03 December 2012

jandmayers October 2012 Twitter

Interested in changing people’s lives for the better and helping to make it happen through specialist guidance

President Obama will come out on top, as his popularity begins to rise after the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy

The President is a very hands-on person and is not afraid to get his hands dirty in a constructive way to help his fellow Americans

See a bright light shining around this man as he comes into his own

The speed by which he will get matters off the ground to help his people will be a record not seen by any President in this lifetime

What will seem an impossible task for him and his many departments to pull out all the stops so that America is up and running again and…

…what is more important America is open for business

This will show the world that even under unprecedented times if the right man is there on the job it can be done

Unlike the enormous mistakes done by George W. Bush, who did nothing to help his people in New Orleans when that Hurricane struck

He was found wanting by his people and never recovered politically again. Universal Law, as you sow so shall ye reap

Barclays UK Bank has reported a £47m pre-tax loss to September, against a profit of £2.46bn for the same quarter last year

The loss is due to charges against them for the mis-selling scandal of PPI

The banks greed has now eaten into their profits because as always, sharp practice to obtain money…

…by any means is at the heart of this banking culture. They just do not know when to stop

Barclay’s reputation, already in tatters, will take many years to recover. They are not humbled yet, but they will be!

The Swiss Bank UBS is cutting 10,000 jobs worldwide due to its extensive losses of 39bn Swiss Francs

It had to be bailed out by the Swiss Authorities

The Zurich branch said it will focus on its private and smaller investment banks…

…ditching the much riskier trading business, which was responsible for the bulk of its losses

Their chief executive said, “It was a difficult decision as in our business it is all about its people”

As Universal Law continues to bite and bite hard, a slow sorting out of the wretched banking culture is now being stemmed

More banks will have to go

We are at present only seeing a third of the world banking system getting its comeuppance. There is still more to come

Not all will be saved and this is a good thing, so sending out a clear message that this reckless behaviour can no longer be tolerated

The chief executive is concerned about his staff, but…

…little regard of the suffering to UBS’s customers, who have lost revenue as a result of their sharp business practices

Sharp lessons need to be learnt and for many years to come

UBS will not be the bank it once was; by Spiritual Law there will be a severe hold on its rise again

Only when they can show they are for the people in the right and honest way can any rise occur

A Greek magazine editor was arrested for publishing the names of Greeks with Swiss accounts

The same list that Christine Lagarde had when she was the French Finance Minister, the list was leaked to her by a HSBC employee

It is only a matter of time before this magazine editor is released

The truth will be able to stand on its own merit and nobody will suffer at the hands of the truth

These prominent Greeks are suspected of using these accounts for tax evasion

When the Swiss Banks have the guts to remove anonymity they will find that this list is true

It is only a matter of time when these Greeks will be found out

Their country, which is in dire straits, sees them keeping all their funds, while their fellow countrymen are starving and jobless

Universal Intelligence will not let this matter die

It will be able to wheedle out these culprits and an example of them to the world will be made

A suicide bomb went off during Mass at a Catholic Church in northern Nigeria, by an Islamist militant group

What do these people think they are doing? If they think by their disruption they will create a world full of Muslims they can think again

By their violent actions the Muslims further alienate themselves throughout the world

More and more people are outraged and the message that these Islamist militants are trying to get across to the world is not working

They constantly are failing to convince that their approach is the right one

Violence in any capacity does not endear the human race to any form of religion or religious dogma

The calling to God comes from within and does not require the facility of a religion to house that calling

Religion was created by Man to control Mankind. God is not about control, but about love

This valuable point seems to elude these Islamists wherever they go

Love is least on their minds when they go about killing their fellow humans and

…for that act they will see their own downfall, clearer than they have ever seen anything in their entire life

Salvation for their acts of destruction will be borne by their own destruction as the Law will make possible something they are yet to learn

The door is wide open now with regards to the Savile affair

Nothing will stop this legal process from unravelling what was a sordid time at the BBC and other institutions

The BBC cover up, which was known by a few so called respected people of society, will see their cover of secrecy blown for all time

