01 September 2012

jandmayers September 2012 Twitter

Interested in changing people’s lives for the better and helping to make it happen through specialist guidance

The horrendous situation of the systematic abuse of young children, as young as ten years old, in Rochdale

They were drugged, raped and trapped in a circle of abuse. Their cries for help ignored

The organisation Childline received hundreds of phone calls and online contacts from these children, who were trapped by sexual abusers

Social services and police missed opportunities to stop this abuse; nine men were eventually convicted and jailed

The children considered suicide, so deep was their despair and self-loathing

The parents of these children also failed to see the signs on their own children

When children are abused in this way, their personality changes and a strong pattern of malaise emerges, which is clearly visible

If parents know their own children, which they should do, this would be plain to see and then…

…something could have been done and the long-term abuse would not have continued for as long as it did

Alarm bells from the parents and then on to the Law, would have occurred sooner

We, as parents, have a duty of care & control & where that is missed over a long period of time, then catastrophic situations can & do occur

All adults must take their share of the blame, whether it is the police, social workers or the parents themselves

All will have the pain and the stain of these children’s abuses on their consciences for all time

Remember these children were innocent; they are not worldly wise…

…that is why they need our protection and love to safeguard them in an uncaring and often sick world

Victory over subterfuge is the policy of love

Until the world comes to terms with its involvement in its own misdeeds then nothing can be rectified

Too many things have been allowed to go wrong and the world now needs to begin to become more accountable for its actions

The entire world regarding pollution to the environment and to the minds of the people has gone on unabated

The world now in disarray and confusion and the lacking of the right information to bring us out of the chaos is not being heard

Politicians do not listen to their advisors; do not listen to those whose expertise is able to sort out…

…the messes those Governments have allowed themselves to become involved in

Too much greed and deceit has brought innocent people to their knees with no accountability by…

…these enormous institutions to bear any kind of responsibilities for their gross actions

The time has now come where the people of the world are beginning to fight back

Such is their outrage that justice will now prevail and many institutions that thought they were above the law will be no more

The writing is now on the wall for them and for all to see

The escalation of world finance and the reduction of the Eurozone countries will become more apparent as the days and weeks start to unfold…

…fresh revelations that the European Central Bank will need to change its policy on a number of issues

At this time they are not allowed to state what these changes are for fear of an economic catastrophe and…

…a run on the banks, which seem more and more likely

The people no longer trust in the banks or in Governments and the two go hand in hand as toxic to the man in the street

The epidemic of mistrust will see further clashes in Spain and Portugal, who has remain quiet at this time but is hovering on anarchy also

Greece will be tricked into taking the loan from the troika, but will fail at the last hurdle making for an impossible commitment to…

…the banking demands, which are held over them like the Sword of Damocles

Their eventual drop from the Eurozone will be more of a lifesaver than they know

Greece will be able to survive far better out of the Eurozone, with new fiscal policies it can adhere to, as opposed to demands it cannot

The world now in total collapse, as more and more governments are gripped with the economic situation and…

…have little to no control over its outcome. The streets will run with blood as the protestors who…

…view this situation of despair as a fight for their lives and have in a sense nothing to lose anymore

They have no income, no shelter and no bread to eat…

What is there to live for, but to vote for another incompetent government to get more out of them?

The entire monetary system is now heading into deadlock and no matter what demands the IMF and the World Banks make…

…it makes little to no sense with the people who have faced internal hardships for years

Until the entire monetary system hits rock bottom, which it is about to, then nothing to advance these people’s lives will really matter

A new system of working financially will be created, where fairness for what a person earns is given out

Where the money given in taxes is seen as a fair and competent way of working and…

…everybody is able to pay what is afforded to them without all the hidden extras that these governments can wheedle out of the common man

The true awaking is here to stay

It is now that the turning point of world events starts to crescendo and get out of control

A massive sway of public opinion on the respective wars around this globe are now gathering momentum

People in their droves will line the streets in reflective mood and voice what the politicians are so afraid of voicing and that is…

…the world is in total chaos and until something or someone puts a stop to it, the people cannot survive any longer

World economic issues are totally out of control

Ministers sit in Parliament in Europe wringing their hands together, moaning and nothing is being addressed

Until the banks take full responsibilities for their actions and pay the price from their own pockets…

