01 February 2015

jandmayers January 2015 Twitter

Australia needs now to take personal responsibility for the huge amount of victims of child abuse, which they ignored

There are estimated to be 65,000 people, who may be entitled to compensation

A Royal Commission into child sexual abuse has investigated how schools, churches, and Government bodies responded to abuse claims & cases

They are now calling for a national system checking the history of people seeking to work with children

The Commission was formed in April 2013 from pressure by the lawmakers amid police claims

These were that the Roman Catholic Church had concealed evidence of paedophile priests

Child abusers were moved from place to place instead of having their crimes reported and investigated

There are accusations that adults failed to stop further acts of abuse

An estimated 65,000 victims may be entitled to some level of redress with an average payment of A$65,000

Nationally it will be in the order of A$4.378 billion

The Commission has spoken to 2,850 survivors of child abuse and has completed 21 public hearings and expects more to done this year

It has at last become more outspoken and the subject of child sexual abuse is no longer being swept under the carpet

These victims, whose lives can never recover, are broken people – ruined for all time

They cannot hold down jobs nor have any meaningful relationships their entire life – they are that damaged

They have in fact been destroyed yet still have to live in this world, like a living death

Many who could not stand the shame have committed suicide, all because the Church and the State allowed these atrocities to happen

No amount of compensation can give them back their lives – such is the severity of their abuse

They all think they are dirty and not fit to be a part of society, such is the damage done by these paedophiles

Lessons need to be learnt and every human being that knows what is going on needs to report these offences and the victims to be heard

More importantly, there have to be public trials, so that these perpetrators can be seen for what they have done

Justice on this level has to be seen to be done for these victims who suffer daily

That shame has to be diverted away from the victim and towards the perpetrator

The Human Rights Watch Organisation’s annual report says the rise in IS “did not emerge in a vacuum” but as a result of regional abuses

Both Iraq and Syria’s Governments have created the fertile ground for IS to emerge

The US is also responsible for ignoring abuses given to the people by these Governments

Their main interests were of military actions against IS in order to safeguard their own interests, which is Oil

It is the Human Rights violations that have played a major role in creating the majority of today’s crisis

It is Governments which state that their serious security threats must take precedence over Human Rights

Yet it is because of gross mistreatment by Governments on their subjects that cause the unrest in the first place

It is the people’s rights which are ignored and unheard, which causes so much anger, dissent and friction

Governments quash any unrest that might jeopardise their power and control

The more dictatorial approach that Governments engage in against their own people the more aggrieved their public will feel

Tyranny is brought about by overload of grievances

It is not by harmony and equality of the people, who feel they are being heard and their rights addressed

Again Governments will reap what they sow and that is why IS exists, they have created this evil by their own hand

As has been previously stated, the Ebola virus would mutate and researchers at the Institut Pasteur in France have now found this out

The Ebola virus is a particularly virulent disease and Man can never become complacent over it

The Ebola virus is presently going through its own process & it is predicted it will break out in other parts of Africa & then into Europe

The strain is becoming more aggressive and in spite of there being anti-viral drugs around, they are no match for this disease

This is a form of aggravated mutation where the virus itself wants to burst out and expand or explode

Then we will see serious consequences to Mankind and animals alike

Eventually different strains could get into the food supply

The World Health Organisation cannot afford to take their eye off this one!

Cures can only be found by bombarding the virus in high density light, which will allow for disintegration to come about

As science continues to push the boundaries of exploration, an ancient solar system has now been discovered

The University of Birmingham, using data from the Kepler Telescope, has found a star orbited by five planets

They are of similar size to Earth

This system is 117 light years away and is the oldest of its kind. It was formed some 11.2 billion years ago

It means earth-like planets have been around for much of the13.8 billion year history

If one thinks that the Great Intelligence was only capable of manufacturing one Earth and its life forms…

…then, as more discoveries within the Universal spheres are tracked down, this concept can no longer hold water

That old cliché, ‘We are not alone,’ is a very possible concept and the evidence for this is not that far away now!

UNICEF, the UN’s children’s agency, has been working with the South Sudanese militia for the release of 280 child soldiers

A further deal to release about 3,000 underage fighters is already taking place and more releases are being expected

Child soldiers were recruited into armed groups, the groups have now made peace with the Government and they are no longer needed

According to UNICEF around 12,000 children have been forcibly recruited by these armed groups in South Sudan over the past year

UNICEF said they are trying to reunite these demobilised child soldiers with their families

Some have not seen their parents and families for two years, while fighting atrocious horrors in their young lives

How badly battle scarred they have become will remain to be seen. One thing is for sure – their young lives were cut short

Some of the children were as young as 9 years old

Crimes against the enforced recruitment of these young children by militia groups will need to face justice

These children were taken/abducted from their homes and forced to do atrocities under the sentence of their own deaths if they disobeyed

This form of barbarism needs to be addressed and justice needs to be given to these children, who will be scarred for life!