It is now that the police will be able to get a good lead on the various perpetrators of this disgusting violation of human life…

…whose lives have been totally ruined by this scam

Heads will indeed role, as more evidence will come to the fore and be squeezed by the Spiritual machine of decency and love

The juvenile gang culture in this country will be sorted out as more investment of money…

…to alleviate the suffering of so many young people, who have lost their way…

…where the standards of home behaviour have left little to no understanding to the young people of what true behaviour is all about

The parents of these children have let them down and…

…it is they now that must take the stand of their own irresponsibility together with their own retribution

Silvio Berlusconi, the ex-Prime Minister of Italy, was convicted of inflating the price of distribution rights bought by his Mediaset group

He is to appeal against his jail sentence for tax fraud. The Milan Court sentenced him to five years and it was cut to one

This man thinks he is above the law and all his criminal activities he has managed in one way or another to worm his way out of it

This time see justice finally catch up with him as he is further brought down

The arrogance of these so called high and mighty people, who all think they are untouchable, as Gaddafi, as Mubarak as Saddam Hussein and…

…look what happened to them. History said, “No more to their malevolent ways”

Many people see their lives in dire straits at this time

More and more evidence that situations need to be changed in their lives becomes self-evidential

The path to salvation is all about recognising the problems, which have stemmed people’s lives and…

…now they have the chance to do something positive before it is too late

Ignoring this great opportunity will allow matters already out of control to execrate and become too destructive

The entire situation will then fall

Evidence of this will be apparent, so as not to allow for any misconception, that until matters are put right and resolved…

…then their lives are no more

They will sink into a pit of despair, where there is no longer a way out.  The very harsh reality will be there for all to see

Everything has to come to an end before a re-structure can come about at an appointed time, sometimes long into the future

The UK realises that creating a viable state in Afghanistan is not achievable. Their aim should be in the helping of Afghan women

At last a realisation is now setting in that Afghanistan cannot be won

The sooner the international invading forces remove themselves and…

…allow the Afghan people deal with their own problems, the better for all of us

People must realise that Afghanistan wants to remain in the dark ages. They are afraid of moving into present day and the future

Their tribal laws want them to remain in caves as our ancestors used to be

At some point, those who no longer wish to live like that will get out

Nobody forces a human being to live under these conditions. They chose by their free will to do so

The moment an individual states they want to be removed from this infernal suffering, so the Universal Forces come in and assist…

…a way is found to release them from their own purgatory and freedom can be realised

Israel and Hamas, the Palestinian situation continues. One has to ask oneself, “These two factions must really love warmongering?”

It appears obvious; none will ever win this fight

America would not dare exercise their tough boots going into Gaza for fear of International condemnation

If peace was required by both, then they would have done this a long time ago

The old hard liners seem to think they will be without a job unless they keep flexing their muscles for all the world to see

Can they not see the world is so fed up of this situation?

When will these people grow up and start to make a compromise, so that war is eliminated? The answer is simple. They don’t want to!

The sadness here is all the innocent people, who are caught up in this situation. They are the ones who suffer and the killing goes on

All races, which bear arms against another, will die by that practice

They will pay with their lives, the price they inflict on others is high and so will their price be when it comes

Retired people should do community work, such as caring for the very old or forced losing their pensions, as stated by Lord Bichard

This man has no idea what he is talking about

Retired people do work, most work now harder than ever, in today’s society with everybody having to work to put food on the table and…

…to pay the rent, the burden invariable falls on the grannies and granddads to help with family situations

Of course these pensioners are looking after the elderly, with the various cut backs it is these souls who come in and help

The pensioners are the baby sitters for their own families, so that the women can go out to work and they become the carers for the infants

There are many single parents out there again who rely on their parents to bring up their own children

This Lord Bichard is obviously far removed from the reality of life

A memorial in Berlin to the fallen Gypsies caught up in the Nazi Holocaust is being unveiled

This memorial is necessary to announce to the world that others suffered intense suffering and death at that time