…nothing will ever change and the people, as always, will suffer and continue to do so

We, the people, cannot allow the banking system with all its corruption and greed to pull this world down

There has to be accountability & the people will no longer be fobbed off by what politicians say or the IMF or The European Bank has to say

It really does not wash anymore

The people are not idiots and their patience has now run out

See an enormous influx of people protesting in all countries for the politicians and the banking system to be accountable for their misdeeds

No longer can these people sit in luxury, while the rest starve to keep them in their jobs. They have no conscience, but the people have

The world is fighting a war on fear and unrest. Everywhere in every country the rage on fear is growing

From the little person in the street to the large conglomerates that engulf the world’s trade markets, all are fearful in one way or another

Until there is a realisation that Man has to recognise that mutual respect and that co-operation is needed in today’s world then…

…the fear aspect will go largely unchecked and spiral out of control

The Universal Intelligence is now in full force to bring down Governments and corporations where…

…fear is the vital element to keep them in power. This stranglehold has to be broken, so that…

…man and animal may remain free to live in a world that is not dictated to by violence, but by mutual respect and harmony

There is a massive cleansing all over the world at this time

That is why there is so much unrest, as this cleansing brings in panic to those who wish to control matters for their own ends and purpose

This cleansing, which will take a decade at least to achieve, is fast acting and a new strategy is being formulated…

…that old regimes which were in power by threat are no more in power

The voice of the people, backed by the Universal Intelligence, is at the forefront of that change

The world will see changes it never thought were possible and so the understanding that the stranglehold is no more…

…adds impetus to the people to miraculously strive for that change, because they can see it actually happening

Mr Danny Alexander said to the Mail on Sunday newspaper that the rich should pay more and…

…is trying to make a policy whereby the rich can be taxed more on unearned income

To think that this could ever become policy is ludicrous, as the rich who are rich due to the hard work of parents or…

…benefactors, who have gone on before them, have already paid their fair share of tax

If you are left a property by parents as an inheritance, the beneficiaries already pay tax on that property or investment

One cannot then expect these people to pay again on that unearned part of their estate, just because Danny Alexander feels they should

One should only pay tax on earnings. Everything else is already taxed in other ways

No one, who works hard and pays tax legally, has any worries about doing that

The objection comes in when more is asked of an individual to pay over and above what they have already paid

Squeezing the pot dry does not get any more out of it

The powerful militia in eastern Libya has announced it will disband

Other gangs are also going to follow suit, as it is the people and not government, who are putting pressure on these militia to disband

The people of Libya must feel safe and, after 42 years of dictatorship, the people have had enough

Although their government is weak and still finding its way they, the people, will insight the law and…

…the direction that they want their future country to go and to have a democracy that best serves the people of Libya

The days of the gun are now coming to a close. The people will unite and pave the way for a better life other than the gun!

The Roman Catholic Church in the Australian state of Victoria has confirmed that…

…more than 600 children have been sexually abused by its priests since 1930: the true number could be as high as 10,000

This information was released in a submission to a state parliamentary inquiry into the handling of abuse cases

These figures are just for one state alone in Australia

While on a visit to Australia in July 2008, Pope Benedict met some of the victims and made a public apology for the abuse

This kind of abuse has been going on for decades. The amount of lives wrecked by the systematic abuse on young children…

…by priests and nuns has produced for these children a living hell of which there is no respite

It is in the Catholic Church the world over, that this cancer of abuse has occurred. As these priests are found out…

…so they are moved on by the hierarchy of the church to another town, city or country to continue to further abuse

No punishment is ever inflicted. Killers get life sentences for their crimes

What are the sentences for these priests whose job it to save souls – not to put them in a living hell of which there is no easy way out?

