01 July 2012

jandmayers July 2012 Twitter

Interested in changing people’s lives for the better and helping to make it happen through specialist guidance.

In accordance with Spiritual Law, those who have transgressed against others will feel the full weight of the Law and…

…this is now happening the entire world over

Australia’s law enforcers have seized a half a billion dollars’ worth of drugs from a Hong Kong based drug ring

The entire operation taking one year to complete

All misdeeds, no matter how long it takes, will come to the surface. Nothing is hidden from the Universal Intelligence and…

…to think otherwise is to be totally naïve. All will be shown the full force on the Law and that will mark them for life

What is happening throughout the world is the restoration of justice from the many misdemeanours which have been going on in this world and…

…where before they thought they had been getting away with it, now it is no more

See a global purging in so many ways as more & more will be brought to justice. Their time is now over as another way to live is being shown

The world is waiting with baited breath, as to how Syria will be able to play out its game of cat and mouse. The entire establishment of…

…Basher al-Assad is on borrowed time. The explosion, which is about to happen, will destroy the entire regime in one fell swoop

No one of any value will be still standing, as the entire regime will collapse with virtually nothing to build on by the other side

This will have dire consequences for the next regime to pick up and start to find an alternative government

They are ill-equipped in so many ways. However their heart is in the right place and so an economist of some importance…

…will be able to steer this fragile country towards salvation and a sort of equality for the masses

The tribal intuitions that have failed in Afghanistan, will be able to settle their differences and begin anew

For too long now they have endured the severe hatchet of the Assad regime, so to bring together a collective, …

…which will be able to transpire into a global economy, will slowly be able to come about

There is already a vast impetus by the people not to give up and to fight to the death, …

…to the bitter end, in order to save Syria from this dictator

There will come an impasse like the lull before the storm, where the dark clouds of despair & uncertainty will creep into every living soul…

…within Syria now. Once that has been recognised, then the will of the people will rise up…

…the likes this regime has never seen before and the overthrow will be accomplished

The hell on earth being replaced by a weird heavenly hue of light and satisfaction

Syria is not Iraq. They have different ideals and agendas and the people will rally around…

…to safeguard their country in ways not thought of by the Iraqis

The world will learn from this country & how it’ll come about through the deluge of what must have appeared to them to be an impossible task

North Korea has seen flooding kill many of its people and damage to over 5,000 homes leaving 60,000 homeless

Yet the country does little to help their own people

Last year’s summer floods and bitter winter led to chronic food shortages that Pyongyang had to appeal for International Aid. It appears…

…that North Korea can build a rocket to go into space, while at the same time they have to ask for humanitarian aid for their own people

Either we are all in this world to help one another or we are in this world to do what we want while our own people die from starvation

It is obvious that North Korea only does what it suits them, while their own people die, while at the same time having no compunction…

…but to ask for International Aid.  The arrogance of North Korea is astounding

If the rest of the world did not have the humanity that it does, the North Korean people would be in a worst state than they are today with…

…many more people dying from hunger.  Thank God for those who organise International Aid…

…whose countries freely offer this service for humanity.  If left to the North Koreans the world would be in a sorry state

They are fortunate that International Aid has a different agenda to them, otherwise they would get nothing at all

But going into outer space, for their government, is the greater importance over their people

Thank goodness the world has not forgotten the people of North Korea, while their government has!

The tide for women in areas like Saudi Arabia is changing

The regime are now actually allowing women to perform in the Olympic Games as equal to all men

We are a global nation of both men and women and…

…both of the sexes should be in a position to demonstrate their athletic abilities without fear or favour

Until those countries throughout the world can appreciate that women have as much right to freedom as men do then…

…nothing will ever change for those countries.  They remain in the dark ages & continue to live in fear.  The fear here is the fear of women

Yet under Universal Laws we are all equal to the Law and should have that right to live under that Law as has been stated

The problem that faces Aleppo is that the reserves of President Basher al-Assad are in fact running out and…

…all he has in his arsenal are the major guns and artillery, which of course are supplied by Russia

It is these deadly weapons that pose the greatest threat to this second town of Syria

However the blood is rising amongst the rebels and it is demising daily with the national military, so as they begin to get more organised…

…the impetus with the rebels will be able to save the day.  The battle of wills is on

The Universal Laws are on the side of justice and it is this justice that will force this regime out

Notice a calm before the storm, as both sides are vying for position and then the onslaught will occur

See more military defecting to the rebels, as brother will fight alongside brother for the greater good

The situation with Greece can never be sorted out with bailouts from the various monetary funds

It is the IMF and the European Bank who will be able to see this with their own eyes