As with everything meaningful, it takes years to come to fruition

At last these souls have a plaque to be remembered, so that future generations can learn that war will never win…

…only intelligent minds do not go to war

What has been a difficult time for President Obama in the run up to the elections next month…

….will see a surprise surge of interest for what he is finally able to do for his people

He has tried to keep to his word on so many issues, only to be outwitted by Congress…

…that blocked a number of bills, which would have turned the US economy around – that, was not to be

Now with the people again taking control, giving Barack Obama a better mandate…

…he will be able to turn around many issues, which before he was outwitted and blocked

In the end, it is the American people who suffer, not those cosy politicians, who have nothing to lose except their egos

Again, it is the people who will speak and not the politicians

The extent to which a person will go through to become free is relative to the inducement of being disarmed of control in some way

If a regime brutalises the people of a country and individuals feel threatened by these situations so…

…evasive actions occur where escape from repression is the only way out

The individual’s life is too precious to be just tossed aside and ignored

Personal responsibility must come in where people can no longer tolerate the brutality of others on themselves

The need to move on becomes the only life saver

Many people the world over are today on the move as never before from oppressive regimes

Their lives worthy of peace and protection, all countries to give shelter to those who’s needs are dire and there appears no way out

Syria’s brutal civil war is now being played out on the streets of Tripoli, the northern Lebanese city

Those who are pro-Bashar al-Assad and those who are against him

There is no stopping this tyrant by his hatred to give up power and…

…to remain in control no matter where this war takes him, he just does not care

As with all despots, their arrogance will pave the way for the new opposition to gain in strength and fortitude and…

…to bring about the ultimate downfall of this megalomaniac

In order for South African miners to have faith in what they do, so President Zuma, if he has any brains, will support his people and…

…urge the mining company to address these very serious issues on pay and conditions for their workers

At the end of the day, if you don’t have miners you don’t have revenue

President Zuma has to send out a clear message that these miners are worth it and their grievances are justified

If he is not up to the job, he should move over to allow others to govern who can

As the police launch their formal investigation on the alleged incidents of sexual abuse by the late Jimmy Savile, Scotland Yard are…

...investigating 200 potential victims. This figure will rise as more people, who suffered at the hand of this man come forward

Their lives were ruined and because he was a celebrity he was able to work his abuse at will whenever he had the opportunity to do so

We, as a society, must look at ourselves and make a conscious effort to stop putting these so called celebrities on a pedestal of adornment

The celebrity culture is now out of control, where anybody can do outrageous things and become known for it

Until we put back decency into society, where people who have over the years done good work and…

…who are not flaunting themselves to become famous, so we will be constantly exposed to the wrong sort of people

This world is full of them.  The media are largely responsible for blowing up people to be larger than life

Instead of focussing on the good people, who save others in this world with hard work and devotion…

…they ignore the unsung heroes instead of using them as the criteria to educate our society

To stand on stage and sing rubbish songs and wiggle ones hips is someone we should not want to aspire to. How shallow minded is that?

When the likes of Mother Teresa, who worked night and day to heal the sick and the dying in Calcutta and…

…took her ministry all over the world to attend to the suffering and bring them peace

The doctors, who go around the world restoring people’s eyesight where the cataracts have caused them to become blind and…

…with skilled surgery the doctors are able to restore these people’s sight again

This work is done in remote parts of the world under makeshift operating conditions. The work done is free

It is these doctors, who should be hailed as the saviours of this world. Where are they mentioned?

When will the media wake up and start to report and honour the good deeds that people do, the lifesaving aspects?

When will the populace grow up?

EU leaders are due to begin a two day summit in Brussels to discuss issues surrounding the Eurozone crisis

François Hollande said the end to the Eurozone crisis was very close now and he wants a deal on the first stage of a banking union

François Hollande does not have a clue as to how this Eurozone crisis is going to go

There are too many situations with too many variables and disruptions still in the pipeline that…

…nothing except plaster has been put over the Eurozone crisis to cover up discrepancies

The Eurozone crisis is far too complicated to be allowed to be sorted out at this stage

Banking reforms on colossal bases have to be stripped down & started again. This, the banks will fight tooth & nail to keep the status quo

Until Governments come together to sort out these banks and begin to legislate power away from them…

…they will continue to rule Governments and countries around the world

The Euro is wobbling; this currency is not stable and will continue to remain so, making trading far more difficult

It is not getting any better and…

…these politicians keep mucking about spreading ridiculous propaganda that this currency is fine when it clearly is not!