Drug traffickers will not be shown any mercy from Indonesia’s President, despite an International outcry

President Joko Widodo, who has been in power for 100 days, says his policy is no mercy towards drug criminals

Drug criminals have ruined the lives of thousands of people

His statement of “Imagine every day we have 50 die, because of narcotics or drugs. In one year 18,000 people die because of narcotics”

“We are not going to compromise for drug dealers. No compromise. No compromise,” he added

At present there are two Australians on death row in Indonesia. Already five foreigners and one Indonesian have been executed

Indonesia has some of the toughest drug laws in the world

Understand that drug dealers have no fear, no scruples for the people whom they wish to encourage in the drug habit

Their ruthless behaviour to supply drugs for financial gains and profiting in other people’s misery, is their trade

Why should this Government show any kind of mercy when mercy is not at the very heart of drug traffickers?

If more countries took a greater stance in securing the safety of their people and the responsibilities that go with it

Then eradication of drugs becomes possible

The rest of the world is too lenient, that is why there is whole scale trafficking in this merchandise

That is why the world is losing this battle as it is never being addresses properly

Lessons need to be learnt that this behaviour is unacceptable

If you deal in drug trafficking, then you will be aware of the consequences against you!

The situation in Greece will not deteriorate, as many in the Eurozone have predicted

The Euro itself is collapsing and has been unstable for many years

Until proper procedure is put in to re-sort it out properly, then the Eurozone can expect fluctuations and trade deficits

While it is necessary for Greece to meet up with the troika, the European Union, the IMF and the European Central Bank…

…they need to consider that while they are chastising Greece they need to get their own house in order first

A new loan deal will be appointed to keep Greece still in the Eurozone with concessions that are manageable

The harsh austerity packaged they enforced Greece to endure has almost crippled this country anyway

A new basic formula will need to be realised

Greece is fully aware it needs to pull in its belt, but at what cost?

If you demoralise a country to the extremes, you will invoke anarchy and this will cause greater catastrophes to occur

Should Greece leave the Eurozone, do not think it can’t manage on its own

The people of Greece are more resilient then one gives them credit for

Survival is what Greece is all about, they have survived throughout the centuries and they will be able to do it again

A greater united Greece will occur and it is together that other help will come in

They will be able to trade more competitively and find their own level once again

Europe will be more devastated and harmed, as the Euro continues to be less resilient and more problematical against the dollar and pound

There will be repercussions with other countries, who might now also be thinking of leaving

The common currency is not what it is cracked up to be

Because it was never sorted out properly in the first place, so other countries are caught up in its instability

The troika now have to think carefully, as they need Greece to stabilise, having held them by the jugular for too long

They need it to breathe

Otherwise they will suffer the fallout by their drastic actions

Brussels and Germany do not hold all the answers and it is high time they acknowledge this!

A NASA probe is to start photographing the icy world of Pluto

The probe has travelled five billion km in nine years to get to this dwarf planet

This shows Man’s achievements not only in technology, but in the greater understanding of the Universe expanding and growing

New stars and planets are being formed and discovered and it shows that the Infinite is used to prove matters beyond our wildest dreams

Man is an adventurer who sees boundaries, which are there to be conquered, not to be contained

By studying the planets we can begin to understand ourselves and our right to be within the planetary makeup

The Intelligence is there for us to discover and learn from it, to venture out where Man has not gone before

We can build bigger probes and advance in our technology, which is also used to structure and understand our own planet further

We must never lose sight of Mankind’s achievements and from that we learn to change the world and become better custodians of it

We owe it to ourselves and to the generations that come after us

For we are not alone and all that we have we owe to this Source of Intelligence, which steers us ever on!

As Haiti continues to suffer from no Government authority, changes are now being put into place

A Provisional Electoral Council has been formed and is organising elections, which have been delayed for three years

There have been weeks of protests & political instability. Now this Panel has been formed, which represents the different sections of society

This Panel has been sworn in by a UN Security Council delegation. Haiti was being ruled by decree last week when Parliament was dissolved

A consensus Government will be formed in a bid to rescue this impoverished Caribbean nation from a looming political crisis

At present the UN “Core Group” of countries working closely in Haiti are the US, Brazil, Canada and the EU

This group deplores the fact that the Haiti Government has become dysfunctional, but still continues to give support to President Martelly

It is now time for Haiti to emerge out of the wilderness of despair and deprivation and to emerge with a more robust political system

Corruption can no longer be a part of this island’s future

Now a new political Government will be formed after the necessary elections take place