There are no real foundations in Greece’s strategy that will be able to ease them out of their financial difficulties

Only hard work for very little will be the bases by which this country will ever get off its knees

The situation will last for years, if not decades and it is only the will of the people who themselves will eventually dig themselves out…

…of their own hole.  Any more money given to them only lengthens their own pain and suffering

Until their own mind set changes, then the world can do nothing for them

If the people want the miracle they have to accept that in order to get that miracle they have to deserve it first

The people have ignored the incompetence in their own leaders, who have contributed to their downfall as with so many things

They prefer to turn a blind eye, thinking they are not responsible for their own plight

When Greece held World Olympics in 2004 they were not ready, so many aspects in Athens at that time were not completed to house those games

Roads were not ready, scaffolding was everywhere, parks were a mess, filthy and not painted. The entire Athens at that time was in chaos

The Government of the day had to enlist people from other countries to come in and finish the job in time for the Olympic Games to open

At that time it showed up the Greek people for who they are.  Their attitude to work and a pride in their own country…

…at a time when the world was looking at them, was of no concern to them.  The simply did not care

One saw laziness in every direction.  That was the message they sent out to the world and hardly anybody cared

Is it then so surprising that the country is in such a mess?

All the hardworking Greeks have fled & have invested their hard earned money elsewhere It is a big lesson that the Greek people have to pay…

…but pay they will until they learn that nothing is for nothing in this life. All has to be earned in one way or another

The situation with the Global Warming is getting worse and it will continue to do so until…

…Mankind is prepared to wake up instead of sleep walking through life

Greenland’s massive ice sheet is melting in places that has not melted before and…

…scientists observing these happenings are saying it makes you sit up and ask what is happening?

Nigeria has seen massive flooding due to heavy rains on its Plateau State.  Everywhere the world over, extensive flooding and…

…devastation is taking place all of which are exceptional to what has gone on before.  This cannot be a chance situation but…

…a global environmental problem that scientists are monitoring which politicians prefer to continually ignore

All of us are responsible in making those in government aware.  We all have a voice and it is with that voice through the media and…

…social networking that we can make that difference, if we care enough

Aung San Suu Kyi is fighting to bring about a law that will protect the rights of ethnic minorities.  The spirit being…

…equal rights and mutual respect.  This should be the mantra for the entire world over, for every human being…

…every soul to be equal and to enjoy mutual respect.  Until that happens nothing will ever change for Mankind

The tragedy of the Iraqi situation will never go away while religious sects have no interest, time or tolerance for each other…

…Religion the world over is systemic of how people think that their preferred religion is the best and the greatest over all others…

…A propaganda taught by respective priests of those religions, who hoodwink the people into believing that what they say is actually right

When people pass from this life, they will realise that in their so called Heaven, there is no religion and all are equal under that Law…

…What is necessary to know is how you conduct yourself on this earth, then secures your position in the next dimension and…

…not because of the religion you practice.  This tends to be a shock to the individual on arriving and finding out this is so

So when Mankind has finally woken up to tolerance and love being the prime objective, then the world will be a better and safer place 

The sympathy felt by the American people for the victims of Aurora is highly understandable, but…

…nothing concrete can ever change while the American people feel they have a right to own guns

Every gun crisis hits the headlines over many years for the US. The devastation is with these families for the rest of their lives

….Nothing is ever done, so because nothing is ever done to rectify this situation, why should one have any more sympathy…

China, with all its so called wealth, cannot even deal with helping its own people regarding…

…the inadequate drainage system, which was overloaded due to flooding

China has suffered severe ecological destruction due to deforestation, which then leaves its country exposed to the climate changes and…

…the destruction that comes with it. Not only to life, but to vegetation

The sympathy felt by the American people for the victims of Aurora is highly understandable, but…

…nothing concrete can ever change while the American people feel they have a right to own guns

Every gun crisis hits the headlines over many years for the US.  The devastation is with these families for the rest of their lives

….Nothing is ever done, so because nothing is ever done to rectify this situation, why should one have any more sympathy…

…for these poor souls than any other, who have gone on before and are now forgotten

The tragedy is that these souls are not forgotten by their families and loved ones and they bear the scars of these gun killing idiots…

…for centuries within the family structure and nobody in Government cares enough to do anything about it, the status quo remains the same

China, with all its so called wealth, cannot even deal with helping its own people regarding…

…the inadequate drainage system, which was overloaded due to flooding

China has suffered severe ecological destruction due to deforestation, which then leaves its country exposed to the climate changes and…

