01 January 2015

jandmayers December 2014 Twitter

Shame on the UN Security Council’s failure to pass a resolution to end the Israeli occupation on Palestinians

The Jordanian Ambassador Dina Kawar submitted the motion after it had been agreed upon by 22 Arab states and the Palestinian Authority

The situation in the Council has been going on for over 25 years on this subject without resolution

The UN Security Council continue to sit on their backsides and evade the issues

They are using all kinds of excuses, while the Palestinians have no hope or dignity left

The UN Security Council is a disgrace and is not fit for purpose!

Israel’s aggression continues to occupy land which is not legally theirs

This has been stated, yet nothing by the Security Council has been done about it

In 1967 Israel seized Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula and Syria’s Golan heights and set up settlements

Israel also invaded Lebanon in 1978 & 1982 and maintained long-term occupation in the southern part of the country

These wars and their occupation were all related to the Palestine question and have deepened the political crisis surrounding it

Even after Israel was forced to withdraw from Egypt and Lebanon, the Palestine (and Golan) occupation has still continued

Since resolution 242 and 338 the Security Council has taken no significant steps to end the Israel-Palestine conflict

The US’s influence has kept the issues off the Council’s agenda

When the Council members have introduced resolutions, responding to periodic crisis, the US has repeatedly used its symbolic weight

The Council will only become effective once it confronts the US’s displeasure and US’s pressure

Recent US policies by John Kerry have only made matters worse

Samantha Power, the US Ambassador to the UN, stated that the US searches every day for new ways to take constructive steps to…

…support the parties in making progress towards achieving a negotiated settlement

This is utter rubbish

Their policies are set to undermine any proper legal solutions, so that the status quo remains in favour of their Master – Israel!

The Jordanian Ambassador expressed that the Council bears both the legal & moral responsibilities to resolve the Israel-Palestine conflict

It has to be said after 25 years of continued failure…

…the Security Council is not fit for purpose, as it can no longer justify its appalling position and should be disbanded

A new independent body needs to be set up which is just and cannot be influenced by outside interested parties and…

…where the law comes into force finally and sets up the solution to make the two state situations happen

Then where there are illegal settlements that have been erected, they must be pulled down

The world owes the people of Palestine justice against an unjust state of suppression and apartheid

What are we as a human race?

Have we no sense of justice?

Must we allow ourselves to be continuously bullied by those who think they can control us?

Freedom has to be fought for, against an oppressor that feels it has all the guns, against what is legally and morally right

Until we learn to stand up against injustice, there really is no point in being alive.  We might as well be dead

Two World Wars were fought against oppressors who used force to take what they wanted

Blood was spilt by those brave men and women, who sacrificed their lives so that we may live in freedom

Were their actions for nothing? The answer was, “NO!”

Can we now allow another oppressor to keep the status quo and not allow human dignity and freedom to prevail?

They enjoy freedom while others are denied it!

Let the world come together and do what is right, not only morally but lawfully as well

We owe it to our fellow human beings to speak out and to defend Mankind from those who wish, like a cancer, to control our every being

The Ebola outbreak continues to claim lives

Some of which are the many voluntary Doctors and Nurses, who give up their time with care and compassion

It is extremely necessary for Governments to invest in proper health systems for their people

The correct information must be given at all times

It’s the education of the disease & how to further explain its transmission which is crucially important in stopping this disease spreading

Governments have the responsibility to act correctly, but often it is found they do not

The Ebola virus has already killed more than 7,800 people with more than 20,000 cases reported this year alone

A new cemetery in Liberia has been opened to provide for a safe burial site

It is the traditional practice of washing the victim’s body which allows people to come into close contact with the disease

When people do not wear the appropriate clothing or use important hygiene, so the disease continues to spread and so more people die

Again it is education together with medical care, which will finally eliminate this disease

It is up to the Pharmaceutical companies to have done their bit to eliminate this disease

It has been in existence for many decades and nothing has been done about it

Their inability to find a solution to this disease has caused many lives to be lost