This way Haiti can start to rebuild itself and face the world again

King Abdullah, who died today aged 90 of pneumonia, will be sadly missed

He was known as a cautious reformer, often coming up against hard-line clerics

He faced resistance from conservative factions, which hindered some of his efforts

This left many women disappointed with the lack of progress towards greater independence – especially their right to drive

Saudi Arabia quashed an uprising by Al-Qaeda in his Kingdom, which was severely crushed, leaving the remnants to go underground

He contested Al-Qaeda’s militant interpretation of Islam who tried to justify their terrorist’s acts

He ordered textbooks to be purged of their most extreme language and sent 900 imams to be re-educated

He chastised senior clerics for not speaking out more forcibly against the jihadists

King Abdullah invested heavily in massive infrastructure projects saying that the oil won’t last forever

His $130 billion building plan was to create 500,000 units for low income housing for his people

He bolstered government employees’ salaries & set up a Facebook page where citizens were invited to present their grievances directly to him

It is not known how many actually reached him

He worked to oppress his adversaries like Bashar al-Assad and the Muslim Brotherhood

Last year he led the Arab nation in a US led coalition to eradicate ISIS in Iraq and Syria

He has been praised for his role in sponsoring the Arab Peace initiative with attempts to solve the conflict with Palestine and Israel

As King, he had the title of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques of Islam’s holiest sites, Mecca and Medina

King Abdullah was the first Saudi to meet the Pope in 2007

He allowed women to work as supermarket cashiers and appointed a woman as a deputy minister

He had built a $12.5 billion research university, where women and men now study together

His greatest legacy will be his scholarship programme that sends tens of thousands of men and women to study abroad

They study at Western universities and colleges and they will be the future of Saudi Arabia

As a young man, he was sent to live as a Bedouin tribesman, where he became plain speaking

He refused to be called majesty and discouraged hand kissing by commoners

He shocked 7,000 prince and princesses by cutting their allowances

He trained his children to walk barefoot, rise two hours before dawn and to eat but little and to ride horses bare backed

When he was the young Abdullah, he once neglected to offer his seat to a guest and his father sent him to prison for three days

He suggested to an American counterterrorism official that electronic chips be implanted into Guantanamo detainees

King Abdullah said it worked on horses and falcons, to which the American replied “Horses don’t have good lawyers”

King Abdullah will be missed by many throughout this world, but nowhere more than by his loving family

As the Euro continues to fall and more quantitative easing (QT) continues to flow, it will make no difference in the Eurozone economy

The Euro continues to flag as confidence in this currency has no more value and to return to the old currencies would be the best option

The European Central Bank’s President Mario Draghi will not do that, as he is committed to keep floating this unsteady currency

This will give him more problems throughout his office and beyond

The entire Euro currency will need to be overhauled and a new currency will be required to replace it at a later date

How the Euro has been constructed it can never work and they know it, hence all the continued problems they have

A top Ugandan rebel commander Dominic Ongwen has arrived in The Hague to stand trial on war crimes charges

Mr Ongwen was a feared commander of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). He was taken into US custody in Central African Republic (CAR)

He will be tried by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague

Mr Ongwen is the deputy to Commander Joseph Kony, who is still on the run since 2011

Joseph Kony recruited children as soldiers in his army and forced them to fight and maim

The arrest and trial of Mr Ongwen will now give hope to the many survivors of the four countries, which were terrorised by the LRA

They are hoping that this nightmare can be brought to an end

The LRA rebellion has been going on for the last two decades in the north of Uganda

They brought havoc to parts of the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan and CAR

It doesn’t matter who you are, how big or how small you might think you are, if you do harm to another you will be punished

No crime goes unpunished in the eyes of God’s Law. No matter how long it takes it will always overtake you in the long run

The political situation in the UK and Europe is now at an all-time low

An impasse is expected with many political parties vying for position. All will be disappointed

The people are fed up with the continued banter of promises given out and rarely fulfilled

Now, as new parties emerge to fill the power vacuum, the old parties will have reason to fear their position

There is a lack of co-operation in getting done what the electorate had voted them in for

Now, as the people begin to vote with their feet, many political parties will see themselves out in the cold

Nothing scares a political party more than being out in opposition

This will happen & an evolution of new forthright parties will evolve where big businesses will no longer have the clout that they once had

It will be the people who will decide the trend, not big businesses

Old important values will be introduced and where mutual respect for others, other than themselves, will be high on the agenda

These new phases will disrupt many institutions, who will find they no longer have the big say

No amount of political money will ever secure their views on the electorate

The people now are fighting back and the political revolution, be it in its infancy, is here to stay!

