31 December 2012

jandmayers December 2012 Twitter

Interested in changing people’s lives for the better and helping to make it happen through specialist guidance

US Congressional leaders will still have deadlock at the approach of midnight 31st December 2012

These delaying tactics orchestrated by the Republicans to bring the Democrats into submission will fail drastically

The backlash to the Republicans by the people will increase their downfall & put an end to the trust the American people had in this regime

President Obama will then need to act furiously to obtain a deal that he feels is fitting to save this country from falling

A nail-biting situation where the President will win, but the outcome to the Republicans will be devastating

Protesters are gathering in India to demonstrate their anger over the gang rape of a young woman

Her plight will start a huge surge of activity against the Government, which will be unprecedented in modern times

The Indian Government has no legs to stand on

They have repeatedly turned a blind eye to what has been going on for centuries and stood by and did nothing

So many victims have suffered with next to no justice offered that it has become endemic to India

Now, as the people rise in their millions, the Government will be forced to act in ways they never thought would be asked of them

Little will change overnight, but there will now be vigilante groups, which will come about

They will come because the Government failed, so these groups will administer the justice, which was not done before

It will be a secondary justice system held by the people for the people

America is suffering the worst conditions in decades

Severe weather has brought heavy snow to the Midwest and threatens disruption to the east

Here they have suffered already from Hurricane Sandy only a couple of months ago

There have been 34 tornedos in the southern states, as well bringing down power lines. Some 200,000 people are without power

All over America is being hit with severe weather yet the Government will not recognise global warming

It is that which brings in these treacherous unsettling conditions

The Government wants to walk away from its own responsibilities

The Higher Intelligence is trying to wake up these people to recognise what is going on all around them & will continue to do so

America will continue to be hit with these devastating weather situations until it recognises that globally something has to be done

All over the globe countries are being hit and hit hard

The people of the world now coming to terms with what it has done to society as a whole

There is an underlying trend that so much is out of the control of others and it is only the sacred few who can do anything about anything

We all have it in us to do great things, but most of the time we chose to do nothing

We leave it to others to always do the hard work while we sit on the side lines and accept fate as it is given to us

Nobody wants to lift a finger until they are pushed to do so.        Most are continually wrapped up in their own lives

They are devoid of seeing the suffering in others they chose not to see and therefore will not get involved

Those heroes of this world, of which there are many, will always be appreciated and remembered by the masses whom they have helped

Their names will go down in history for their steadfastness and bravery in times of great hardship

It is they who make our lives worth living and it is they who put back decency into this world while others just take and do nothing

The massive destruction by floods in the already saturated areas of Southwest England and Wales is so distressing

Yet we are to expect more such severe weather patterns

The world’s climate is in turmoil, yet Governments refuse to see what is happening all around the world with catastrophic conditions

How much more must we endure? How many lives will be lost before people and Governments realise they must act now! 

By the time it gets to screaming pitch it will be too late

We are eroding our climate with the outpouring of chemicals and gases produced by industry

This is to the gross levels of polluting the atmosphere to such an extent it is now becoming dangerous

Until the Police Commissioner gets his act together and sorts out the corruption of Police under his watch, nothing will ever get sorted out

There is an arrogant mind-set that is emerging by the Police, which will be to their detriment

The public of this country will not stand for it

Over recent incidents involving the Police, with the Hillsborough disaster…

…being the worst crime committed by the Police against the public, it is outrageous

There have been numerous cover ups by Police to save their own skins, all of which are coming out now

There is a cancer that needs to be cut out root and branch

There is a complacency that they have got away with it for years and so the filth continues to grow and fester

The Police will take many years to obtain public approval, right now they are reaping what they have sown for long enough

To systematically go out of their way to destroy a Member of Parliament, Andrew Mitchell, with false lies and accusations…

…will leave the Police standing very low in the public’s perception of what they are meant to be

What is this world coming to when a hospital in Redditch has failed 38 families from 2002-2011?