It is only when there is International pressure that anything is even started

Shame on the Pharmaceutical companies, whose main criterion is profit over saving lives

The courage of the people and those who were their rescuers was astonishing by any other means

Those who have already been rescued from the blazing Italian ferry The Norman Atlantic amid freezing temperatures…

…were praising the bravery of these men and women

It has taken an International rescue effort amid high winds and treacherous conditions for them to achieve this rescue operation

Italian and Albanian authorities were taking part, working right through the night in very difficult conditions

Italian and Greek helicopters also worked through the night to air lift passengers to safety

Some were taken to hospital, where they were treated for hyperthermia

On deck the crew tried to lower life boats, but not all the passengers could get in as there was no co-ordination

Passengers themselves opened up boxes and got out life vests, trying to save themselves

There are seven other ships in the area and rescue helicopters with search and rescue support aircraft were being sent in

An Italian Air Force helicopter pilot said that acrid smoke from the ferry filled his helicopter cabin making rescue even more challenging

We must praise the bravery and relentless determination by all the rescue workers in their delivery

They are attempting to save human lives and to alleviate any long-term suffering

They will be remembered for all time

The many problems caused to people are the inadequacies of Governments and mismanagement of companies around the globe

It does not matter whether it is an airline or a cafe that cannot get its goods because supplies are not there

Too many things are going wrong because the structure to supply proper utilities is not there

Until these people are shown up for their lack of responsibilities, nothing will ever change

Too many lives are being disrupted due to poor management and what is supposed to be the basic rights of people in today’s society

Airplanes, which are not safe to fly or fly over war-torn countries – their corporations have to be made accountable

It is always the public who suffer with their lives and not the management who controls these operations

Staff of a company was told on Christmas Day that their jobs were no longer there for them and all will be made redundant

Again nothing has been done to manage the situation in a better way beforehand to halt this situation in happening

People have to be made accountable for their misdemeanours

The entire world has to see that incompetence on every level destroys lives in so many ways

We have to demand a higher authority from industry and from corporations

High compensation must be given to all those who are innocent and…
…have suffered loss in some way which was directly attributed to bad management

We, as a people, can no longer walk over the other side and turn a blind eye and allow these irresponsibilities to continue

The law is there to protect the public

It needs to be seen to be working in our daily lives, otherwise continued hardship and loss of life continues

It doesn’t matter how big and how powerful you think you are, if you have broken the law it will finally catch up with you

US city of Providence, Rhode Island is suing the Brazilian state-run oil company Petrobras over investor losses due to a corruption scandal

Many of the company’s senior executives have also been named as defendants

It has been stated that Petrobras made false statements to investors that inflated the company’s value

Up to now 39 people in Brazil have been indicted on these charges, which include corruption, money laundering and racketeering

They have also been charged with forming a cartel to drive up the prices of Petrobras infrastructure projects

This case has shaken the Government of which President Rousseff served as chair of Petrobras board for seven years until 2010

Naturally she denies any knowledge of the scheme

At last the truth is coming out and with it all the dirt

The Brazilian Federal Police have uncovered that the group under investigation…

…had moved more than $3.9bn in various transactions to hide their tracks

The Brazilian courts have blocked around $270m assets so far belonging to the various suspects

A former Petrobras director, who worked for the company from 2004-2012, has told investigators that…

…politicians received a 3% commission on contracts signed during this period

How can the people of Brazil ever trust their Governments?

With the new election only recently won by President Rousseff, honesty, integrity and transparency are nowhere to be seen

This scandal could bring down the Government as more people are named and shamed

Memorial services are being held in Indonesia and other nations around the world for the Indian Ocean tsunami, which took 200,000 lives

Indonesia’s province of Aceh took the worst of the hit. The underwater earthquake set off massive waves on 26th December 2004

The Vice President Jusuf Kalla led the tributes to the dead

He also praised the many volunteers and the outside world for their help in this tragedy

The emotions felt at that time were of confusion, shock, sorrow, fear and suffering

Earlier thousands of people gathered at the city’s great Mosque

It is a 19th Century building, which was one of the few structures in the town to survive