The situation in the US over the Obama/Romney campaign will not go well

There will be clashes and fighting in the streets to bring to the attention of both candidates that…

…the American people will no longer suffer the stupidity of how elections are told and won

The American people are not naïve. They see just how the campaign is being managed and they will not stand for it any longer

The economy will be the main issue over and above the relative wars that the US is involved in around the world

It is all about the domestic policies that affect the day to day running of the people, which is how the election will be fought and won

President Obama will start to pull ahead with an amazing lead coming from nowhere

His speech on evaluation will show the people the pivotal role of what they must do in order to go forwards

Yes policies matter, but his rousing speech with how the people can make a difference by their own demands will be able to lift the nation

Mitt Romney will be caught lacking

His fundamental arguments no longer hold any water and so the Democrats are not frightened of his rhetoric

The continued slaughtering of Rhinos for their horns used in Chinese & Vietnamese medicines is diminishing this species at an alarming rate

Until the world cries out and a permanent ban on this wholesale slaughter, then this animal will be no more

Perhaps this is what the Chinese and Vietnamese Governments need

Their own wakeup call that there are no more Rhinos left in the world and it will be down to them

The poachers will finally have lost their business and Spiritual Law comes in. All will lose for their reckless behaviour

These people and these countries do not have the appreciation of this beautiful animal for being an animal, so there will be no more

While the international community do nothing, then this world does not deserve this beautiful creature and…

…so it will be taken away, where it can exist in a different dimension

Astronomers have found a planet whose skies are illuminated by four different suns, the first known of its type

The planet is located nearly 5,000 light years away & as science & astronomers further advance, so in time they will see more hidden planets

These hidden planets are already there, but we do not have the technology at this time to see them

As our Universe further expands and we become aware of these other Universes, which exist outside our own…

…we then begin to ask the relevant questions, who is controlling all these Universes and Galaxies?

This of course is the ‘God’ question

Science and the populace will be able to experience a spiritual shift, which then…

…will allow them a different perspective and understanding of our role on this Earth and towards one another

A record number of people are receiving emergency food aid from the UK food banks, as food and fuel bills are set to rise even further

The Charity, the Trussell Trust, now expects to feed more than 200,000 people in the UK alone and the figures are growing

It has been already predicted on these twitter sites that the starvation of people around the world is ever-growing

As climatic changes devastate the land and the people starve, so the economic crisis also affects the poor and suffering

Food will become the currency over money and we, as a people, will begin to see this situation going forwards until Governments…

…begin to do something about it. At this time they are all sleeping, because at this time it is not on their priority list

Vietnam’s Prime Minister has been spared disciplinary action over financial scandals

Public anger over economic woes and corruption at state owned firms had put the PM under pressure. The PM could be asked to resign

As always it is one rule for the politicians and one for the people

The wakeup call by the Universal Intelligence is that all corruption to the people will be found out and halted

These politicians forfeit their roles in Government by their wilful behaviour. They are not fit to govern anymore

The case of little Malala, who was shot in the head by Taliban gunmen, is now on her way to England to have specialised treatment…

…at a children’s hospital to save her life, the shooting having caused outrage by the international community on a defenceless child

The people of Pakistan suffer daily at the hands of the Taliban, whose cowardly acts ruin so many people’s lives

Their shame is for all the world to see. There can be no justification in this world for these barbaric acts

The Higher Intelligence will bring their sick corrupt minds to justice and that will happen

There is no justification to these acts of barbarism and the Pakistani people will not be intimidated by the Taliban

The Taliban in time will destroy themselves

The Philippines have signed a peace plan with the country’s largest Muslim rebel group aimed at…