The people of the world need to unite against the extremists forces found to infiltrate and cause havoc to millions of people worldwide

The disease can either be ideological or greed in the way of drugs and narcotics

Too much goes unnoticed & this is a massive wake up call to all nations to be more vigilant & to stem the flow of radical & violent means

We cannot afford any longer to sleepwalk through life

There must be measures where the law is brought to book on so many misdeeds and misappropriate actions

Until a proper body is set-up and is given the necessary teeth to combat these crimes then, like a cancer, we will all be consumed

The Mafia in Italy and the US have had a frightening run for their money causing havoc, death and destruction to human life

They infiltrate the very establishment and although there are some successes nothing really stems the flow of this disease

We are only still dealing with the very tip of the iceberg

Where corruption lies at the very heart of Government and industry, so Mankind continues to suffer

It is now time for greater action to be taken by all nations to bring about policies where law and order is at the very heart of justice

This needs to be seen to be working

Radicalism in many ways fuels violence and has a total disregard for the human populace

Rape, killings and destruction now becomes the evil that faces us all!

It is now time for Governments to come together, upholding the law and bring an end to this Universal suffering

A force of the highest people in the world will have to come together to address these issues

No longer can countries interfere, because it does not suit their friends and…

…they feel they must protect them in spite of the atrocities they give out

All Governments must now become accountable to the people

The security forces in Paris knew of these Islamic extremists, yet did nothing

The crime was committed and they, the forces, apprehended them – too late, the carnage had already happened

It is now no longer acceptable where needless lives are lost due to massive incompetence by respective Governments

If leaders are not up to the job then they must be moved aside by those who will uphold the law

They must bring in the necessary safety measures to eradicate the very stench of brutality and violence that these criminals bring!

Until nations unite throughout the world, the evil of crime continues to choke up all societies and maims the lives of people forever

We, as the human race, are not doing enough and so crime continues to grow and becomes unstoppable

All Governments have the blood of people on their hands and it is high time that personal responsibility is now taken!

Pope Francis completes his tour of the Philippines with an outdoor Mass for millions in the rain of the capital Manila

Pope Francis dedicated the service partly to the victims of Typhoon Haiyan, which devastated the country in 2013

Crowds sang and cheered as the Pope stopped at various points to greet worshipers

The Philippines has over 80 million Catholics and many remain in poverty

The Pope listened to several children speaking about their experiences of growing up on the streets

One child, 12 years old, asked why God allowed it to happen, the Pope was visibly moved

His reply was that, “Only when we are able to cry are we able to come close to responding to your question”

He added that the world needed to learn how to cry where there is a need

Those on the margins cry, those who have fallen cry

But those who are living life that is more or less without need, we don’t know how to cry!

Typhoon Haiyan affected 14.5 million people with around one million are still homeless

It is down to the Catholic Church to help their people and to start providing out of their own coffers, for shelter, food and education

The Master Jesus never said build temples with gold and have vast amounts of wealth in land, property, paintings and other assets while…

…the people go hungry and are devastated

Jesus stated that his church would teach and provide for the sick, the suffering and the homeless

It is the Church’s responsibility not to keep acquiring wealth, but to distribute it to where it is most needed

The Catholic Church and other churches around the world are not doing what Jesus and his disciples preached that they should do

The Filipino people, as with other predominately Catholic countries, are suffering grave hardship…

…while the Church gets richer they get poorer

The words of that 12 year old child to Pope Francis about why did God allow her to be on the streets is not God’s fault

It is Man’s inhumane and dispassionate nature towards her

It is Man and the Catholic Church which has let her down and Pope Francis knows it and yet does nothing!

It is high time that the Catholic Church actually did what Jesus & his disciples preached & that is to provide for those who are in need

Not to continue to lavish in luxury with all their amenities to hand. After all, they never have to go without, therefore need never cry!

At last a joint meeting to discuss ways of dealing permanently with Boko Haram

Ghana’s President John Mahama will meet with African leaders to start a plan of action against Boko Haram

Boko Haram have killed with impunity and destroyed Nigerian villages in the north east of the country

This has been a six year insurgency by this Islamist group

President John Mahama has stated that acts of terror have to end

Now Boko Haram is venturing further afield crossing over boarders, where they are launching their attacks

Their latest was a military base in northern Cameroon

John Mahama states collectively, We must find a way to share information, synchronise strategies and to pool resources

This needs to be done, as African States can no longer stand idly by waiting for the International community to intervene on their behalf

A collective African fighting force has to be engaged together with Cameroon and Chad to help fight these incursions

The African people have been terrorised enough by extremists

It is high time African Governments joined together to start to save their people!