The Mosque’s imam said the tsunami has taught the people of Aceh a valuable lesson

The city has been the scene of an armed conflict, which had lasted nearly 30 years. After the tsunami no one fights each other anymore

The people now live in peace and harmony up to this day

Efforts to end the conflict resumed after the tsunami, culminating in a peace deal between the Government and the rebels in August 2005

As with all things in life, it sometimes takes an enormous disaster to put into context what is really important and relevant in our lives

Our prayers go out to the victims who lost their lives and the families who suffered the loss of their loved ones, both there and abroad

Nearly 5,500 people died in Thailand, half of which were foreign tourists

In Sri Lanka the Ocean Queen Express train was hit by the tsunami and 1,700 people died

Sweden lost over 500 of its citizens in the disaster

It was the biggest tremor in the world since 1964, which unleashed its giant waves across the India Ocean

Another good thing, which has come out of this disaster, is the early warning system

Emergency procedures have been implemented to try to minimise casualties in the future

A Kenyan businessman has been arrested for the smuggling of international ivory

Feisal Mohamed Ali was linked to a three tonne haul of elephant tusks seized in Kenyan’s city of Mombasa

Mr Ali has been on Interpol’s list of most wanted persons for ivory trafficking

Elephant poaching has risen across Africa in recent years, mostly fuelled by the increase demands from China

China has still not done enough to increase awareness that elephants are becoming an endangered species

It is up to China to put in the necessary laws to curb the sale of ivory goods. This hopefully will allow elephants to recover and be saved

If one truly loves animals then how on earth would you wish to mutilate them so badly just for the sake of greed?

China’s people obviously have no conscience or thought of care for these wonderful animals

These elephants are defenceless against modern high powered guns

Nothing but misfortune will avail all those who purchase these specimens as they have indirectly blood on their hands for this purchase

They know what they are doing yet are brazenly dismissive of the consequences of their actions – only time will tell!

Pope Francis has sharply criticised the Vatican bureaucracy in the pre-Christmas address to cardinals

He has complained of ‘Spiritual Alzheimer’s’

Too many cardinals in the Vatican see their work no longer as a calling from God…

…but one where they can gain position, pomp and power for themselves

The Vatican’s Curia or administrative pinnacle is slow-moving and a constant creaking bureaucracy

Pope Francis has brought in a team of advisers to handle this poor management and to fight corruption

The overhaul of the Church and especially the Vatican has been long overdue

The existing establishment wants to continue in the same way so that their own greedy interests can continue

The new broom in Pope Francis will now be able to infiltrate into the very heart of the establishment and bring about real change at last

Home Secretary Theresa May will decide to scrap the existing inquiry into historical abuse and replace it with a more powerful body

This will be a welcomed decision as there needs to be a more robust and better structure into dealing with the child abuse scandals

The Government has to be seen to be getting it right for the sake of the numerous victims, who are still suffering tremendously

Survivors and survivors’ groups welcome the inquiry being given statutory powers

It is imperative that an appropriate experienced panel is formed to bring about the right justice for the many victims

Their lives have been destroyed by paedophiles and their gangs

It is essential that those at the top are finally brought to justice

They can no longer hide behind a veil of secrecy because of their high office

Those paedophiles operating in Westminster in the 1980’s, who continue to get away with it, will see the veil of silence broken

Many will be revealed for the vile actions of abuse and in some cases even torture

This year and the New Year will see justice on many levels finally come to fruition

Spain’s royal, Princess Cristina, is to face a tax fraud trial over her links to her husband’s business dealings

Her husband has already had to return many millions of public funds, which he had stashed away in offshore accounts

Millions were used to extend their family house in Spain, which he did not have the income to do. Those assets have been frozen

To say that Princess Cristina with all her savvy, being the King’s daughter, did not know what her husband was up to…

…is to say that the Spanish people are naïve to the extreme

Princess Cristina is under suspicion of 2.6m Euros of that money

Because one is royal cannot exempt her from the deceit she has done against her own people