…the destruction that comes with it. Not only to life, but to vegetation

Until corruption and mismanagement is dealt with at the highest source, what point is there for others lower down the scale?
Peter Doyle, whose resignation from the IMF, has stated publicly what has been said privately over many years, that…

…they are incompetent and have failed to alert the urgency of the global financial crisis

The IMF will find that its own trouble will come to haunt them.  Even they cannot escape legitimate criticism

Poor America, it gets caught again with its inappropriate Gun Laws. Anybody who purchases a gun has one thing in mind and that is to kill…

…Whether it is an animal or a human being, killing is in the psyche of the American wild west and…

…it is this fundamental aspect which needs to be addressed

If guns were not so readily available & only in the hands of law enforcers where necessary & perhaps farmers for their diseased livestock…

…then America would not be so exposed to the severe annihilation of the human race

It is the education of the American people and not in the thinking that they have a right to carry a weapon…

…What rights do the dead have after they have been shot? Who is there to address their rights? Nobody

If you love life of any kind you would never carry a gun

The sick of mind needs to be addressed in psychiatric units to determine the state of their imbalance and…

…with the right help, adjust again into society

Until the Security Council start to realise their hands are tied to some extent, the sooner the job of freeing the Syrian people can occur

The Council must be seen to be putting pressure on Bashar al-Assad, Russia and China. What the Council do not seem to realise is…

...that the more you put people’s backs up, the more they will dig their heels in to obstruct success

Syria is now in the hands of a greater Universal Power, who will instigate the outcome of the freeing of Syria from this dictator…

…His days are numbered and so he, like Gadaffi, will fall

Allow the Free Syrian Army led by the Supreme Forces to instigate power and control

See the control of power sources, electricity, oil and the like come into the control of the FSA. They have an agenda lined up and…

…must be seen by the world in conducting their affairs in the best way of saving their people and displacing a despot

As Damascus falls, so the situation of which the FSA will surround and control.  More army defectors will get out quickly

They see their days are numbered already. Bashar al-Assad has ⅓ cooperation of his army. The rest are there under sufferance of execution

The increased bombing around the world of Israeli targets is nothing new and is only to be expected…

…Until Israel starts to treat the rest of humanity in the same way they feel they should be treated, hatred of this nation will continue

To be above the Law is one thing; to believe they are above God is blind arrogance of which these people have in abundance

All people in this world are entitled to be treated with civility, that is how it should be and for most of the world it happens

Israel is always out of step with others and they are not even decent to their own people. That of course is the worst kind of treatment

To live constantly in fear, as they do, creates paranoia. They can never be a happy race

As predicted, Libya’s first election shows an alliance of several parties. The country has to reflect the aspirations of all the sects, so…

…that they can finally unite in a common cause, which is unity for all Libyans

See a continuum of this strategy, where more people will want to serve their country out of love for their fellow man and the greater good

The infighting by the hard-line activists will slowly come to an end…     

…It is the stability after many years of dictatorship, which is the ultimate heart of this success

We appreciate that Kofi Annan needs to be seen by the West as doing something to stabilise the Syrian situation

He will just need to learn to sit it out until the flames of hatred within this country finally come to their natural conclusion

When that happens, then both Russia and China will come on board. It must be the time now of the Free Syrian Army, who must…

…make their stand and to impose the majority will of the people, who oppose the Bashar al-Assad regime

The Free Syrian Army has to back Bashar al-Assad into a corner, which they will and then…

…they will take control to re-modernise an out-wanted regime

Then and only then will they decide on their mandate to free the people of this monstrous dictator, who blatantly kills his own people

The disgrace by HSBC of the great possibility that huge sums of Mexican drug money passed through its banks, the problems are clear…

…These banks are now so big and see themselves as so mighty, they have lost control of what their organisation stands for

Too much greed by these banks leaves them exposed to this kind of illegal activity…

…Until jail sentences are imposed for these heinous crimes of deception, how can we ever trust them?

The banking system stinks and until Governments clear up this system it can never get sorted

They all think they are above the Law. Well, the Universal Laws are now coming into effect, so nobody will get away with it

All these banks were given their chances in 2008, when the Credit Crunch occurred…

…They have not learnt that lesson, so a further demolition job needs to come in until they are finally sorted out

It will take several years to occur, but it will be done!

The Civil War in Syria to escalate out of control – as predicted Damascus will bear the main brunt of the fighting and…

…there will be no peace until the city falls

New warfare for the Free Syrian Army will see them seize the initiative and go full out to conquer their country

This army really sees it can make a difference, as they gain the moral high ground

Sects that were once loyal to Bashar al-Assad will see them openly change sides giving the Free Syrian Army a boost to…

…really get on with what they feel is liberating their country from this reckless monster

A new regime to come out of the blue!