There were 35 cases, who sought legal advice against Alexandra Hospital for the gross neglect over their loved ones

One patient starved to death

The fact that one patient starved to death shows that, that person would have had to have been neglected

…over a period of continuous weeks to allow this kind of deterioration, yet nobody did anything at all

The compensation awarded to these distressed families is a mere £410,000

The hospital should have been closed down until such time as they were deemed fit to act as a hospital, but only under supervision

It’s unsurprising that Pope Benedict should pardon his former butler. He’s serving 18 month jail sentence for stealing confidential papers

He believed the Pope was being manipulated and hoped to reveal alleged corruption at the Holy See

With all the egos going on in the Vatican and so many of the cardinals vying for supremacy…

…it is understandable in this day and age that corruption within a confined special body occurs

These holy men are all part of a business to promote the Roman Catholic faith as they see it

It is important that the best men for the job are always at the top. For this to happen, favours are given

Nothing is ever holy in Holy Land.  It only appears that way. That is why the choreography has to be so good

China’s battering over corruption of its top people has led to a cleansing

It is a determined act by the Government to curb the excesses of its top officials

These officials will no longer stay in luxury hotels or get the red carpet treatment.  All is being banned

The idea that China can and will abide by this cleansing programme of corruption…

…is to demonstrate that equality of the people should be seen to be done, that officials are privileged and by that position it is enough

This could well be a demonstration for the rest of the world to also put their own houses in order

Too much money is spent on delegations and officials

This opens up the eventuality of corruption in countries around the world, so much is being revealed

Governments are trying to tackle this problem

Until decency on every level is taught, this problem will continue to be the cancer of this world and because of it stagnation remains

As has been predicted over a year ago that banks would be made smaller, so that they served the people and…

…not be exploited for their money in risky casino type banking

There will be a banking law, which will put this into action, so that banks no longer can become a law unto themselves

This breakthrough will be seen by all banks, as a lesson they have to learn in order to regain the confidence of the public

The US financial situation will hit rock bottom and a final demand by President Obama for Congress to see reason…

…will be forced on the Republicans by the people of America

The Republicans no longer can sit tight and do nothing

The consensus is that they have to forfeit their own petty politics for the good of the entire Nation

The world appears to be coming to a standstill with so many different factions vying for position and all getting nowhere fast

Until the mind-sets of so many people throughout the entire world come to their senses and…

…see that in order to survive and to grow, collective consciousness needs to be put into place

Until humanity can honestly say we are about saving the world and not only for ourselves…

…but for others, we will find ourselves in a dilemma of stagnation

The Police think they are a law unto themselves and have been revealed lately in many misuses of power by the Police on the general public

There will be cases to answer for, where the British Police have covered up their own misconduct

Their attitude towards the general public have seen them found wanting many times over

It is their time to be judged. The public no longer feel secure with their methods and they will need a general overhaul in a number of ways

Where lies and misinformation have come out, it is quite shocking and where they have continued to get away with it

A Higher Force has now brought many things to the surface where the Police will now have to pay the price for their arrogance

They will have to pay for their high and mighty ways

It will take many years for the Police to repair the damage inflicted on the public and for confidence in the Police to be restored

UBS has been fined £940m for its dealings to manipulate the Libor lending rate

This bank has systematically been ruthless in its banking practices

It tries to run roughshod over anybody or anything that prevents them achieving their goal, which is greed to the extreme

This bank has no ethics and like all institutions who think they are above the law and…

…a law unto themselves, they are now finding out that is no longer the case

UBS will continue to be hit financially until it is made an example of by the world

See its damaged reputation affect its clients, who are now starting to leave this bank with all its faults

For Americans to change their gun laws requires people all over America to feel safe and to uphold the law

They must believe that their police force can deliver that safety and protection for their people, so there will not be a need for guns

Until that day comes or an understanding that the government will start putting this motion into practice…

…then the American people will have no faith in their law and order system

Where to carry a gun, will require stiff sentences as the act of carrying a gun is already an incentive to maim, not to protect

Until re-education to the American people is given and the law is enforced because the people want it…

…then nothing will ever change for this country. They can expect more mass killings to occur

There are enough people in America and the world who suffer with mental illness

Therefore to remove guns from purchase will lessen the risk of mentally ill people obtaining these weapons

The outrage felt by the loyalist people to see their flag only being flown on twenty designated days is ludicrous

Northern Ireland has various other flags flown throughout the land

A re-think by Belfast Council to restore the status quo would show wisdom, not defeat

Flags throughout all history signify that person’s sovereignty and people give their lives for the flag to show to the world who they are

The Council’s short-sightedness has caused this problem to themselves

The loyalist will not give up or give in. It is more than a principle at stake, it is their lives

As most of the western world starts to prepare for the Christmas festivities…

…it is good to remind people that the love of Mankind towards one another does not necessarily come naturally to all

Many people are frightened of what is expected of them and will they come up to standard?

The goodwill towards men thing is to many a myth, which has left our shores many moons ago

We no longer consider those who have not. It is only those who have that seem to matter in this materialistic world

This time of the year is there for positive reflection of a year gone past and what has been achieved by us all within this one year

Either we are able to move on with our lives or do we remain entrenched within the very fabric of what we are all involved in?