As China continues its ruthless root and branch approach of cutting out corruption, they are actually succeeding in their mission

Currently they are investigating into the powerful intelligence chief Ma Jian for corruption

It is believed that Mr Ma is suspected of “serious violations” of the law

Mr Ma is the latest high-ranking official to be targeted on the ongoing crackdown on corruption amongst party officials

His role was vice-minister in the Ministry of State Security, which oversees foreign and counterintelligence operations

He is now linked to a corruption probe involving a technology conglomerate

In recent months multiple officials have been toppled, the most senior was a former head of the Ministry of Public Security

The highest of four Chinese assistant foreign ministers is also being investigated

President Xi Jinping is to be congratulated on his policy to eradicate corruption amongst his party and Government officials

This he started when he took power in 2012

He stated that it was a threat to the party’s survival, but it goes much deeper than that. It goes to the very heart of Government

It is the greatest source of all evil to any country and destroys it from within

One can see that in Pakistan, where it has devastated the Government

In India also and the Philippines, it is everywhere and it is the people who always suffer and are held back due to abject greed

We must hold up the courage and conviction of a leader who wants to do right by his party and his people

It will set an example, which will stand the test of time

As President Obama continues on with his action to close the US prison in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, he is still failing badly

A promise he gave to Congress when he was elected eight years ago that he would close this prison still has not occurred

Recently five Yemeni men held in Guantanamo for more than a dozen years have been transferred into foreign custody

They were cleared for release since 2009. They are to go to Oman and Estonia as Yemen is too dangerous for them to return to

Guantanamo’s prison population still stands at 122 inmates. About half of them have already been cleared for transfer

These Yemeni men are the latest in a wave of releases approved, despite Republican members of Congress who say they remain dangerous

This detention centre was opened in 2002 to hold “enemy combatants” in which the US termed its war on terror

David Cameron is seeing President Obama and is expected to raise the case of Shaker Aamer, the final British resident in Guantanamo

Shaker Aamer has been held in custody for 13 years without trial

His family in Britain, together with his lawyers, have been fighting for his release

Where are the Human Rights groups who should be voicing this outrageous behaviour to the world?

If a person is suspected to be a terrorist then put him on trial and present a case to be heard

One cannot just hold a person indefinitely without due care and process – International Law does not permit it!

The US likes to think it is an example to the world, but their own human rights agenda is a mockery to the rest of the world

They say one thing, “Liberty for all men”, but act in total contrast to what they stand for

President Lincoln must be turning in his grave, seeing all that he fought for being misused and wilfully being jeopardised

It is these double standards, which will eventually pull America down

Their standing in the world is already eroding all the time and it is by their own hand that they will bring themselves down!

At last the people have got the message and they are fighting back against corruption and human rights abuses

A whistle-blowing website aims at exposing politicians and businessmen who abuse power in Africa

This has been launched by the media and campaign groups

AfriLeaks will give the people the chance to leak sensitive information anonymously

This website will boost investigative journalism to expose widespread corruption and human rights abuses

AfriLeaks is made up of nineteen media outlets and activists groups, who are committed to ‘speaking a truth to power’

People will be able to send to AfriLeaks sensitive material and documents, so that members of the organisation can investigate

The system is designed to share materials while protecting a person’s identity, where it’s impossible to detect where the leak came from

AfriLeaks is modelled along the lines of Europe’s GlobalLeaks, which aims at making whistle-blowing safe

We now live in the post-Snowden era, where Governments and corporations have their own surveillance

Journalists and whistle-blowers need to take every precaution to ensure their own digital safety

The US wants to put Edward Snowden on trial for leaking to the media in 2013 details of its massive surveillance programme

Without his courage and bravery the world did not realise the true extent of the US penetration into so many people’s lives

The mobile phone of Angela Markel was tapped and she is an ally of the US

The extent of their surveillance was only exposed due to his courage and conviction that the US went too far – which of course they did

Now AfriLeaks wants to get into the more sensitive areas, such as Eritrea and Sudan, where these States repress and control the Internet

They have many hidden agendas and crimes against their own people. These need to be exposed and justice for these people to be realised

Many things are now being exposed, so corrupt Governments can no longer think they can get away with literally murder!

Outrage has taken place in India, after a minister in Goa said the State Government was planning to set up centres to ‘cure’ homosexuals

It was the sports minister Mr Tawadkar, who said treatment would be offered to lesbians, gays, and bisexuals to make them normal

India’s deep conservative narrow thinking views have made homosexuality a taboo and regard same-sex relationships as illegitimate

Mr Tawadkar’s comments endorse that conservative view, thinking that by putting homosexuals into clinics…

…like alcoholics they can be changed or cured

Ramesh Tawadkar’s comments show up his gross ignorance

Many have taken to social networking sites to criticise his shocking statements

The tragedy of Mr Tawadkar’s ignorance is he does not know what is normal…

…what makes a homosexual what they are and so is the same of heterosexuals?

