01 June 2012

jandmayers June 2012 Twitter

Interested in changing people’s lives for the better and helping to make it happen through specialist guidance.

Being rich and doing nothing with your money is now becoming a dirty word

You are judged not by how many millions you have got, but what have you achieved with your wealth

Have you made an impression regarding the eradication of poverty?

What action has your money taken regarding helping those who are suffering massive deprivation?

How many children have the rich managed to save, who are dying of disease?

All the rich now will need to answer these questions

It is no longer great to be seen as being rich and privileged, while others die in starvation and misery

All now will be asked the same question, “What have you, as an individual, done to help alleviate suffering in this world?”

The pop stars, the highly paid footballers, the bankers, the models, the playboys and royalty – “What have you done?”

Nobody can take their money with them…

…It is high time they put it to good use, that way it will pay greater dividends than just monetary interest. It will actually save lives

What have you done to save this planet and helped to secure a future for the next generations?

Again as usual, banking ethics and practices go out of the window…

…Until Governments start to make examples of these banking systems they have no right to govern

It is one law/rule for the man in the street, who gets penalised if he/she goes overdrawn…

…yet these banks can practice sharp practice and almost get away with it

Remember these bankers have been getting away with it; it is only when they get found out does anything minor gets done…

…They run roughshod over everybody to feed their own greedy pleasures, so long as it never gets found out!

When will we, as a people and when will Governments around the world, wake up and do something? …

…The answer appears never, as the power of the banking system is too great

So because Mankind is negligent in its actions, so The Higher Force will need to address these matters/concerns

More banks will go to the wall and none of us will have much sympathy

See Bank Managers made up as scapegoats, but higher banking officials will also fall!

As has been predicted, the banks globally will further fall. Barclays Bank, whose greed in underhand systemic dishonesty, has been found out

Their fine is but a drop in the ocean and is not a deterrent against their underhand practices…

…Until the cry from the people is sufficiently outraged, nothing ever changes

The banks think they are above the Law. When will Governments around the world exert justice against these organisations…

…whose power makes them feel they have carte blanche over other law abiding institutions and the people

The Eurozone situation to further come crashing down as…

…Angela Merkel and François Hollande try to put more sticking plaster over this financial fiasco

When will these people wake up to reality? The Euro can’t be saved…

…The entire situation needs to be scrapped and a new robust law to be imposed, which all countries can agree and work to

Everything the German Chancellor does and…

…other than banking regulations to try and save this situation, will only see them fall deeper into the pit

Queen Elizabeth II attended a Thanksgiving Church Service in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland. The church was of the Protestant religion

At the same time across the road another Thanksgiving Service was being performed at the Catholic Church

Queen Elizabeth II decided off her own back to visit the Catholic ministers and congregation after she had attended the Protestant Service…

…So acknowledging the two faiths and showing open solidarity towards the people of Northern Ireland

Her act, which is a clear sign that she wishes to move on from the past and embrace the future of peace and prosperity, is unprecedented

The Queen shows by her example and wisdom that if the will is there to repair the pains of war, it can be achieved

Will the rest of the world sit up and take her example? …

…Much can divide us, it is our job as Man to find out what binds and unites us and with love one can always find a way

The Israeli evacuation of their settlers from the West Bank to another location of Beit El…

…will do little to improve relations with the Palestinian people

Until Israel and Palestine can come to some permanent peace agreement, whereby trade between the two countries becomes possible and…

…is overseen by an ‘independent other’ – nothing will ever get sorted out

War will just continue throughout the generations. There is only one God and that God is of love and not war…

…All life is sacred and must be held as such with respect given to all

The bitterness and resentment from Mankind continues to burn within and will never rest…

…That brings illness, not only to the individual, but to the nation

No benefit is built on the foundations of hatred. All becomes bare and useless. Everything in that area dies in one way or another

Nothing is achieved through continued fear and unrest

The greatness of a country is reflected in the number of people who are poor…

…Governments in their own countries first to build for them a future with hope as opposed to none!