…ending a 40 year conflict, which caused 120,000 lives to be lost

The deal provides a new autonomous region in the south, where the Muslims are the majority in a mainly Catholic country

To see whether the Muslims can stay satisfied for a time will be put to the test

It will be highly unlikely and in time the Muslims will want more of the country, as they will not be satisfied with what they now have

To live in harmony is to be unselfish and that takes an awful lot of love

Mankind, as a whole, does not possess that amount and that is why the world remains in so much conflict

The expected cull of badgers that it is stated causes TB in cattle is on the brink of collapsing

The badgers carry the TB virus in their stomachs and…

 …rarely do they inflict TB on other species of animals unless they are dangerous ill themselves

Badgers have a unique defensive system in their blood, which immunises them from the bacteria of the TB virus, so…

…it is very rare that they can transmit it to other animals

Farmers, deeply worried about their own cattle, feel they have no choice but to blame this virus on defenceless badgers

In time research will show that it is impossible for TB to be passed through herds by badgers

It is the cattle themselves who pick up the virus and carry it through to the rest of the herd through their feet and body contact

The victims of the Jimmy Savile affair have suffered immense hardship over years and…

…it is now right that justice for these people be given the highest priority

The BBC was informed by their own people that these abuses were going on and refused to do anything about it

They simply turned a blind eye. A police investigation into these abuses will show this to be true

Justice at the highest level will expose a culture of deceit and indifference to these victims…

…as Savile, being a celebrity, brought in the ratings and the BBC did not want to detract from that

Once again it is all about money & not about innocent vulnerable children

This culture will be exposed. The public will demand satisfaction

It is necessary that the black vote in America be given the chance to develop

Those poor people, who have not voted in the past, should now feel the inclusion of doing so…

…as a vital part of their standing in the community

With the help of black church leaders, who are an integral part of the American society…

…instruction can be brought in to allow black voters to have their say

It will allow for a greater integration of what is happening within their own country and where they can actively make a difference

The world is approaching anarchy and is in constant denial about its existence

It will happen while most people still sleep through life and expect miracles to happen without the lifting of a finger to help

Wars are not a part of this plan, only a consequence of extreme turmoil

What is at the heart of this demonstration is the inequality of people with people

Everybody is looking for their own needs and are not putting the whole together

It is now necessary for the entire human race to come together for the greater good

Where survival on a number of fronts will become evidential and…

…for the people to start to pull together to save this planet from the disaster that is now approaching

This is not the end of the world stuff, nothing so apocalyptic, but it is relevant in today’s society

There will be an enormous collapse financially, which will have to hit every country around the world

It is the wakeup call, which no Government will be prepared for or know how to deal with

Savings, investments will count for nothing. They will have no value anymore

Stocks on the stock exchange will be wiped out, their value diminished for all time

This will then be the turning point from which Mankind will have to start to rebuild again

The situation between Syria and Turkey to escalate out of control

The trust has now gone, as repeated reprisals from Syria towards Turkey are becoming self-evidential

See a worsening to the crisis, which will bring Turkey into the war

The change of military and political aspects will push Russia into the tall grass and leave it with embarrassment of its wayward antics

Lance Armstrong, who has now been stripped of his seven Tour de France titles by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, who…

…labelled him a serial cheat, who led the most sophisticated, professional and successful doping programme that sport has ever seen

The evidence is overwhelming and verifies what has long been a systemic cover-up by Lance Armstrong to cheat…

…on not only the authorities of the sport, but on all his fellow competitors, who equally suffered from his underhand tactics

The Universal Laws are fully in motion to bring down every individual, every despot and every Government, who flagrantly flaunts the Law

This now is the legacy that the world will now have to witness and experience. No one any longer is safe

All are being dealt with one by one 

Every country, every establishment, will be scrutinised and brought down who goes against the Universal Laws

…their time for retribution has long passed. Their own judgement day is here today

Jimmy Savile another soul, whose secret life now being investigated by the authorities for his sexual violation towards vulnerable girls…

…whose fear was that they would not be listened to by the authorities

His celebrity and charity status allowed him to get away with it even though it was known at the time

Those who overlooked these abuses will be made culpable, for there can be no excuse for their irresponsibility and

…they will be rendered as guilty as he was. Even a female patient, who was incapacitated in hospital, was abused

The sickness of this human being inflicted on another is inexcusable

Jimmy Savile will get his comeuppance in the next dimension. None even in death can escape the Law

David Cameron will address the people in his speech at the Conservative Party Conference.