Most victims’ minds are scared for life. Some take their own life as they cannot face the world

Such is the psychological torment they find themselves in 24hrs a day. For them there is no peace as day and night they suffer

If Pope Benedict had been subjected to this kind of abuse he would be able to first hand understand the agony of these children

Then & only then would he have been screaming to get something done, because they cannot understand so the abuse carries on even to this day

Those perpetrators will find their time will come as it is now.  Nothing can prepare them for what they are about to receive

The people will abandon the Church and one will see its doors closed for good

The last of 33,000 extra US soldiers sent to Afghanistan by President Obama have now left the country

This allows Afghan forces to police their own country and it is high time to

As the destabilisation of Afghanistan starts to appear again, not that it is that stable now…

…will be a clear indication of the volatile unrest that lies throughout this tribal country. They will then only have themselves to blame

For Afghans to progress within the 21st Century, then massive changes need to occur

If the people want to remain in the dark ages then that has to be their choice

It will then reflect badly on the nation in about ten years’ time that poverty and unrest remain the same

If people are narrow-minded and ignorant due to their pride…

…this will go against them to the fact that those who are in charge have let their people down

Many of the Taliban and the Afghanistan people are illiterate and simple in their intelligence

Until education is wanted by the people to bring about change, then they remain in the dark ages of the cave dweller all those centuries ago

It has to be the voice of the people themselves to want to rise up against the ignorance and illiteracy of their own kind

Change does not mean fear. Change without understanding does and it is this fear that keeps them entrenched in their own decline

While the rest of the world grapples with economic problems, trade is at the heart of restoration and wellbeing throughout the land

It is what binds people of all races together and helps to safeguard them against unrest

Until Afghanistan starts to wake up and decides to bring prosperity to its people against poverty, corruption and mistrust…

…then those who inflict this kind of demeaning life will suffer in the next dimension

For it is their responsibility that the Afghan people hold their trust in them

The Papyrus Parchment, discovered and authenticated as genuine, makes explicit reference to Jesus having a wife

The fact that Jesus had a wife is not unusual, as his relationship with Mary Magdalene was a very close spiritual bond and…

…he entrusted her above all else to prove his survival after bodily death

Love between man and woman is natural and Jesus’ teachings are about the sanctity of marriage in all its glory

His Jewish upbringing and his position as Rabbi decrees he should be married under the Law of that time

It is the Church in its indoctrination and teachings together with blind arrogance that supposes otherwise

When the Catholic Church was formed, after the death of Christ and with Mary Magdalene having to flee for her life…

…documents were lost, so any proof one way or the other is suspect. One has to look at the facts at that time

All Rabbis have to be married and Jesus’ closest companion and confident, other than the Apostles, was Mary Magdalene

A noble woman and not a harlot as the Church like to portray her. Many lies given by the Catholic and Anglican Churches are being revealed

The Church has to sing from the same hymn sheet, otherwise 2,000 years of indoctrination will need to be sorted out

How can the Church state their indoctrination is built on a lie?

The increasing crackdown on notorious drug traffickers will continue throughout the world

Their relentless destruction against the weak in society for the sake of greed is no better than the greedy bankers of today

All wreak havoc in people’s lives

They are with no conscience and can continue like leaches to extract every possible dignity in a human being…

…spitting them out when they are no longer of use to them

Columbia’s most notorious ‘Crazy’ Barrera has been captured. He is one of the world’s main producers of cocaine

With international help on the fight against drugs more and more are being infiltrated and caught. Their sentences are for life

None will get away with this savage crime, which renders human beings no longer capable of knowing their own mind

Until Mankind can rise above this kind of psychotic influence and get the proper treatments for what ails them…

…then finding salvation in this drug is an easy option and brings the individual one step closer to death

Help is out there for psychological and physical pain, one only has to ask and the Forces come in to help and guide the sufferer in all things

Cocaine is never the answer. It destroys the individual and those lives around that person

The price for obtaining short time satisfaction of this drug is too high indeed. See more and more drug barons being put behind bars

The role against drugs now is changing. No longer will the drug barons have complete power

President Putin is a worried man. He needs to be. Threats after threats on the legitimacy of his short rein are being questioned

You cannot pull the wool over the people’s eyes. They know what he is like. They live under the strangulation of his regime

The closing down of the US Agency for International Development is being closed down by Putin

He is convinced Washington is trying to foment anti-government sentiment and politically change Russia

It is not the US that Putin needs to concern himself with. It is his own people who will rise up against him

The momentum for changes in Russia continues to grow

America’s poverty is getting out of hand. 1in 6 people are now in poverty and have food stamps in order to get groceries from their outlets

How much of Mitt Romney’s personal fortune has he given to alleviate the suffering of his impoverished fellow Americans?