Perhaps we are not aiming to go further or even to make any difference to other lives that surround our own perimeter of acquaintances

All will become interesting, because as we are, so the next year will determine a very different aspect for us to learn

We might not be ready for it

Our hearts and minds go out to the many children and adults that were killed in Connecticut

Also the mother of Adam Lanza, who killed his mother first before going on his killing spree

His deranged mind would have been in so much psychological pain, which drove him to commit this deadly act

Where no one can ever say what Adam Lanza did was right, one has to ask the obvious question

How much mental pain and anguish was he in over an awfully long time?

No one can actually answer that question

What is so tragic here is that nobody in that small town where everybody knew each other saw what this young man was suffering all this time

For this kind of extreme violence to occur, then extreme provocation must have been the key element to provoke a trigger point

He could no longer bare it and therefore something snapped mentally and the tragedy occurred

Where was the help for this soul, who would have been in so much pain to finally bring him to this point in time and then take his own life?

We, as citizens in this world, are sometimes so involved with our own lives that we become blind to the pain of others

We ignore what so often is right under our noses

Compassion, it is said, has been lost in today’s society

It is sometimes the wakeup call that we must look to each other and help where we can

That means we have to take time out from our own lives to give back to those who do not feel supported and quite often do not feel loved

The unlawful killing of innocent children and adults in a school in Connecticut is shocking to say the least

No one can legislate against mental illness. However it is necessary that when there is a problem of this magnitude…

…that people around that person must be on alert to the eventuality of a major problem

Many people, who are psychologically disturbed, are often withdrawn, non-communicative and have little to no friends

They would have issues with anger and no confidence. This morose attitude often leads to destruction in a tragic way

The case also for gun control must start to take some form of legal action

Especially in America, where the right to bear arms is used as the forerunner of their civil liberties

Guns in the hands of irresponsible people are the most dangerous of weapons

They are easy to handle and can kill from a distance leaving the shooter removed from the emotional destruction

It simply does not have an impact in their psyche in the same way as a knife would have

Violence, in so many ways, is already being taught

It is brainwashing our children with the violent video games that practically every child in the western world plays with

The parents feel it is alright for their children to play with various annihilations of individuals as a form of a game or sport

Here obliteration is the natural process

Whatever happened to tame toy cars and train sets for boys and dolls houses for girls?

These things are no longer relevant

It is the subjection to violence for the young that is becoming increasingly alarming and from that, the next step becomes the real thing

We, as a society, are responsible for the violence that we incur in our daily lives

It is up to society to change and no longer think it is acceptable to live this way

Guns, and the destruction they bring, must be seen as harmful

Therefore legislation to curb this activity will bring in the safeguards that society wants to feel secure

The Higher Intelligence continues to expose criminals in every way and is allowing justice to be seen to be done

This gives the people of the world a chance to start to feel secure

At last Governments are coming clean

They are actually showing the people that they are doing something active about injustice and criminality in all its various guises

The Universal Laws are showing people that no matter how long it takes to bring it to the surface nobody gets away with anything

The truth, although hidden at the time, is always revealed at a later date

Governments themselves are having to put their own house in order, as there has been corruption on an unprecedented scale for so long

Public figures in Government utilising public funds to feather their own nests are being found out almost on a daily basis

They are brought to trial and publicly humiliated

Nobody can feel safe anymore as the world is now watching

If you have done something wrong and especially if you are in a powerful position, you will be found out and exposed

The UN is launching a £1.3bn appeal to fight a cholera epidemic in Haiti that has killed 8,000 people

Evidence shows the disease was introduced to the country by UN peacekeepers

The epidemic picked up at a UN base in Nepal where cholera is endemic

Lawyers of thousands of Haitian cholera victims are demanding billions in compensation

As with all these matters, the UN do not admit fault, but are now trying to appeal for emergency cholera treatment

The Haitians want justice for negligence by the UN for bringing in the disease into their country in the first place

Until Mankind takes personal responsibilities for our actions when we have done something wrong, how are we as a people ever going to learn?