At that time, Spain was going through a most vulnerable financial crisis with Spaniards dying because they lost everything

It is inconceivable that a royal, whose obligations are to serve its people, had nothing but greed and self-interests in their minds

The charitable sports foundation, which was a non-profit institution, organised events at hugely inflated prices

Therefore profiting by it for themselves

As with all things, it seemed right at the time, until one is caught and then the whole sordid mess comes out

Nobody is above the law and a demonstration of that must come out for the sake and respect of the people

The situation with Cuba and the lifting of sanctions, which has crippled this island since the 1960’s, will be a godsend to so many

The USA has to realise that their embargo solved nothing and both Cuba and the USA have suffered as a result of this situation

It takes a brave man like President Obama to realise that nothing has been achieved

Cuba still functions in spite of the sanctions imposed on it

The rule of the Castro brothers has only strengthened their grip and determination on the island and they have not suffered themselves

There needs to be a form of diplomacy and eventual trading of the two countries

This will bring about a resolution that will allow for peace to be restored and a greater understanding

People are not that far apart in their need to survive

In time there will be genuine democratic elections and a wider expansion of trade and finance

This will allow for prosperity to come into this country

The lifting of sanctions with genuine respect for each other’s sovereignty will be able to establish a good working dialogue

From that many other opportunities will be able to come about and a new impetus of commercial activities will gradually come in

There will still be a tightening of the laws but over time they too will become more relaxed to allow for foreign investment to be installed

The USA will never be allowed to have control or a radical foothold within this country

It will be written in their constitution that their sovereignty must be respected at all times

Influence against foreign control totally banned, so that Cubans can be their own people and remain independent as is their wish

The tragedy of Pakistan’s school at Peshawar which saw a 141 people killed, all but nine of them children, by the Taliban

There has been a Universal uproar for this senseless killing of these school children and their teachers

The Taliban have to learn that education is the future for all of Pakistan’s citizens

Illiteracy has to be eliminated in order for this impoverished country to compete with global markets and technology

By trying to hold Pakistan back in education will not serve the Taliban

It will only make the Pakistani Government and its people more resolute in its commitments to educate its citizens

It is up to the Taliban to get educated themselves and to see the immeasurable benefits that can be achieved

The dark ages and their philosophy cannot hold them indefinitely

The people need to be educated and it is they who will demand it against all the odds

It is time for the Taliban to join the human race and rescind their lives and start to feel a freedom, which has eluded them for decades

It is only through education that fear can be removed and a better life realised

To all our faithful followers, we are back, having just moved and are safely ensconced in our new abode

Nothing much has changed in our short time away with the world still in disarray

There is still much injustice that continues to sway in many areas of the globe

Until there is a positive stance from those who are supposed to support the alleviation of suffering by the suppressed regimes…

…nothing will ever change

We all have a responsibility to do what is right and not to recoil from those who hold the purse strings or influence

Just because they have a different agenda to what is morally right

It is high time that the world starts to think and act and get the right honourable people in posts that will make a difference…

…and not to just prevaricate in their cushy roles

To be bold and honourable and to do the right thing takes courage and conviction

That is in short supply and so the world’s injustices are rife and out of control

Jordan has submitted a draft resolution to the UN Security Council to put an end to the conflict and occupation by Israel on Palestinians

This has been met by Israel as a gimmick

Yes to them it is, as total submission of their rule of dominance is all they want…

…together with dissolving any Palestinians who live and breathe

Until the UN Security Council get off their back sides and do what is morally right then they have no place to be in their posts

They cannot continue to be allowed to be held by the throat by the US and Israel anymore!

The world is still outraged with the onslaught of Israel over Palestinians in the 50 day war

If the UN Security Council cannot do what is right morally and justifiably…

…then they should be disbanded, for they serve no purpose but to prolong the agony of these people

Then an independent lawful authority that is not accountable to any country, but only to the rule of law, should be instigated

Until justice is implemented, the bully boys of this world continue to get away with murder and we stand idly by and do nothing

We are as guilty as the perpetrators of these crimes!

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