Barack Obama knows first-hand what poverty is like.  When he was studying to be a lawyer and then…

…worked with the underprivileged Americans by helping on the ground level to obtain their rights that they never knew they were entitled to

He was there getting involved to save these people, doing his utmost for those who suffered deprivation and hardship. This man understands

Mitt Romney is living in a fairy land of his own choosing. He has no concept of what Americans suffer. He has never lived the life

Mitt Romney’s downfall will be his arrogance and the American people will see right through him and see another Bush fiasco

All wars cost money. The American people are already paying the interest to China from the cost of the Iraqi/Afghanistan wars

The more wars America indulges in, the more poverty their people will suffer. Death can come by a bullet or by starvation

Negotiation can come in to alleviate wars. Effort has to come in to eliminate starvation

The US futures broker for Peregrine Financial Group has pleaded guilty to fraud involving 24,000 customers in the state of Iowa

He embezzled £61.5m over 20 years ago

He pleaded guilty to fraud, embezzling customer funds and making false statements to two regulatory agencies. He now faces 24 years in jail

As has been previously predicted, the wakeup call is to all those who do misdeeds against their fellow man and they will be found out…

…by Universal Law and no matter how long it takes; justice will be seen to be done. No one can escape ever

Such will be the harsh penalty this man will have to endure for the rest of his life

The right for Mankind to live in a world where tolerance of every kind is witnessed and effective is a long way off

Until Mankind can put love back into his heart, the entire world is at war in one way or another

To continually want to conquer a land for conquering sake is unjust and…

…the countries around the world will reap the rewards of open conflict to what they consider their right to be there

Everywhere, the world over, is now changing and the people want their countries back…

…so invaders to those countries are now experiencing open conflict everywhere they go

To invade is to control and to bring to that region or country those sets of values that are not ethnic to that region is morally wrong

To enter a country, the individual must abide by the laws and the structure upon which that country is made up

Until that happens, open hostility will occur and then hatred through fear comes about

To remain in harmony, one must integrate with the host nation as much as possible...

…then the mixing of cultures can occur over a period of time where the mutual co-operation of the people can meld together and…

…take over is never part of the plan, but a co-operation so that all can live together in mutual harmony

This needs to happen to bring in love and help to remove fear throughout this world

More striking workers close to the Marikana platinum mine were dispersed by police with tear gas and rubber bullets

The Government has vowed to clamp down on illegal strike action in gold and platinum mines

While the disputes continue to grow and there is still no settlement over pay and conditions…

…then the work force will carry out their stance on indifference and protests

The miners’ conditions are appalling and the mines have been in a state of disrepair over many years

It is only natural for the level of high risk these employees are continually being subjected to that pay & conditions need to be sorted out

Nobody wins here and the owners should, if they do not want to suffer any more financial hardship, start to see sense

The days of the bullying bosses of mines are over. Enter into the 21st century, where justice for all workers is now seen as obligatory

By the Government taking their idiotic stance will see the country’s revenue plummet

Their financial situation is not so good it can engage in police and Government bullying tactics

This shows the world the incompetence and mismanagement of a country and the businesses in that country as being second rate

The people themselves are not second rate citizens and should expect better from their Government and…

…not to be sold down the river because the mines bosses hold Government positions

All advanced societies understand that one cannot hold an official office in Government while engaging in a financial interest

There is a conflict of interests here and so should not be entertained

Perhaps that says a lot about the South African Government as being in the dark ages still

See the Universal Laws come in to change the status quo and President Zuma will have to back down

His authority is in question & he threatens to jeopardise all that Nelson Mandela sacrificed his life for & that was Justice for his people

It is a pity that President Zuma has not learnt from such a courageous man

As has been predicted, a swarm of Taliban attacks right across Afghanistan is in operation

The situation is to increase with the deaths of many service men and women

It is an all-out attack, which is meant to destabilise the entire military operation throughout the country

This has nothing to do with the so-called second rate film that has incited Muslims

It is all about revenge on the invasion of their country and so the incentive to destabilise…

…is now very much in evidence to force all military intervention out of their country

This is a war that cannot be won militarily and to accept the political propaganda by…

…the western military and by Governments is to bury one’s head in the sand. This Taliban objective will be swift and furious and…

…it will show the world that they will not be mastered by outside forces but only by their own kind

An Italian gossip magazine has planned to publish photos of the Duchess of Cambridge sunbathing topless in a special issue next week

