29th December 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)
“One life, one voice, is all that is ever needed to make a difference to this world of ours”
“One person strong enough, who will stand alone and say what is right, will see others follow as well”
“The churches are now in freefall, religions no longer hold the grip of fear to the populace”
“More and more people are now renouncing the churches and their twisted argument to sustain their cherished lifestyle”
“Mankind is beginning to think for himself and to renounce what the churches stand for”
“Start to see a new movement of spirituality, where people are beginning to question God, religion and the organised churches”
“A new movement based on love, compassion and understanding of the Higher Intelligence is now being formed”
“It is the young people, who are questioning what they believe is fundamentally wrong”
“That belief systems around the world are fundamentally flawed”
“Time now is progressing, where everything appears fast moving and where it is the people who decide who they love and in what way”
“It is the people themselves who are the new movement of today”
“Where they feel free to openly talk about God and Jesus in ways not thought possible before”
“God and his ministry are now active in opening people’s minds, saying they must now think for themselves”
“They must question religious doctrines to see if they sit right in their minds in today’s society”
“It is the people themselves who want a new direction based on transparency”
“Where the truth is no longer hidden by a barrage of false arguments”
“The Vatican and the established worldwide religions are now falling. All are being questioned as to their validity”
“Wars based on religious dogma have no place in modern society. These are now being crushed”
“It is the new movement of people armed with their own thinking and evolution, who will change a world thinking”
“We are no longer in the Dark Ages of Ignorance. The churches cannot anymore pull the wool over our eyes”
“Men are now fewer than ever before going into the priesthood. They see these roles as ridiculous and want to heal people in their own way”
“The calling to many people across this world is growing and one by one they are standing up and being heard”
“Spiritually and the giving to others is a worldwide concept and is both natural and real”
“It does not need the dictate of a religion to form that necessity”
“Man can and does now think for himself and his words are now being heard”
“We are all spiritual, all God-faring. We know instinctively what is right and wrong”
“The world is changing and religions entrenched in the past have no meaning in this modern world and life”
“The voice of God is heard by every soul”
“It is our conscience. When we choose to do the right thing we are always saved and that is the reality!”
20th December 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)
“It is simply a matter of giving and loving, everything else is not necessary at this time”
“It is in the giving that we also are looked after and gifts come back to us naturally without ever having to ask”
“Take this special time also to reflect on a year which has been unsettling for so many”
“Many people daily are being saved at this time of the year due to the generosity of so many”
“Almighty God works in mysterious ways and His plan is mighty and foolproof”
“Know that all are saved, not always in the way that they think they should be, but in a better way”
“The time is now changing and where the people are returning to the Higher Intelligence without the need of a building, such as a church”
“It is the people themselves who are finding God in their hearts and minds and…”
“…where restored faith is now happening to individuals all over the world”
“Peace is restored through the daily interaction with the Spirit – that is where true salvation lies”
“Giving and receiving without any monetary transaction is where love is given freely and freely received”
“We are all capable of giving freely, so now and always is the time to give!”
16th December 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)
“A time for giving, a time for sharing, a time to re-connect with others after so many years”
“Life is too short for so many and must be cherished”
“All of us are in need to be reached out to at some time in our lives. Christmas time is one of these times”
“See a heavenly hue come over all to bring back happiness and understanding, where rifts have perhaps blocked this in the past”
“Renewed friendships are vital for all our survival and where we can contribute again to other peoples’ lives”
“Fear and anger must not be allowed to prevail. This is a time for sharing and building bridges again”
“Think now over your lives and see where this best applies”
“We are all one family. Humankind is all connected in one way or another”
“Seek out to help others, who are less fortunate than ourselves and bring back happiness to the lonely and suffering”
“One thing is for sure, you won’t regret the outcome!”
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