No longer can we just blame somebody else.  In this case 8,000 people died through no fault of their own

Steps need to be taken to ensure this catastrophe will never happen again

Justice will be seen to be done and these families will be heavily compensated and the UN can do nothing about it

The fact that President Obama has now formally recognised Syria’s main opposition coalition…

…as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people is a good thing

It finally brings it home to President Assad that his term in office is now no longer, as he is not seen with any credibility in this world

Russian and China will start to fall into line. It is only a matter of time, leaving Assad exposed

Their own human rights issues will have no bearing on the current crisis

Support that is now being given to the alternative Syrian regime will bring in both Russia and China

They will need to save face and who will wish to trade with a legitimate body, as to one which is on its way out

At the end of the day for them, all is fair in love and war, as they see it

President Putin continues to fear his political opponents, whom he states are in the pay of foreign interests. To him this is unacceptable

His own hypocritical ways to infiltrate other countries, such as Afghanistan and neighbouring Russian countries…

…where he tries to put his own men in power, is alright by his standards

Yet he is fearful that others within his own country might well be doing the same

As with all Spiritual Law, as you do to others then beware of it being done to you

HSBC has confirmed it is to pay US authorities £1.26bn in a settlement over money laundering

Also UK based Standard Chartered bank will pay $300m in fines for violating US sanctions on Iran, Burma, Libya and Sudan

The US District Attorney said banks occupy positions of trust and it is a bedrock principle that they must deal honestly

These incidents further expose the banks in their corrupt ways

What they are supposed to do and how they are supposed to act has been nothing short of scandalous

They continue to steal and out manoeuvre systems to fit their own end regardless of any public opinion or common decency

It would be fitting to remove all banking licences from these enormous institutions, who continually think they are above the Law

To then allow for new smaller independent banks to be formed, where they are firmly scrutinised by the public and rigid financial safeguards

Afghan women victims of violence are still being failed by the justice system

We have a human rights Law, which is supposed to work internationally

Yet violence to Afghan women still continues leaving them totally alone, frightened and isolated

In this modern world with all our laws and human rights, who will fight for these women who have no voice?

Until International Law uses its teeth to uphold the Law in this world, then there is no point in having it in the first place

Pressure from Governments has to protect these innocent victims

A young girl was beheaded after her father rejected a marriage proposal for her

Another victim, where a 20 year old divorced her cruel husband, who then went and took revenge and killed her parents

She lives in constant fear that he will kill her brothers

The Law of Man and of God says that no one has the right to take a life

These murderous barbaric ways are only allowed to get away with it, because nothing is ever done!

Nelson Mandela will be able to hold up much better than the tests signify

Although he is a little frail he is not giving up yet

He is most concerned about the forthcoming elections and whether President Zuma will retain his office

Nelson Mandela is loved all over the world and his legacy for doing the right thing in the right way will always be remarked on

He is a living saint for all that he has done for humanity against the greatest odds

He is still recognised as a world leader and what he says has profound effects on so many people’s lives even today

The Australian DJ’s pretending to be the Queen and Prince Charles

They utilised their rights to act in a gross, irresponsible way regardless of the consequences their little joke might take

How low must we stoop before morals are inflicted on Mankind? We, as people, are so debased in so many ways

A laugh is a laugh as long as it doesn’t apply to you.  DJ’s Greig and Christian are not laughing now

Until Mankind can see that there are always consequences to all our actions good or bad and…

…therefore we should engage brain first before mouth. These souls will never learn, their mentality is sick and so they remain sick

However the circumstances of their prank will remain with them for life and that stain on their character will never leave them

They are shown up for what they truly are

The UN climate change talks in Qatar proposes that rich nations should compensate poor nations for their losses due to climate change

The US has fiercely opposed this measure. The US is one of the largest polluters in the world

It has already suffered this year with massive devastation to the East Coast with lives and homesteads being lost forever

Yet they object to paying out compensation for Small Island States, who need help now in funding to get clean energy

Then they can adapt to climate change

Universal Laws say that you must put right what you have done wrong

Until that happens, then more will be suffered until the message is acknowledged and dealt with

The US will need to come up with something quickly, as their backs are against the wall, whichever way they react

As with all nations around the world, all must take their fair share of responsibility

If that is ignored, then the climate change will hit their countries even harder until they learn to do what is right

Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi says he will run for elections next year

This man has under age sex with girls and has been convicted of tax fraud

He still thinks he has the right moral conduct to lead the country as Prime Minster

Have the Italian people any regard to anything that is decent and honest never mind what he has already done with the country?