He will say the UK is facing its hour of reckoning

He is right to direct his speech to further show the enormity of the financial scale that the UK is facing and further faces

If any person living in the UK is in any doubts that the entire country is going through hard economic times, he is living on another planet

The entire world, not only the UK, is suffering the hardships of a failing global economy caused by a greedy and…

…irresponsible banking system, of which there are still no deep structural changes

These banks have to pay substantially for their irresponsible behaviour and return to the people their losses and hardships caused by them

Until the people of this world can see this kind of recompense, then faith in them is no more

See a new form of banking occur, where there will be smaller banks to assist the public on their day to day issues and…

…begin to repair the long term damage caused by the industry as a whole

There will be a world food shortage and this has already been predicted where the currency will not be in money, but in food

Where money has lost its standing and value, so food will become the commodity of value

The climatic situation worldwide is now so unstable that food shortages around the globe start to bite

A vast increase in people starving due to shortages is already been shown. Until the people come together to realise this and…

…press their Governments to act more promptly, then world starvation will be increased, seen and felt

“The global economic recovery is weakening as Government policies have failed to restore confidence,” the IMF has said

It added that the risk of further deterioration in the economic outlook was considerable and had increased

The global economic situation will plummet into anarchy, as has already been predicted

The entire structure is at fault and so the immense monetary policies cannot be contained…

…never mind get better under this faulty way of working

The entire monetary situation globally will implode and is doing so as we speak. To arrest an already damaged situation is impossible

Its downfall then becomes the new birth

Nothing at this time can be saved, no matter how hard the IMF or the EB or the World Banks try to do something about it

It will happen and all countries will be affected…

…until these jumped up people, who control these institutions for their own ends, finally realise that their policies do not work!

Angela Merkel’s visit to Athens will incite the Greek people to riot

Mass amounts of police will not stop the march, which has already been planned

Her crippling austerity package will render the Greek people more helpless than they are at present

At this time they are not able to manage the debt; to be given a further bail out would be the kiss of death for Greece

The people and the economists are aware of it and yet the politicians still cling on to power instead of having the guts to say…

“We will fend for ourselves and find our own way without the merciless hammering we will have to endure from the European Banking system”

Angela Merkel and her economic policies to safeguard an incompetent monetary scheme like the Euro will be the killer blow to Greece

As predicted, a tax levy on high valued houses sought by the Liberal Democrats will be ruled out by the Chancellor George Osborne

To tax the rich is one thing; to keep on taxing when there will be nothing left is totally irresponsible

The entire aspect of money has to be moveable. For money to grow and to be of benefit to the country and…

…to the individual is to allow its movement to be used as growth and flowing investment

To block up a dam situation will not create wealth, but will stifle it and allow it to fester and be of no good to anybody

You have to understand that money is a source of energy and that energy has to be unharnessed and…

…set free to be able to be utilised in whatever the benefit is deemed of it. Either in investments or in trade or in money exchange…

…always the movement of it will allow for its growth and proper purpose to assist all who need it

China’s growth economy, which was 8.2%, is now 7.7% and it will reduce even further with the eventuality that it will flat line

You might think this is impossible well, watch this space. China, as other countries, is reliant on the world economy for their exports…

…while the entire world economies are going down and struggling day by day, so everybody who is joined by trade will suffer

We are no longer single countries working and surviving on our own

We are all interdependent of each other so the entire monetary system which is in utter chaos due to mismanagement, affects the entire world

What was once a massive consumer market is no more and people quite rightly so, don’t need umpteen things anymore

They are finding they can actually make do

Many people will gather in quiet contemplation in their homes or in churches around the world to pray for peace