Until poverty’s addressed throughout the world, there can be no future built on failing foundations. Everything in time will have to collapse

There has to be a heart, a compassion, in Mankind to do the right thing by his brother, his neighbour…

…All must do their parts to raise the level of awareness that all Mankind has a right of care and support when needed

Mankind has already failed its children, as mass poverty encourages diseases and finally death…

…Which of us who are affluent would welcome to chance the change places with these forgotten souls?

Instead of Europe reducing their aid to poor countries, they should be thinking of reducing their support to…

…irresponsible greedy bankers, who have brought everybody down

Poverty is brought on by failed states and hits the vulnerable…

…Banks fail due to lack of regulation, accountability and greed. They hit all in society and are responsible!

A high ranking US Roman Catholic official has been found guilty of endangering children over sex abuse cases

The tide is now turning massively towards all churches, especially of the Catholic Church…

…who has allowed this intense suffering of innocent children to occur

Their blind arrogant attitude that their jobs are more important than the individual child’s life…

…who now must pay a life sentence for what has been done to them

The churches all will be smashed down, in ruins, as they also will go through a cleansing…

…No more have they the luxury of doing as they please

They have forsaken their people and the people will act as is their right to do so and…

…that is to abandon all their churches that do not provide the necessities of life

For Egyptians the time of reckoning has come about. A blood bath will ensue if the recommended demands by the people are not met

See a new killing on Tahrir Square; the army cannot contain the crowds

Syria will be put in isolation, as the grip around Bashar al-Assad further tightens

Russia will capitulate and withdraw its support, leaving Syria to its fate

Anders Behring Breivik is sane. A full psychiatric report will disclose this evidence…

…He was clear in his mind that he was doing the right thing to save the people of Norway

His sentence will be harsh. It will reflect public opinion and will safeguard against another happening occurring

The people of Norway will be satisfied with the outcome. Their own dignities remain unblemished

The downgrading of banks by Moody’s is necessary. Banks need to be brought into line…

…They do not have the right to take those risks with other people’s money

They as usual always overstep the mark. Their continued existence will be determined as another run/fall on the banks is predicted

The amazing lady, Aung San Suu Kyi, is an inspiration to us all for dedication to her people and their freedom

Her demonstration of visible control and dignity against suppression of her own human rights is a lesson we can all learn from

Aung San Suu Kyi and Nelson Mandela are two of a kind. Their spirituality in putting ‘right’ before self is a credit to their endurance

People of the world, we need more of these souls to be a shining example to what the world needs. These are the leaders we should produce

They put their people first before their own liberty and should be praised to the Heavens

Ghandi is another one, whose selfless devotion to putting across that situations can change if…

…the intention is right and the cause is honourable and just

At the G20 summit world leaders said they would take all necessary measures to protect the Euro and for Spain to recapitalise its banks…

…Nothing has been done to deal with the Banking System, which brought about economic downfall in 2008

In Europe and the US, the banks are still dealing in the mindless way they have always done. Nothing has changed

When will Governments learn? An entire restructure and reforms of the banks should have been done in 2008-2009

All banks should be reduced in size, so that their powers are limited and…

…a greater control is brought back to the people, whose wages and income largely comes from them

Take away all banking business and assets and they would cease to trade

While banks have a monopoly all the time, the man in the street is left always at their mercy and economic manoeuvrability…

…The banks always hold the power

See Mankind lose trust in the Banking System and start to look to smaller operatives, who can give a service and value for money…

…That time is not far off

The banks will finally lose

Prince Charles’ warning of the catastrophic consequences on inaction to the Rio+20 Conference on climate change is absolutely right

The world’s constant negativity and unrest throughout is affecting the terrain and climate function in so many ways

Water is being polluted & this affects the land & crops, which then filters into the atmosphere & is blown off course to infect other areas