The magazine is part of the ex-Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s Mondadori group

As Berlusconi’s personal life has shown to have had no morals, so it is unsurprising that his media group is of the same mind-set

There is no dignity in today’s society that all who are well-known are fair game and hunted down even when in a private situation

The British Leveson Inquiry is into the sharp practices regarding the media, especially the Murdock Empire

Their infiltration over phone hacking is well-known and jail sentences are now in operation

Until decency comes back into our lives, then the world is a very sick place

Private should mean Private and until one is hounded by the press in their relentless thirst for publication…

…no one has an idea of the torment and pain these well-known people go through

It cost Princess Diana her life. Do the media care? There has to be a stop to this by the public, whose nosey attitude shows simple minds

The trial of a former UBS city trader, who is accused of causing the largest unauthorised trading loss in British history

UBS announced losses of £1.4bn at its London office

The trader is accused of dishonesty, abusing his position by making a series of unauthorised trades

Isn’t this typical of the type of culture by the major banks whose only concern is to make money at any costs?

The fact that these were loses as opposed to gains speaks volumes, had these been gains yet still unauthorised, nothing would have been said

It is clear that this kind of a practice is encouraged, so that traders completely flaunt the rules…

…but do so almost with impunity, just to make money no matter what the consequences are to anybody

The losses affected UBS’s profits badly. Never mind the individuals who also incurred losses that are never mentioned

The trader’s reckless behaviour by Universal Law is now being clawed back…

…to demonstrate that if you don’t work within the rules you must pay the ultimate price

The Egyptian court has sentenced Egypt’s former Prime Minister to three years in prison and…

…fined him nine million Egyptian pounds for his part in corruption during the Mubarak regime

One by one these corrupt people are all falling down like flies, as the Law against their people is vindicated

More officials in the Mubarak regime will also be caught. It is a cat and mouse situation in the thinking they will never be caught

There is no hiding place for these souls. Their time will come and the world will recognise them for who they are – parasites on society

The Hillsborough situation just won’t go away – now that the full truth has come out…

…highlighting the many faults operated by the Football Club and the Police Force and Government bodies involved in its cover up…

…justice is now the main priority and this will be addressed

The Government will step in to a point, but see private proceedings start as far as Court activities are concerned

The families of the deceased will want to take matters into their own hands as the trust around Government personnel has now been wiped away

This is all about the Law, if the Law of the land goes against the rights and justice to the people then…

…the trust in that Law becomes a farce and becomes no more relevant to get justice done

It is the people themselves who must seek out a better Law, so that it may be changed and executed to its full power

This way others must be accountable to that Law and Justice can be fulfilled

The three members of the Punk girl band, held in a Russian prison for criticising Vladimir Putin, will have their sentence commuted

The overwhelming global outrage has embarrassed the Kremlin and so a reprieve will be announced

How frightened is Vladimir Putin of criticism? He should be

It is he who has done so much damage to his country and their rights and…

…to neighbouring countries, where his rule must be absolute – otherwise destruction is the chosen weapon

The survivors and families of the Hillsborough disaster, where 96 Liverpool fans died in 1989, will be able to see a Government report

This only now has come out. The cry gets even louder as the need for evidence of what happened is finally given

The report will not bring the dead back, but it will go some way into clarifying the horror of what happened on that fateful day

The list of mishaps from inadequate funding of the football ground to provide safety measures for such a large crowd…

…together with the incompetence of the police to organise the dispersal of large crowds will be shown

The cover up by Government to bring full justice to the people is scandalous and…

…this will show a breach in the fundamental mismanagement of the various groups involved at that time

All will have to take their share of the blame

At last the truth is out and the families will have to start to put the pieces together in order to finally grieve and to heal

A hundred people died in a fire at a factory in Pakistan’s city Karachi. A faulty electrical generator is to blame for the fire

The company had no fire exit and there is no one to enforce the Law

Inspectors are paid to look the other way and so the rising casualty figures in Pakistan continues

Years of disregard for the safety of their workers is common place.  These tragedies are always covered up

As has previously been announced, life is cheap in Pakistan and…

…it is no wonder, with the wholesale corruption that goes on, that nothing is ever achieved

Pakistan is one of the most corrupt countries on the planet and these people will continue to suffer until they finally stand up and…