What is normal to one is equally as normal to another

The brain, which produces more female hormones, will make that person into a lesbian at birth

The same is for homosexuals, whose predominant male hormones in the brain, produces homosexuality

The heterosexual has equal amounts of female and male hormones in the brain making that person a heterosexual

Until we are born none of us can know which way our brains have been formed with the hormones to bring about our desire of sexual preference

People will only know when they become consciously able to differentiate between which sex they have a bias towards

So no amount of centres can cure them from how they were biologically produced to alter their brains composition

Because there are more heterosexuals in this world, does not make them normal?

If the world had more lesbians and homosexuals than heterosexuals, they would in their eyes be normal and the minority would not be

This is ridiculous!        

If the majority of people in this world had blue eyes…

…would those who had brown or green eyes pluck out those eyes, so that they feel part of the majority – of course not!

Brown and green eyes are beautiful and that is how our Creator has made us in love

So with respect and understanding of our Creator’s purpose, we must accept all of us in this world, as God’s loving creations

India with its many prejudices has a long way to go

They may have the nuclear bomb, but human rights are way off their spectrum of understanding others in this world

Bravery and courage is shown by all pupils and teachers who have returned to school since the massacre of 140 people in Peshawar

There will also be a ceremony to remember the victims that the Taliban attacked

Schools right across the country are now also re-opening after an extended break bought on by the attack on the 16th December

The Taliban can never win with their continued violence

The more they attack and maim, the more resolved the people of Pakistan will be

You cannot continually supress a people to your will of violence, aggression and fear – it never works

Solidarity becomes the object of the thinking of the people of Pakistan. They become more united and more forthright than at any other time

The killing of innocent children, condemned by the world, is cowardly

It is a reflection of fear, aggression and ignorance by the force not willing to accept a modern world

They still feel being in the dark ages has to be acceptable by the entire country

Pakistan has the nuclear bomb. It is already in the 21st Century

Therefore it must move towards that criterion in other ways, in order to compete internationally and not get left behind in today’s world

The crisis threat of ISIL and other faction groups will not go away

They are mobilising themselves to become more active than before, both in the Middle East and in Europe

Small factions or cells will also open up in the US

All must be vigilant and all must protect their neighbours and see that they are secure

The situation in Europe will also escalate

It will bring down various platforms, like the media where there is a strong bias against Muslims and their theology

The main suffers here will be the Muslim people themselves

They have already suffered extensively at the hand of their fellow fanatical Muslims

The West needs to understand that they cannot beat this ideology in the way that they are trying to today

There needs to be a united consensus where all must try to live together

Ethnic groups cannot be marginalised. Integration needs to come in far more

They wish to be a part of society where their views are heard and where a society support system is in place

Many ethnic minority groups feel cut off and neglected by their host nation, which fuels resentment and anger

It is up to Governments to bring about reform where integration does not mean subjugation…

…but a freedom to interact and where acceptancy is high on the agenda

By isolating various groups, who remain in poverty and are grossly neglected by the State and society, frustration is fuelled

They see that nobody cares for them and why should they even be there?

Sadly many French people only want France for themselves

They see foreigners as invaders of their rights to live without fear or favour

It is up to Governments to bring about peace and a sense of wellbeing, where integration is a necessary requirement

This will alleviate the build-up of frustration, where it explodes out of hand

Tolerance and respect for all people of all creeds is required if a nation wants unity and collaboration from its citizens

Rules must be put in place where one has the right to speak, but not the right to degrade a person as worthless or lesser in their eyes

These same rules must apply for all!

A nation cannot expect to have freedom of speech while at the same time ignoring and isolating sections of society

They are already struggling because the State has neglected and abandoned them

One cannot have ones cake and eat it. Fairness and compassion, even love must enter in

Governments must take care of their flock and not just the chosen few who can keep them in power?

One gets far more from ones citizens where respect is given and voiced, rather than by constant hardship, abuse and neglect!

France and Europe needs to learn from this horrendous episode and to realise they had a hand in creating this outcome!

There appears to be a small breakthrough regarding the Ebola vaccines

Two vaccines, which will be tried out on thousands of people in Africa including healthcare workers, will take place

The two pharmaceuticals giants, who are producing these vaccines, are GlaxoSmithKline and Merck

They are going through the safety trials in the US, UK and other countries at this time

It is expected to start trials of the vaccines in Liberia by the end of January

Sierra Leone and Guinea will begin theirs in the first half of February

The Ebola virus problem will not go away & so it is vital in saving future lives that these vaccines become the fighting force against it!