Everywhere you look there are more and more locations where land and water is dying…

…This is Man’s fault due to extensive pollution the land and the water having increasing difficulties to repair and regenerate itself

In some areas it is not possible as the land is now too toxic

Until Mankind takes up personal responsibility of our pollutants…

…the overload is ever increasing and sustainability of life is further threatened

Egypt will erupt as they announce a new President. It will be a scene where the Military will have to back out and down

A position the Military won’t like, but they will have no choice, as the President is a vote of confidence for the people…

…a clear indication of where Egypt wants to go

The world must now learn the power of the people…

…No more will the people be dictated to by adverse Governments, who rule at will and leave the people to suffer immense hardships

The Higher Universal Forces now brings reform back to the people, who were strangled and held entrenched by their ruling Masters.  No more!

As usual greed prevails…

…Olympic tickets should be for the deserving public & not for Olympic representatives willing to sell their tickets for thousands of pounds

Every ticket sold to an individual should have that person’s name on it and the price…

…Any mishandling of extra funds being paid for those tickets should have those tickets removed on entry

Until there is a no financial gain, there will always be a black market set up for this aim

All those who have gained by their greed will see that they will lose it by the same account…

…All ill-gotten gains are removed by Universal Law

The world is such a small place and what happens in one country, good or bad, affects those in neighbouring countries

Where there is goodwill, then all around goodwill is felt and delivered – all prosper

Where there are bad policies they too affect us. Unrest and negativity all hurt and the people suffer

Where there is gross negativity by the people in the case of death and destruction…

…these negative forces continue to impregnate the land and the surrounding pastures all are affected and suffer

Egypt’s situation will go from bad to worse with the system getting out of control

The military together with the US want to keep the status quo of the old regime. They will see an overthrow of the next illegal Government

Egyptian people have fought for their right to have a democracy…

…The military and the US have to give those people that right; otherwise the repercussions will be fatal!

The Falkland Islanders will relish these celebrations of freedom from Argentinian occupation some thirty years ago

The Falkland people will reunite in solidarity to remain British. These islands will never fall foul of Argentinian invasion again

See a renewed strength in the Falkland people, as more tourists will apply to come in and be welcomed – their tourist industry to grow!

Whatever Argentina tries to do it will be quashed…

…Right and might is on the side of justice for all and that is where these island people are coming from

As predicted, Syria is now in a state of Civil War. The conflict to escalate and…

…the FSA will start to make imposing advances, much to their surprise and to the surprise of the Government army

Inspite of Russian attack helicopters, which they are supplying to the Assad Government, it will be of no use

Russia to have egg on their face, as they will be isolated from events and it will eventually turn on them

As predicted, the Russian people will continue to revolt.  They will be heard

Putin is running sacred. He knows his underhand schemes of destruction are coming under closer scrutiny and…

…that the Russian people will no longer put up with him or his shenanigans

See a growing movement of unrest being unleashed by the Russian people.  They will win in the long term

Putin and his henchmen will be announced on general television, as the people will want his blood and his scalp

The Revolution is here to stay!

Syria will try a last ditch attempt to bring the country under military control. It will fail

The FSA are now gathering momentum as they seize the initiative to strike hard at the seat of Government

An open wound in Bashar al-Assad’s army of which he cannot heal – more defections are emerging

Spanish disaster is looming. It cannot any longer control its failing banks, which are in disarray

The Spanish Government is trying to save face in the face of German economic restrictions…

…The Spanish banks are in tatters. They cannot hold on

Further defragmentation of the Eurozone is occurring…

…When will these politicians face facts instead of hiding from the truth – their policies are not working

Spain will default on its debts & a huge financial crisis in the Eurozone will be felt. The IMF doesn’t have the funds for this huge bailout

As has been predicted Kofi Annan’s peace plan will have to be torn up and redrafted…