Peace at any cost is not possible – the price expected is too high

Peace has to be translated not in amounts of lives lost, but with amounts of minds changed

Until we, as a race of people, do not change our minds and come away from the indoctrination of Governments and of religions, but…

…to begin to think outside of the box and do what we feel is instinctively and fundamentally what is right, there will be no peace for us

This chaotic world allows fear to come in and with that fear we are apt to think and act irrationally

What is required is a strong and positive contemplation, so that a Higher Source can come in and…

…guide us away from the affray and into the warm security of another dimension

All those holy men and women throughout all the ages thought outside of the box

They were not mainstream thinkers, but were able to rationalise what they believe to be true and right

By right thought, right action follows on and the world and their lives are always at peace

As has been predicted some time ago that Turkey would enter into the Syrian war, not necessarily against their will

These spats that have recently occurred will become more regular and Turkey is now poised and…

…ready for a full onslaught should the war take a decisive action, which in the coming weeks will become more prevalent

Syria and the Bashar al-Assad regime have been skating on thin ice for some time now & it is becoming more & more isolated as world events…

…spiral out of control & the regime itself becomes more vulnerable to outside forces, which are now being exercised at a remarkable rate

There will be a massive onslaught on the regime forces, as more army members defect in order to save their own lives and…

…not be held on trial for crimes against humanity. Bashar al-Assad will start to turn in on his own men as…

…they are more and more reluctant to do his bidding.  See the impasse coming into effect, which then will ultimately turn this war

Paolo Gabriele, Pope Benedict’s former butler, is receiving an 18th month sentence for his theft of personal documents from the Pope

…It will be further reduced discreetly. The Vatican’s embarrassment over the leaking of infighting and corruption will again be exposed

There are too many scandals in the Vatican that can’t be contained and a further leakage of more events will come to the surface

The entire muck and disorder from a regime that is a master of camouflage and deception will emerge

The timing for this to happen is now. Paolo Gabriele is only the first to come forwards. See others do the same

The Vatican is now openly bleeding. At last they have to come clean on so many misdeeds by their own hand

For Mankind to survive this global holocaust of unrest is to look at the past and see the mistakes not yet sorted out

Every year there is more and more unrest and the need to put matters right is never more relevant than it is today

Man has to create a force so strong that it can withstand the pressure to thrive at any cost…

…which means over and above the destruction of another human being

When that fact is driven home and is embedded in the subconscious mind, then the true enlightenment will occur and…

…peace and harmony is then restored throughout the entire world, which then can survive

The world is now falling in on itself, a self-imploding. This has been organised to distract those in the world to see the entire mess…

…is one of self-infliction and passive ignorance of what has always been there for centuries and totally ignored

It is only now that the people must start to decide on their futures and to commit together into making it right

We can no longer think that the politicians and those who govern us know best

Many of their mistakes have come home to roost and…

…so the people have to suffer the ever-growing hardships of Man’s incompetence to do what is right and just for all

Until the people stand up and demand that those who have put their lives in jeopardy be held accountable, nothing will ever change

The growing mood among the people of this world is no longer one of disgust.  That has already happened

It is no longer one of despair; that too has already taken place. It is now one of revenge and anger

See the people in every nation demand an alternative to the status quo. Once that has become apparent then the new way is formed

Those experts who are out there, who do not seek a public service life…

…but are in the knowledge of what needs to be done, will come together to start again

It is these experts who do not seek power, but do seek justice in the right way, who will be able to come forwards and…

…proclaim that an alternative to this way of living is there, provided the populace agree

The new awaking is born

In order to promote peace and stability throughout this world, a massive change of mind-set has to occur

People have to understand that we are all of one world. We are not aliens that have arrived here, even though it could make you wonder

We all evolved from one source and none of us was mysteriously formed out of thin air, that we are all part of each other and…

…as we self-divided into other parts of the world, we still are connected by our genetic makeup…

…so with that understanding, we should all become more tolerant of each other instead of painfully hostile