Africa and the Ebola virus has been largely ignored and especially over the last 25 years when the virus has been at its worse

One can never completely eradicate the virus

But, by trying to give the people of Africa a fighting chance together with education, they can begin to fend it off

It is necessary for the countries of Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea to invest in more health care systems as a priority for their people

The neglect by various Governments is responsible for this virus getting out of control

Education to the people, when this happens again, should already be in place

Then people can begin to act quickly once symptoms are noticed to avoid epidemics becoming so rife

The Governments of Africa have a duty of care with education towards their people

They should not always be in a crisis state before World Health Organisations have to be called in

To invest in a nation’s health is the success of a strong nation, where people are able to work and then can contribute back to society

All become interested parties in the strength and economy of the nation and cannot afford to be neglected

It has to be congratulated that the people of Sri Lanka have voted with their feet!

They voted in a person who has integrity and consideration for their needs and where there is no place for corruption and power mania

The outgoing leader Mahinda Rajapaksa has been defeated in Sri Lanka’s presidential elections

He had become increasingly authoritarian and corrupt

He even scraped the rules on the two term limit to allow him to go for a third term in office and more besides

Maithripala Sirisena, who won 51.3% of the vote, has already received support from the Tamil and Muslim leaders

He has also picked up a huge proportion of the majority Sinhalese vote

Less than two months ago Mr Rajapaksa called a snap election thinking he would win and secure a third term in office

This present outcome was unimaginable, as there was no opposition candidate in sight. He thought he would walk it

Then suddenly Mr Sirisena, the then Health Minister, switched sides

Prompted by heavy weight politicians and minority groups, which offered him support, he decided to stand for President

Mr Sirisena’s main pledge is to remove the unlimited powers of the President

Maithripala Sirisena is a kind and caring man, who has already seen the pains that corruption brings

He has vowed to bring about a better Constitution, where fairness and reform will be at the heart of his agenda

We wish him well in his endeavours! 

People the world over must start taking responsibility for their actions

Newspapers, the media in general, must start to look at how they behave

We, as a society, cannot think we can continue down this road of irreverent behaviour and expect to get away with it!

Too often on television, comedians act with impunity poking fun at whatever they feel can get them a cheap laugh

Never do they think of the consequences of their actions

In the past, people who are disabled were considered fair game for ridicule by comedians, often making them out as brainless

They never thought of the misery they incurred to those victims, who were in no position to defend themselves

Now a heinous crime has been committed in Paris of the killing of several of the staff of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo

Never did those journalists ever consider the consequences of their actions

Making fun of all religions and the Government in a society that remains tolerant is easy and they can get away with it

That does not make their actions right, it simply allows them to publish without being challenged for their gutter practice

Respect for the individual and institutions are way off their radar

Now the unforgiveable has happened

Those who feel they have been offended and that the magazine has gone too far in its deliberation…

…then the force needed to silence them was way too severe

Yet it sometimes takes this kind of severe action to stop people in their tracks and make them think!

Does one publish something that is actually funny without denigrating somebody?

Does one act irresponsibly and think it doesn’t really matter?

How far can systematic abuse continue without being stopped or even censured?

The freedom of the press must be defended at all costs, but even this institution must abide by certain rules before it gets out of hand

The time for reflection has to now come in where we must all take responsibility for our actions

We must decide how far one will go with regards to bringing disrespect onto others?

The price for ignoring this basic rule has been a severe one indeed!

The Bank of England was unaware of an impending financial crisis and danger, as new documents now reveal the state of their incompetence

The Bank has published minutes of top-secret meetings with its governing body, ‘The Court’, between 2007 and 2009

The minutes show that the Bank did identify liquidity problems as a ‘central concern’ in July 2007, but no action was taken!

Following publication of these minutes, Andrew Tyrie MP, the chairman of the Treasury Select Committee, criticised the Court

The non-executive directors failed to challenge senior members, which included Mervyn King, the Governor

Mervyn King failed to prioritise the financial instability

The minutes show that the Bank of England did not have a competent board

They missed the interconnectedness of the entire financial system

The exposure of banks to the sub-prime mortgages, which started in America, was to have worldwide catastrophic consequences

When Lehman Bros bank went down the Court minutes showed they discussed staff pensions and new members to go on a Committee

Only when Northern Rock started to fail did the Bank of England finally woke up!

The failing of Northern Rock created serious economic damages throughout the UK banking system

The lack of foresight and irresponsible governing by Mervyn King and his fellow directors at the time of the crisis was appalling

All should have been sacked for their incompetence

It is the old school network that all hide behind each other, but that now is starting to change and it is about time too!