…Bashar al-Assad has made a complete mockery of the entire thing

While the world is at odds as to how to deal with Syria, so civil war is upon them and nobody can stop it

The world looks on as Bashar al-Assad, Russia and China continue to laugh. Their collective might is superior at this stage

However the worm is now turning and Bashar al-Assad will be condemned by his own people and tried for war crimes…

…He will face the death penalty

Money, hard cash, is primarily what keeps the world turning. Too much deceit, too much greed, now affects us all

See a major dip in trade and money. Countries now strapped for cash can no longer expect to be bailed out

The world collapsing in so many aspects, war will become secondary to the fight to feed ourselves, where nothing can be traded

See world famine take over from war, as people cannot fight who cannot feed themselves

Universal Law, the likes this world has not seen since the time of Moses, will hit all parts of this world

The world economy to take a shattering blow, as markets in all countries come crashing down

The influence of the European markets will have the desired knock-on effect to other world markets, slashing money from shares

This is the wake-up call the world needs. Unless economic restructure is sound and solid with banks being reassessed, no one is safe anymore

Japan to take another fall on their markets as weaknesses in their budget reforms do not make any difference at all!

For the Queen to increase her popularity and to maintain momentum…

…a special force of active support for the underprivileged would see a legacy sewn up

The country is in dire need of a leader without political bias to give generations, who are deprived, something to hold onto

This, together with the UK Churches, would be an open signal that they can and must do more

The Diamond Jubilee has left many of us united in national pride…

…Let us take it that bit further and aid those who are in ways not able to help themselves

Like Prince Charles, with his various Princes Trusts, is able to deal with enterprise, so our underprivileged also need special help…

…It can only come from those who care and are in a position to do something about it

Damascus increasingly will become a powder keg for the Free Syrian Army, who is hell bent now on taking revenge no matter what the cost

Bashar al-Assad has brought his people to the brink of Civil War…

…His attitude is only of self-preservation and nothing else. He will be brought down!

As Bashar al-Assad further embarrasses both Russia and China with his contempt, so they will relinquish their support of him

See other countries now arm the Free Syrian Army to bring about a more equal contest…

…The Syrian people will be heard no matter what the rest of the world has to say

The Kofi Annan’s peace plan will be re-written

China’s human rights issues are appalling and getting worse by the day, as the Government puts down activists…

…which they see can disrupt their regime

A growing concern by the Chinese Government, as little pockets of unrest are increasing and gaining momentum all over the country

This unrest and the desire of its people to be free of a military state of control…

…is forcing them to see how other parts of the world are acting

The people are more educated and becoming streetwise. For the people to rise up a further gathering of momentum will take place

Once the people overcome their fear over poverty and suppression they become an unstoppable force

The young especially will be the driving force, as they can see their depravation can no longer be tolerated

Out of the grey skies, the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee royal barge will be in gleaming sunshine

A day of pageantry and excitement, see the weather shine through on this glorious occasion.  All will be fine

Many street parties will have the fun and pomp that they will make for themselves. It will be a true day to remember

The people of Great Britain will remember this glorious event as Great Britain truly rises out of the ashes of despair – very uplifting

Egypt will see Mubarak’s sons committed to long term imprisonment. They have not escaped the rule of law and the country demands justice

See Andy Murray go through another round of tennis. His confidence is now rising and he is beginning to gather momentum

Know the grass court season will be an impressive time for Andy Murray…

…as he goes beyond what he thought was his best ever tennis – a startling time

For Andy Murray to recover from his back trouble, he has to believe he will be supported throughout his life and let the past go

Andy Murray’s past was plagued with a number of severe issues, all of these he has finally conquered, except the latest

He will not let himself down and the structure is already in place to allow him to come through the ranks and…

…be a world player over and above what he is today

Fortune will hit him and give him the master stroke of genius that he has been searching for…

…It is all around him now and the beginnings of great things are indeed emerging

Look out for a burst of strength and anticipation, which now takes him onto the next level of genius

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