…renounce this oppression and get the Law enforced for the safety of their people

Their time is coming.  An internal revolution will come about and a need to change Government will be asked for

Andy Murray’s achievement in winning a major Grand Slam victory against Novak Djokovic in Flushing Meadows in…

…New York, America, last night is nothing short of sheer courage and determination to win against all the odds

His opponent is a master tennis player, a formidable opponent in so many ways

Murray had to dig deep to achieve a life time’s ambition to win such a major tournament. His road has not been an easy one

Separated from family life as a teenager to live in Spain to train and work hard in his chosen career…

…he set his sights high and his dreams were shattered time and again as he failed to overcome his opponents and win

Finally, with an inner strength and belief together with an outstanding mentor, he was able to overcome and scale that wall to victory

To have that belief and the help from a Higher Power when called for…

…will allow us all to achieve aspects in our daily life we never thought possible before

All of us are helped daily, not many of us recognise that help until it becomes out of the ordinary and then…

…we are able to appreciate the Divine influence, which is all around us once we begin to trust

Gaddafi’s former spy chief, Abdullah al-Senussi, accused of crimes under Gaddafi’s regime has now been extradited back into Libya

He is wanted by the International Criminal Court

Various members of Gaddafi’s regime, including his son Saif al-Islam, will face a fair and open trial

Libya must show the world that they are capable of trying and delivering justice to a watching world

What is more important is for the people of Libya, who must see that justice is being done in their own country…

…so that they can rise up above the barbaric regime of Gaddafi himself

These people must have a sense of pride and confidence in their own system, something that has been denied them for so many years

Until the rule of Law is fully established and seen to be operating, no one can feel safe in this land

To take this task away from the people of Libya and have their criminal trials conducted in The Hague…

…destroys the very fabric of this country’s legitimacy to heal and to operate in their own right

The very fabric becomes undermined and so should not be allowed to happen

British stars of Olympics & Paralympics are due to celebrate their success with a victory parade through the streets of Central London today

All participants from all countries involved in taking part in London’s 2012 Olympic Games should be so proud of themselves

It really does not matter whether a medal was won or not, it was the achievement of being able to participate…

…in such a highly qualified event, which will have lasting memories to all those who took part

Their lives of hard work and devotion to achievement pushed their own boundaries to the furthest they have ever been…

…bringing personal best results to so many, all can feel a sense of pride & purpose of how far they have come as an individual & as a group

All will feel changed in some way for the better that all their efforts were indeed worth it for all

The crowds of people, who spurred them on to achieve to a higher expectation than even the athletes themselves realised they had in them

All came together with one purpose and that was to live a life full of expectation where all is there up for grabs and…

…where the bravest of the brave succeeded beyond all the odds

It is these memories that the people who were involved, from the spectators to the thousands of volunteers and to finally…

…the athletes themselves, whose devotion to performing at the highest level will always remain embedded in so many people’s minds

This is what life should reflect – a coming together of a common theme of partnership, co-operation and love

All this the human race can do best of all. Let this demonstrate what can be achieved when we all pull together

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, said he should have engaged sooner with US bishops over the gay ordinations

He blamed the pressure of communion work as his excuse

Dr Williams, as head of the Anglican Church in England and around the world, had a task to do

He has failed miserably on so many counts, including the sexual abuse by his clergy on innocent young children

This high ranking Archbishop, whose job it is to attend to his flock and those who work within the setup, has been grossly incompetent

He has by his own admission been found wanting on several aspects and should have retired earlier

What an admission from this man and who in the Church has also been found wanting in not orchestrating his dismissal

As usual it is the power that holds the office, not the service that should be the prime objective

Bahrain’s Shia Muslim majority have been demanding reforms from the Sunni Muslim al-Khalifa family since last year

Their latest demonstration was in the capital Manama. Last week thousands came out to protest against intolerable conditions

The Shia Muslims were silenced last February when the Grand Prix was held at their venue there

The Royal ruling class did not want any demonstration to mar their event

The people of Bahrain have long been under the thumb of this ruling class

As the people start to gather momentum and their fear dissipates, so larger and larger crowds of people will take to the street

The Royal ruling class cannot hold the lid on a boiling inferno of public disapproval any longer

