we start taking responsibility for our fellow human beings, what does that say of us as a species?

Unless there is money for somebody to gain, nothing gets done

We should all be trying to help one another, as this is our duty upon this earth

Chemicals in industry today are used to manufacture a variety of goods from clothing, food & pharmaceuticals, but do pollute the environment

Scientists see the secret of reducing the impact to the environment by industry & to lose our dependency on fossil fuels, by using fungi

It is the fungi, which contain a source of enzymes that will kick-start the chemical reactions in the cells of all living organisms

It is these enzymes that can be increasingly used as a substitute for the harsh chemicals, which are constantly being used in industry

Fungi found in the Artic, which will tolerate low temperatures, are hoped to change manufacturing processes across the world

Many of us already use the biological enzymes in our own washing agents, which have already replaced the harsh chemicals in the powder

Therefore the washing of clothes has already become revolutionised

Clothes can now be washed in washing machines using a lower temperature due to the efficiency of these enzymes, which do the job

Pollution to our planet is greatly reduced by lower temperatures and the naturalness of the washing agent doesn’t harm the environment

This is a win-win situation all around. Everything that we have in nature is there to assist us all in helping to heal this planet

This Man has tried to destroy, because he always looks for artificial means instead of what is natural and limitless?

We are so blessed with what nature provides us with and yet we are still not grateful!

The abuse of children is worldwide, but in a country like China it seems there are no laws in place for child abuse

This is a typical example of where boarding schools are used and parents live a long way off

Access to their children is often difficult as parents have to work

In villages in China there are boarding schools & they are recommended to be good schools with military-style discipline & good teachers

The parents take on board what is given and send their children there

For years a man by the name of Li Jian has been forcing students back to his home, where he abuses them

He binds, gages, tortures and rapes them. He then threatens them with death if they tell anyone what he does in his apartment

Finally a student couldn’t stand it anymore and told his parents

This teacher, who was in charge of discipline at the school, would pick on the students who made mistakes and later took them to his home

Li Jian has received a prison sentence of only two years and ten months, as China has no laws banning male rape over the age of fourteen

So the teacher was only found guilty of detaining his students

Frustrated with China’s piecemeal child abuse laws, the victim’s families are appealing for a harsher punishment

They are also pushing Li Jian to pay compensation, so that their boys can receive psychological counselling

Families feel that other parts of the Chinese system have failed their sons

When they went to the police to report these offences the police said “that creep is doing it again”

So although known to the police, nothing is ever done about it

School officials refused to answer allegations from victim’s families, with several teachers turning a blind eye to these abuses

With thirty million children across the mainland of China, who attend schools far away from home, there is a high risk of abuse

Save the Children say that China’s boarding schools have no proper safeguards in place

They have children as young as five years old

There are no teacher background checks and no means of reporting sexual or physical violence

With no redress the families are deciding to move away and put their children into schools where they keep an eye on them

The system does not keep their children safe and it can’t even deliver justice

China’s director for Save the Children says that research shows the outcome of sexual abuse continues well into adult life

Many victims suffer mental health issues and have difficulties with learning and problems with building healthy relationships

Social media is highlighting these problems and is playing a critical role to bring the attention of abuses to the authority’s attention

As with all things on human rights situations, China is very slow in dealing with these atrocities if at all

Social media and continued pressure to highlight these offences will gradually change the mind-sets

Then this awful practice by perverts is brought to the surface

It has to be shown it is unacceptable in today’s world

In the UK alone according to figures disclosed by leading children’s charities there are 100,000 children abused every day

Our Government needs to do more and reports of abuses voiced loudly

There needs to be a policy of naming paedophiles that come from all works of society for the safety of the public & for children especially

There are dreadful conditions on today’s school children, where poverty holds back so many in their schooling

Teachers are admitting that many of their pupils are arriving at school hungry & not even wearing the right clothes in wintery conditions

Teachers have also reported they are bringing in their own food, so that their pupils can eat

Some schools are now offering free meals for all infant children

Poverty wreaks havoc in a child’s life and is detrimental to their learning when there is nothing in their stomachs

The NASUWT teachers' union asked their members for their own experiences and received 2,500 responses

Not only are children coming to school without food, they come to school without socks or coats in bad weather

In addition more and more children are being sent home with letters of unpaid school meals

For those pupils who are sick, they are being sent to school because parents cannot afford to take time off work to look after them

The lasting effects on child poverty means pupils get lower grades at GCSE levels compared to their wealthier peers

This then translates into fewer qualifications and then into lower earnings over their working life

We have in the UK 3.5 million children, who live in poverty. That is more than one child to every four children

The Government has said it has reduced adult overall poverty by 300,000 under the coalition Government

But it is the children’s poverty that under present policies will rise to 600,000 by 2015/2016

If these trends continue it will mean that by 2020 there will be 4.7 million children in poverty

These situations are unforgiveable!