The Syrian situation to blow up out of control, even Bashar al-Assad cannot control what is happening in his country

He is feeling very afraid for his own safety, as more military close to his heart are defecting…

…He sees his line of defence as getting smaller and smaller – a frightening thought

Egypt is now in a very precarious position, as mounting antagonism towards the military is occurring…

…President Mursi is now pressing ahead with his reform agendas and welcomes help from the US should this be forthcoming

Hilary Clinton will not wish to antagonise President Mursi, so a collective agreement of unilateral support will materialise

To only see the world as a state of upheaval and influx is not to be able to see the bigger picture, which is…

…to see the chaos as bringing about a better place from the stagnant mess it is now in

In order for this planet to right itself, it has to go through the arc of unrest & destruction.  Then balance of a finer quality can emerge

This transition will take time to achieve, but it is going through its most violent stage just now

Once the dust of despair, anguish & mistrust has finally achieved its optimum desire, then fresh ideas and a reconstruction becomes possible

A village in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India has banned love marriages…

…It seems yet again that these backward countries feel they have the right to ignore the human rights of women

These Indian women are to be restricted and cannot marry whom they love…

…Their heads must be covered and it is almost as if they can only speak when allowed to

This is the 21st century. It is no wonder that women are fleeing to the West in order to obtain equal status as a human being

It is also no wonder that more and more people are executing their right to remove themselves from religious oppression

God and all the prophets of the world have only taught love and respect. That is the main objective…

…to keep everybody sane, yet these women cannot marry for love

The people of America have not seen anything yet concerning Mitt Romney…

…He is a cloak and dagger man. He hides, then he pounces and he thinks he can win his way

The American people are not naïve. They are not fooled by the charades this man has to play in order to get their vote…

…See him fall from disgrace as more important self-damming information comes out about him

Mitt Romney sees himself as saintly, as offering salvation to the people of America. This man is dangerous and…

…his smile detects a hidden revenge he wishes to take out of the people once he is in office

Allow events to unravel themselves as more and more about his past is revealed…

…He cannot hope to pull the wool over the eyes of Americans, who see him as an honourable man

Child poverty in the UK could be eradicated if money was spent in this important aspect instead of bailing out our reckless banking system

As usual children and poverty are at the lowest importance where matters of money, status and greed are at the higher priority

Many millionaires in the UK, pop stars especially with over £650 million pounds, could easily give to eradicate child poverty…

…Most haven’t even bothered to pay for a baby incubator in their own hospitals, such is their limited care

The priority in this day and age is greed and that is why this world is in the mess it is in…

…Greed and corruption – The ‘I must have’ culture is the downfall of us all!

The so called bailout to the Spanish Banks by the Eurozone Finance Ministers is a laughing stock…

…That money, when it arrives, won’t even touch the sides of the Spanish banks

Their debts are ever growing. No amount of money at this time will be able to plug the deficit. These banks are literally bleeding money

The main artery of the Spanish Bank System has been broken and it has been broken for several years

The wakeup call to the Eurozone has to finally be admitted. All countries within the Eurozone are simply bleeding money…

…When will the rot stop? One simply cannot keep printing money with the hope that this Euro crisis will go away

There needs to be bold, swift decisive action and reform of the entire banking system, so…

…that permanent safeguards can be implemented and every transaction is accounted for

The bank’s culture is a lottery and they are playing with customers’ money, so they can enjoy…

…the luxury of playing Russian roulette with money they don’t own

The Russian roulette situation is now backfiring and harsh realities and pain are being forced onto banks…

…as they cannot be allowed to continue in this reckless way

Soon the Eurozone will have no more money. It is fast coming to that day. It is no longer a bottomless pit of revenue

The wakeup call to the Eurozone has already started, as more countries will NOT agree…

…to bail out the debts of other countries, while they too are in deep water

An economic standstill is now in progress and it does not matter what Angela Merkel or other European finance directors have to say…

…It is all grinding to a halt

All will look in dismay at their failed policies to continue to put sticking plaster over a gaping financial wound…

…It just cannot happen anymore!

See Yasser Arafat’s inquiry into his death by Swiss scientists confirm their suspicions that Arafat was poisoned by polonium–210

Yasser Arafat was a constant threat to Israel and many attempts on his life were thwarted

However under house arrest & Israeli military guard, who were in control of his food & water supplies, the death occurred under their watch

As with everything in life, those misdeeds of the past by Israel and other forces, who…

…think they can get away with it, fail to ever think they will get found out

The Universal Intelligence sees all and knows all and those who are responsible for Arafat’s death will be exposed…

…They have blood on their hands and with nowhere to go or hide – all shall be revealed!