See open street warfare start to come into operation. The pot is about to boil over. The people of Bahrain are no longer afraid

President Barack Obama will seek his second term in office with style and seduction. The word is not used flippantly, but with panache

He will continue to remain confident, as his strategy for total inclusion of the people is revealed

Obama has a sixth sense. He is at one with the Creator and is fully conversant of his role, not only in politics but in how the world is run

There will be many changes to the Laws and of policies which go against what is needed for his people to survive and prosper

His mission is always true and honourable and this will be demonstrated in his next speech. We are aware of the rich diversities of…

…the American people and of their demands for honesty and transparency, which is now evolving more and more

It is necessary for the American people to understand and to witness this with their own eyes as…

…they themselves will see the vision that Obama has for them

Never has there been a man whose voice of sincerity rings out to the hearts and minds of his people. He is a true leader of his time

Former US President Bill Clinton delivered his prime time defence of Barack Obama, nominating Obama for a second term at the White House

President Obama has made tremendous progress under extreme opposition from Republicans in Congress…

…whose prime objective was to put a halt to anything good that Obama might do

Obama is not an egotistical man, he is a man of principles and he cares for the equality of his people

He has tried under impossible odds to secure methods to bring his people out of the clutches of debt and despair

A more courageous man one has yet to meet

As a result for his ingenuity and forth rightness, he will remain in office inspite of what the warmongering Republicans throw at him

See the Republicans split in their own ranks and divided they will fall and fall hard

They are a lost party & the American people have had enough of war & wish to enjoy peaceful times, where they can rebuild their alliances…

…within the world format and start on a better field of love and respect, instead of the bullying tactics of George W. Bush’s time

There will be a reformation of policies, where America will take the lead in defending their right to peace against war

Greece’s International lenders, the troika, with their new set of objectives that Greece must adhere to in order for it to get…

…its next bailout fund, will never be accepted by the people, as the people of Greece no longer have the heart to do anything more

This is but a waiting game until they are finally dropped & they can resume their own strategy to bringing closure to this long-term pain

Let the country deal for themselves with their own pain by going back to basics and resume slowly back on the road to recovery

By dealing with the troika, they further open themselves to further debt and further misery

This the people of Greece realise and so will reject this stringent regime

The US Justice Department has accused BP of gross negligence and wilful misconduct

The Deepwater Horizon Rig exploded killing eleven workers and spilling millions of gallons of crude oil

The simple pressure test, yet fundamental to safety, was botched up in so many ways.  This demonstrates gross negligence

BP, who has been negligent in other ways where disaster has struck, now faces their biggest battle…

…to obtain some kind of credibility after this disaster in 2010

They have systematically, over many years, put profit over safety and the concerns for the environment. It really was a disaster too far

By Universal Law if a person or company do not put right what they have done wrong & a generous given time is allowed for this to be occur…

…then Universal Law comes into effect, freezing all attempts after that to rectify the situation

BP has systematically got away with situations bordering on the critical for a number of years

Their wilful behaviour now has been stopped and they will pay a heavy price indeed

They have the killings of these innocent workers on their hands, not to mention the hardship and…

…loss of livelihood to the fishing and prawn industry all along the southern coast of America

The clean-up operation lasted for months and much wildlife and sea life were affected

It will take many years for BP to come up with any form of credibility within the Oil business

They will forever be tarred with this disaster and many countries will think long & hard before they allow this company into their backwater

Such is the Law, so that any company no matter how big they are realise they cannot flaunt the Law that they think it is their right to do

Until the Arab League gather together to put pressure on Bashar al-Assad to step down, the civil war in Syria will continue

We are just over the half way stage of events and no matter what the UN envoy does or says will make no difference

It is the people themselves who must decide their outcome & it is they who must put the right pressure…

…on their brother & sister Muslims in other countries to assist them in this matter

Until there is a clear indication of what the people want, then the war continues unabated

Belfast suffered the worst atrocities against its policeman after riots caused 47 policemen to be injured.  Law and order will prevail

Loyalists against Republicans put local police into jeopardy for their own lives

Until the past is finally laid to rest, it is ludicrous to think that a few activists can bring down a peace process…

…which incorporates all the people in Northern Ireland – it will never happen

It is what the people of Northern Ireland want, not what a few hot-headed individuals think they should have