The UK is one of the top economies in the world, yet has so many children in poverty

It is an absolute disgrace and cannot be ignored

The UK gives billions in aid around the world that is commendable, but at the expense of our own future generations

This will incur a greater burden on society. It is crass stupidity

It is already estimated that child poverty costs this society £29 billion a year

This is with various handouts given by the Government, which do not curb the problem, but continues with devastating lives

The Government of this country should all be ashamed of themselves

We, as a country, are in effect killing our own future generations

It is high time that this situation was at the forefront of new and improved policies

We must completely bring children out of poverty because we care

There is the money there if we chose to distribute it wisely and charity at the end of the day must start at home

We owe it to our children!

Why has Easter lost its meaning for so many?

The Churches are usually pretty full around the Easter period, but not as full as at Christmas time

Jesus Christ, the world’s greatest healer, died on the cross to show us one thing and one thing only, that he would survive bodily death

That was his initial message to us all

Jesus, who rose from the dead, was born again into the light and love of the Spirit, the Universal Creator

The Church and religion in general have largely shown pomp and ceremony

They have failed in so many ways to share the truth about God and the afterlife, simply because they do not understand it themselves

They have not found out what happens to those who pass on

They equally have failed to go out to show healing, compassion and direction to their flock

The Church’s priests only talk to those who are already converted to their speeches and dictates

They have lost the art of going out to the public as a whole and giving active help to their communities

Not to gain converts to their religion, but to demonstrate love and commitment by example of basic help and understanding

There is so much suffering in this world

People can’t get to see their doctors who are too busy to deal with their issues, prescribing anti-depressants & sending them on their way

This is where the Church should come in and take a more pro-active role in visiting citizens and helping them in their times of need

The Church needs to listen to the people’s concerns and give hands on help where they can

The Master Jesus taught us to go out and help ones fellow man, show love and compassion

That means everybody, atheists as well. After all we are all God’s children, not just the so called chosen few

By actively doing what Jesus taught, there would be a show of divine love demonstrated

Then a healthy discussion about Jesus and God can come in later if appropriate

It has to be the divine love and help that must be at the forefront of all priests and clergy

It is not about how many people they can get into their church

Understand that God is within, not without and even if one is stranded on a desert island, God will be with that person at all times

Churches have lost the teachings of Jesus, who went out and demonstrated his healing ministry to this entire world

It should not remain closeted in the walls of a church building

That is why religion has failed its people and it is no wonder that people no longer look for advice and guidance from God

People do not understand what Jesus really did for them, which is to show that life is eternal

It is created out of love and taken with love at the appointed time

That full meaning has been forgotten, the Church has lost its way

It has not followed the teachings of Christ, but wishes to remain safe in its closeted existence

Is it any wonder that people would prefer the comfort of a Chocolate Egg?

Where is the comfort demonstrated by the Churchmen, who are only interested in themselves anyway? 

An Iranian nuclear bomb would not happen, as it would be closely overseen by security policies and continued sanctions

It would not constitute a threat to Israel or the US

The threat has never been from Iran, but from Israel

A document has been recently released from 1987 on Israel’s nuclear weapons capabilities by the US Pentagon

It stated Israel was experimenting with coding, “which enabled them to make Hydrogen bombs”

These are a thousand times more powerful than an atom bomb

Now one can understand why President Obama was not fooled by Netanyahu’s absurd accounts

Netanyahu wants to destroy Iran’s policies, behaviour and influence, which are growing in the area

Netanyahu is also concerned about a widening dispute between Israel and the US administration

The Iran/US deal will give a win/win situation with a diplomatic partnership to resolving other regional conflicts

They are all focussed on the future

Should Iran be threatened in any way, they would then wish to create a nuclear bomb