The Libyan authorities will be pleased with the election results, although no clear winner will be announced

There needs to be a clearer indication to the people what these candidates stand for enabling…

…a swifter conclusion for the new voting system, which will come about

The Libyan people will be satisfied, as the new involved outcome is finally announced and a new democracy can emerge

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi will be tried by a High Court, which will satisfy all the people. Justice will be seen to be done

The Serious Fraud Office will find extensive proof into the rigging of inter-bank lending rates – far more deeply than first envisaged

There are direct lines of communications throughout many of the leading banks throughout the world on inter-bank lending, so…

…the SFO will be able to easily piece together a dossier of self-indulgent practice

The lid will further come of the Libor situation leaving many casualties in its wake…

…The impunity regarding these banks is primarily for self-interest, as they always thought they were untouchable

Now, as more evidence comes to light, more banking officials will be relieved of their posts

As predicted many army officials will leave Syria in their droves. It will continue until Bashar al-Assad is isolated

A senior Brigadier in the Syrian Republican Guard has defected His role will signal many more defections as the war escalates out of control

See Bashar al-Assad become more and more withdrawn. He is a worried man and a wanted man

The Olympic Games will be a huge success, far greater than the UK ever thought possible. The people will see breath-taking events…

…where Olympians will surpass themselves and where complete outsiders come to the fore and surprise everybody

For many it will be a dream come true and all will act in the spirit of the events…

…There will be life changing situations, where mighty fall and the sleepy underdog get their day

Many will achieve outstanding feats of courage and dexterity, lifetime achievement awards for their dedication & determination over decades

See Oscar Pistorius come into his own. His self-sacrifice is well worth the achievement he will obtain – a sheer marvel to see

For some there will be heartache, but for all a very positive outcome will occur…

…changing their lives for the better, as only they will ever know

Many of our animals are being killed to near extinction…

…The aggressive hunt to obtain Minke Whales is putting these species in danger. They cannot breed fast enough to serve demand

Mankind’s irresponsible attitude over decades has brought these calamitous proportions into existence…

…Not only for the whale populations, but to the black rhino as well

Mankind is mindless to the extent of their own greed towards all life, whether it is animal, vegetable or mineral

There is only a finite amount that this world can produce, which has taken centuries to develop and propagate

We, as a growing world of people, can no longer sustain those needs.  Something has to give…

…Overpopulation will lead to the downfall of this world

Too many people are going without and that fact will increase as resources start to fail in one way or another

We, as people, must learn to grow food and to serve our populations before it is too late…

…Important minerals are running out and so the wakeup call to all of us is now!

For Pakistan and India to come together finally to have talks to bolster a fragile peace process will be seen by many as long overdue

There is a real commitment by both countries to try and settle some difficult issues and to put past pains behind them

The success of these talks comes in at a time when both countries are crying out for calm, restraint and a desire of wanting to go forwards

New trade agreements between the two countries will also be talked about

As the world continues to be in chaos and Spiritual Law becomes more and more effective…

…so industries that go against the good of the people will be caught out

Now is the time where full retribution in so many ways is beginning to bite and…

…no matter how far in the past situations of wrongdoing occurred all now is coming to the fore

Justice with a mighty sword now helps to sever the roots of all misdeeds and where the people of all lands see justice is now taking place

Not one criminal act will go unnoticed. Not one criminal act will go unpunished. The time has come. The wakeup call to all will be witnessed

See the situation escalate within the Barclays Banking Corporation. They will be destabilised as a result of their greed

No bank is exempt from these practices. It is just that some like RBS and Barclays have been the worst assailants in these matters

Bob Diamond’s situation is now untenable. The authorities are after his blood

The situation between Turkey and Syria is now at breaking point. See Syria overstep the mark, as they become increasingly hostile

Corruption throughout the world now is being cleansed. No more will this epidemic of greed be tolerated…

…The Higher Powers are in charge of making these situations come to the fore

In the light of these corruptions, all gratuities will be lost. What is gained by the one hand will be lost by the other – no one benefits

Until the mind-set is changed for all time, there will be no gains to individuals or to corporations, who indulge in these practices

Banks are the greatest perpetrators of this plague. See their cleansing be the harshest lesson of them all…

…New laws will be passed to eliminate these policies

See the banking systems reformed and the heads of these banks made accountable to the people. Their days are numbered

The cancelled project to build Bangladesh’s largest bridge is due again to massive corruption and high level fraud

Until these countries turn to deal with matters in the right and proper way, they will never win

Business will not come to these countries. Therefore all suffer because of their corrupt mind-sets

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