He landed it in the most awful financial mess. It will never be his doing according to him

There are right and honest people in Italy, who daily are trying to fight corruption and the Mafia to bring decency back to the populace

They want it and to then have Berlusconi, who flies in the face of corruption, indecency and lies, is to go back to cave times

Are the Italian people decent or not and if so, then think very carefully on the dangers this man will do

He thinks he is above the law and therefore above decent people

Right across the five banking giants, the instruction to staff is to sell before service

The research carried out by ‘Which?’ has found that staff are under pressure to sell banks products and to hit certain designated targets

These banks have not learnt & will never learn until they are finally closed down

Only then will decency return to the banking institution when they are finished and at the mercy of the man in the street

Until Government does something to safeguard the common man, nothing will ever change

The banks rule this country not Government and shame should fall upon Government officials, who have let this country and its people down

Home Secretary Theresa May has won permission to appeal against a decision last month…

…to block the deportation of the radical cleric Abu Qatada to Jordan

This man has flaunted the system over many years, making a mockery of the British Judicial system

He wants to evade deportation to Jordan to face criminal trial there

The treatment in Britain is so easy in comparison to what he will receive in Jordan

He is prepared to go at any lengths not to face trial over there

Justice will be done & it does not matter how much he flaunts the law, the law will catch up with him & his sentence will be final and just

No longer will he enjoy the liberty that he has for so many years. Those days are long gone

The outrage in India after its top sports body was suspended by the International Olympic Committee…

…ahead of elections in which officials accused of corruption were appointed

The ban prevents athletes competing for India in future Olympics

The Times of India newspaper has said that India has brought this upon themselves

They allowed their sports officials to enjoy the game while the sport went to the dogs

While India continues to carry on with corruption throughout its country…

…there will never be a place for the honest person trying to do their bit for themselves and their country

Corruption brings the worst out of people and the shame not only extends to the individual, but to the entire country

The cleansing of the world’s corruption is now being highlighted in every way and in all walks of life

Nobody is exempt and they will be found out

As the world’s population continues to expand and there is not enough food to feed those already here…

…so Mother Nature intervenes to control this activity with reducing the sperm count in men

The study in Human Reproduction has seen male sperm fall by a third

More women are not able to have children naturally, as they once did and a fall there is also being seen

The people of this world must understand that the planet can only sustain life on the produce available to it

Resources are fast running out and people have to realise that they cannot keep producing children as they once did

The world is now so over populated that Man is wiping out areas of natural resources, which can no longer come back

The idea that Man can govern himself is ludicrous, as it is highly unlikely he ever could

Man’s thirst for ‘I must have’ attitude lends him always open to intrigue and corruption

It is almost embedded in everybody to always want more and never to be satisfied with what they have

Almost everybody is interested in the self and has little to no time to do anything for anybody else

This sadly is what the world has become and so, because we are never satisfied with our lot in life, our unhappiness grows daily

For Man to start to see what is important in his life is to see what he can do for Mankind and to expect nothing in return

A concept which in today’s world is very difficult indeed

Until we begin to change our mind-sets and let go of the material, which brings us no happiness…

…but, like a drug, pulls us to desire more all the time, our thirst to have is never quenched

We completely lose sight of what is important and that is the sadness that is all around us today

There is a new offence of aggravated possession of a knife in England and Wales

Anyone found with a knife on their person could get up to six months in jail. This law is supposed to stamp out knife crime in the UK

The Government’s short sightedness does not deal with why the individual feels they need to carry a knife

They deal only with the fact that they do

Young people, under 10 years old and teenagers, who belong in street gangs, see it as their only form of survival

This is their protection against the aggression that is out there from rival gangs

For them, six months in prison is a holiday. It is no deterrent in the case of being killed

The Government has to look at dealing with the gang culture first

Then they can bring in the right organisations to prevent gang culture forming and existing

These children feel vulnerable and this has become more evidential in the way so many are abused

This happens either in the home or on the street or what is supposed to be safe environments

We, as a society, have failed our children in so many ways and the abuse to these innocent souls is appalling

Yet we continue to brush it under the carpet and get on with our adult lives thinking it will all go away

The wakeup call to the entire county is that our children are neglected and deprived in so many ways

It has become highlighted recently in the various abuse scandals by adults that have come to light

We owe it to our children to save them, as we are reaping the decades of neglect now

To give Mankind enlightenment, one must first be enlightened

It takes time and perseverance to accommodate such knowledge and further more to know you are always right

The mind-set becomes more challenged as one’s own investigation into what is real and what is false with the world…

…takes a long time for any individual to discover

The enlightenment is always forthcoming and practical in its delivery making man thirsty for the right kind of knowledge…

…with the expressed confirmation that it is right and pure in its entirety

Australia leads the world in introducing plain packaging for cigarettes

The new packaging will be a dreary brown in colour and will have anti-smoking messages and photographs

The act of smoking is now going out of fashion, certainly in the educated parts of the world

They have seen first-hand the enormous damage done by the illnesses, which stem from smoking

It now is so frowned upon that more and more people are giving up and it is only the young who are taking it up

As the culture further moves away from smoking, so it will become a dying trend and no longer looked upon as cool

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