Iran with a bomb would be a threat to Israel, who has established themselves as the unrivalled military power in the Middle East

Israel wishes to maintain the status quo, so they can threaten large states like Iran into submission and contain them militarily

Israel wants to stop Iran’s influence beyond their borders

Never forget Israel’s monopoly on nuclear arms

It is an arsenal of 200 warheads, which are unmonitored by the international community

Iraq, Iran’s neighbour, had a nuclear reactor near Baghdad, which Israeli forces destroyed

Israel is also involved in playing off forces vying for power in Syria to keep them fighting and exhausted

Israelis killed a dozen senior Hezbollah and Iranian commanders

All this would have been unthinkable had Tehran had the bomb. Israel would fear their own annihilation!

It is interesting that Israel’s nuclear weapons were developed in the late 1960’s over the White House’s opposition

They have forcefully burrowed into the very heart of US security

They use the threat of nuclear annihilation to justify access to US intelligence, aid and their arms programme

This has always provided Israel with a military edge

Were Iran to become a nuclear state, it would give Iran control over much of the Gulf’s oil

It would cement Tehran’s position as Washington’s most privileged partner in the region

It would transform the White House and the Pentagon’s assessment for US strategic interests in the region

This would allow Iran to intensify its support for the Palestinian resistance group and Israel would have limited options for a response

With Israel being squeezed by Iran, Lebanon and Palestinian resistance, this would escalate in a nuclear standoff

The US would then be able to force Israel to solve the conflict with the Palestinians

Something they are opposed to do!  

The nuclear talks in Lausanne continue down their lengthy road of discovery and diplomacy

A deal will be struck, even if it appears tongue in cheek to most of the delegates, who are still there

President Obama and Hassan Rouhani have lots at stake in these negotiations

Therefore it is of paramount importance that they reach a deal in the interim

By reaching a deal without resorting to force is what Obama wishes to do

He wants his foreign policy to stick to something, which will be his legacy before he leaves office

As least Washington is supporting President Obama at this stage

The Iranians, the Americans and the other delegates have underlined the importance of a comprehensive deal

Iran is a regional power and is not an occupied nation like the Palestinians

They are stronger and will not be the easy push over that everybody wants

Concessions on both sides need to come together much more and that will is certainly there on both sides to achieve it

Once a deal has been struck, which it will be, it will then be enshrined in a UN Security Council resolution

This will make it tougher for the US Congress to walk away from the deal, no matter who the next President is

IS has seized control of large parts of the Yarmouk district in Southern Damascus

This area is a refugee camp inhabited by Palestinians who have fled from Palestine

IS has taken over the majority of the camp after fighting with Palestinian groups, who are also opposed to Bashar al-Assad

Yarmouk was once a thriving area and home to 160,000 Palestinian refugees as well as Syrians, who have been caught up in the fighting

They have all been besieged by regime forces for over a year now!

At this time there are 18,000 residents remaining in this camp after many have already fled due to the fighting

With Iraqi forces battling IS in Tikrit, where they have now been forced out, IS is being squeezed out on several fronts

Tikrit is now 95% liberated with municipal teams going in to clear the debris and restore power

Alert is always high, as many of the buildings have been booby trapped, but they are now being made safe

After Tikrit the next advance will be Mosul, where IS will be surrounded from all sides

The Iraqi forces will be on one side and the Kurdish fighters on the other three

It is because IS is now being squeezed out that they are forcing their way through to areas, which show the least resistance 

Their forces are being depleted, even though the call for jihad is universal and continuous

They will not get enough fighters to give them the control that they need

They have lost more fighters than they can recruit and are feeling the pressure on them to survive more than they had imagined before

They are not worried about living as the cause is their prime objective

If they are all dispensed with, the caliphate they wish to create will have no one to run it

The fight is now on and the opposition is growing in strength against them

Even those, who were too afraid to fight, are taking whatever tool is at their disposal to repel this savage regime

The turning point is gathering momentum and IS will see their strategy being systematically cut off and they will be trapped

There is a lesson here that needs to be learnt throughout the world

If you have a weak Government in power and situations for all the people are not met, you automatically will see savage groups rise up

Governments can no longer sit on their hands and do nothing

They have to incorporate all the people under their ministry and not just the chosen few

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