Life moves on and no one can stay in emotional heartache forever. It just is not healthy

Four British Christians, who have lost their jobs as a result of discrimination against their beliefs, are…

…taking their cases to the Court of Human Rights. For too long now the British courts have found overwhelmingly against Christians

This is in their own country, where other religious beliefs have been granted their rights & have been favoured, British Christians have not

It is high time that tolerance is given to everybody and not just who the courts feel is the favoured position of the day

Great Britain is a Christian country, whose legacy throughout the ages have been historically handed down

It is that way of life here that is being threatened and undermined

The courts really will have to adjust their own thinking to tolerance here of the predominant belief within this traditional country and…

…not divide a country where then prejudice seeks to undermine and hostility becomes the breeding ground for violence and civil unrest

The new Arab League envoy to Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, will do his best under amazing odds

There will be a peace plan once the Free Syrian Army have achieved their objective in removing Bashar al-Assad from office

Their policy is victory at all costs and their determination to see it to the bitter end is formidable

More army defectors are leaving every day. As the number grows and gives strength to the Free Syrian Army, so the impetus of the war changes

See a new involved strategy plan being undertaken to force an unequivocal retreat by Assad’s forces. There is a change in sight

The South African government had to back down regarding the Marikana Massacre. World and public opinion were against them

President Zuma will get a lot of international flack and condemnation that he did not act properly on this incident

His Presidency now in jeopardy, as South Africa is shamed by this incident

A new policy to resume new talks, which will allow mine workers to work for a better state of living, but with shorter hours

But around the clock activity will see workers seething with fury again

Prime Minister David Cameron wants to cut through ‘the dither’, as quoted in the Mail on Sunday newspaper

What is required here is to cut through the extensive red tape by bureaucratic civil servants

They hold up Britain’s interest in going forwards

Until David Cameron starts to wake up his professional integrity will pass away like a dying man

Too many civil servants in high places should be replaced by competent entrepreneurs who know what they are doing…

…and who can make a difference to this country. This has been long overlooked

It is only when you work in Government and can see these lazy good-for-nothing people, who go around…

…pretending to be busy when they actually are not, do you realise why the country is like it is

Wake up Cameron before it is too late! The real world is waiting for you to deliver!

According to Archbishop Tutu, Tony Blair and George W Bush should be tried in the International Criminal Court in The Hague over the Iraq War

He accused the former leaders of lying over Weapons of Mass Destruction

To this day there is no proof that Saddam Hussein could destroy
Great Britain in 45 minutes as was stated

The evidence was never found and to go to war on a whim is in itself criminal

Robin Cook, senior Defence Secretary, resigned from the Cabinet in protest against going to war

Clare Short, another cabinet member, was told to shut up in Cabinet when these matters were discussed

She was silenced over this matter and condemned the going to war

She saw the wholesale slaughter and felt that sanctions over the killing of millions of Iraq’s served no purpose

She sought refuge with her friend, Kofi Annan, at the time

But Blair, like Bush, sought the glory for themselves and the Oil to be had from the invasion

They might not be tried by the ICC in The Hague, but they will get their just desserts later on – their time will come

They have just as much blood on their hands as Saddam Hussein had

As has already been predicted, there will be widespread violence throughout Afghanistan. This is already happening

It won’t just be one or two people here or there, but widespread violent activity, the likes Afghanistan has not felt for some time

The Taliban and other local tribal factions will be involved…

…so fears that violence will increase, once NATO forces withdraw in 2014, is ridiculous. Their short-sightedness is now

Wholesale violence right across Afghanistan is happening and will continue to happen, as a concentrated effort is being advanced now!

China’s worst mining accident in recent years has occurred leaving 43 dead so far

Official figures show 1,973 people died in coal mining accidents in the country last year alone

China’s central Government has introduced measures to improve standards. These are often ignored at local levels

Life in China is cheap and so many people have died and suffered hardship in that country…

…more than in any other country, especially at the hands of dictators

Their Governments have a lot to answer for and the people now are revolting against Government issues…

…forcing matters to be taken up to safeguard their lives

It is the people themselves, who are now taking the initiative to demonstrate

They will no longer be bowled over by these petty bureaucrats, who think they know better

It is the people collectively, who will face their Governments and demand their rights, which for centuries has been denied them

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