There is coming a time soon when this reality will be imparted and that brother will look at brother and sister with sister and…

…notice that we all have that common theme, which makes us human and different from the animal kingdom

Our own evolution within this world structure is becoming more apparent and as it does…

…the need for war will be no more. We are always killing our own kind

To step out of the box and to put religion aside and to walk freely from the constraints and harshness of religious dogma is…

…to free and liberate oneself within one’s life

We already know innately what is right and what is wrong

That is in our psyche naturally and therefore we don’t need the domination of a religious background to tell us what we already know…

…that we are all human and can conduct ourselves to a code of ethics, which is inbred in all of us

Once this realisation comes in, then we are able to act and perform ourselves in a better way

A more open-mindedness, which was not there before, but we always realised existed in us

The harshness of oppression starts to melt away and…

…we begin to act for the greater good instead of demolishing all that is good and wholesome in Mankind itself

It will take time, but it is coming

Man must begin to look at himself and see why we were placed on this earth and to finally see the good that is there and rebuild from that

Until politicians have the moral strength to push legislation through to remove all banks that have shown irresponsible behaviour…

…the public can have no faith in the banks or in Government

The New York Attorney General has sued JPMorgan Chase for defrauding investors’ loss of £12bn…

…on mortgage backed securities sold by Bear Stearns

It was these mortgage backed securities that sparked off the global financial crisis in 2008

The economic bubble on greed and frenzied manipulation to create short term profit over high risk was…

…the most damaging culture by the banking system to have ever evolved

The people the world over have no faith in their banks anymore

They see them as manipulative giants, who come out on top and very few actually fall

The fact that their reckless actions throughout the globe have brought interminable suffering to millions worldwide…

…is of no consequence to them

See these banks lose their structure as more and more are brought down.  These banks will be sawed up into smaller less powerful sections

Their time has come and justice will prevail over greed and dishonesty

The trial continues on the Pope’s former butler, who stole very confidential papers to expose Evil and Corruption in the Vatican

The Vatican has so many things that they wish to remain hidden. More and more revelations are now coming to the fore

Is it any wonder that the faithful are losing their faith, not in God, but in the Church and all its pomp and circumstance?

Their hypocritical exploits are being revealed day by day

They can no longer look people in the eye with any moral conviction and say, “Trust in me”

The Vatican will do their utmost to hold onto their shattered reputation, to deny the truth as they have always done

If the judge is led by God and is not corrupt himself, then the truth will out and more mess will be revealed and verified

This Church will fall like the rest of them

To believe in the afterlife and to know you are being looked after with such a specialised technique is not to be sneezed at

Seve Ballesteros was a man dedicated to his sport of golf

He believed wholeheartedly in himself and his talent to perform at the highest level

He was, for every golfer who saw him play, a true inspiration to the game

His belief in the European Ryder Cup team is legendary and so…

…it is unsurprising to think that Seve would not have been there in Spirit at least

José Olazábal, who was inspired by Seve Ballesteros and they were close compatriots…

…knew in his heart Seve was there urging the team on to do their best and to drive home the advantage

His inspiration to the team and the belief system that they could win had a powerful effect

Well done to the entire team, who played magnificently to win and to retain the Ryder Cup for Europe

As was previously predicted, this wave of increased violence against the invading forces right across Afghanistan will continue

The purpose is to incite the withdrawal of a war that cannot be won

The politicians will have to realise they cannot obtain the gas fields that are in Afghanistan and have the gas pipeline to the coast

It is not theirs to muscle into

The numerous soldiers’ lives, who have been spent by a political force that have not told the truth and…

…where the soldiers have believed in the propaganda fed to them

Those intelligent soldiers on the ground will tell you first-hand they are not winning this war

Every time they think they are gaining ground, it is then taken back by the insurgents

The officers and the soldiers know this.  Do not under estimate these soldiers’ intelligence. No one can win

Bring those brave soldiers back and give the Afghan people the chance to deal with their own people

Enough lives have been lost in over two decades of war by respective countries

The invasion of any foreign country by force, because of what it can yield, has to stop

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