The Court’s system has been changed and more accountability by executive directors has been implemented

It is about time that there was a new Fifa President and Prince Ali would make a fine one

He is a man of integrity and knows that corruption causes so many problems, not only to the game, but to the managing of the organisation

The standards that Prince Ali would bring would be able to revolutionise the game and bring in a different perspective to it

Standards in all aspects are his main theme

It is progress to the future that he is after, not a retrograde motion which the organisation has been in

Standards both on and off the field brings in the right ethics and for management to be seen to be doing the right and honourable thing

The players need to set an example for the rest of the world in their conduct and professionalism

This has been sadly lacking and there needs to be a major overhaul to both attitude and performance

Prince Ali became President of Jordanian football in 1999

He was elected as the Asian Football Confederation’s Fifa’s Vice-President in 2011

He has successfully championed the lifting of Fifa’s ban on the hijab in women’s football

He was also one of a number of officials who called for the publication of Michael Garcia’s report

It concerned allegations of corruption surrounding the 2018 and 2022 World Cup bids

The world game deserves a world-class governing body, an international federation that is a service and a model of ethics

This can only be achieved by having a President with the same model code of ethics, which Prince Ali has

Boko Haram continues to flex its muscles in spite of resistance coming from Nigerian troops

Boko Haram can’t be neatly characterized as an insurgency or terrorist organisation

Its origins appear rooted in the grievances over poor governance and sharp inequality in Nigeria

Corruption in this country is rife. It has turned public services for many into a kind of criminal enterprise

Police brutality with impunity adds to the tensions

Nigerian police are responsible for hundreds of extrajudicial killings and disappearances each year

These largely go uninvestigated and unpunished

Amnesty International’s report stated that nearly 1000 people, mainly Islamist militants, died in military custody in the first half of 2013

Nigeria is Africa’s most populated country with more than 174 million people, nearly 350 ethnic groups speaking 250 languages

There are Muslims in the North with Christians in the South together with 10% of people belonging to indigenous sects

Nigeria has long grappled with how to govern such a diverse nation and with the Muslims and Christians both struggling to gain power

This continues to be a significant factor in this ongoing unrest

There was also a dispute over the 2011 election results which led to 800 deaths

This played a role in Boko Haram’s escalating violence

Nigerians view the presidency of Goodluck Jonathan, a Christian, as illegitimate

They argue that he ignored an informal power rotation agreement that should have kept a Muslim as President this time around

The death of their previous president, who was a Muslim, only completed one term of his two term presidency

The continuation of governing should have gone to another Muslim to complete the rotation agreement

Instead Vice President Goodluck Jonathan, a Christian, jumped in and got himself elected, so fuelling gross unrest in the country

The unrest continues to go unabated throughout Nigeria and it won’t stop until Goodluck Jonathan is removed!

North Korea did not impose a cyber-attack on Sony Pictures

This attack was done by unscrupulous hackers, who were not even in North Korea

Their methods were to provoke US condemnation of which they were successful in achieving

For the US to now impose further sanctions on North Korea is tantamount to violation of International Law

The US has no proof or justification

Other agencies, qualified to give their opinion, support this argument

The US are just flexing their muscles just because they can

They are sending out a clear message to anyone who would dare to hack into their establishment

This is a political move, which will seriously backfire on them

The film by Sony is called ‘The Interview’, a supposed comedy about a plot to assassinate the North Korea’s leader

The film, as one will see, is in very poor taste

Sony’s box office gains are due to the adverse publicity the film has already generated, but this will dwindle over time

If Sony is wise they should put their resources into making quality films that the world would wish to watch

Not engaging in petty dramatics

As the deadly Ebola virus continues on its course of action, many will still have to fight for their lives

The virus needs a steady supply of vaccinated drugs of which these are still in short supply

The Pharmaceutical companies are being pressurised to come up with medicines, which will be able to stabilise the virus in the coming years

For the Pharmaceutical companies, this is not an easy task

Various African Governments need to bring their health plans up-to-date and to provide for a health service which will protect their people

The International community is crying out for this, as risk from these viruses and diseases affect us all

Up to now 20,000 cases of the Ebola virus have been diagnosed with Sierra Leone being the worst hit

Nearly 8,000 people have died already and the figures will increase until there is a substantial drug to deal with its ever mutating form

The Ebola virus will calm down and break out again in a more ferocious form

Yet again the World Health Organisation will be up against it!

As China’s President Xi Jinping continues on his strategy to eradicate corruption in China another scalp has been taken

China’s assistant foreign minister Zhang Kunsheng has been removed from his position and is being probed for corruption

He is the highest ranking diplomat to be targeted in the anti-corruption drive

So far the anti-corruption campaign has netted thousands of officials since it began in 2012, among them the security chief of 2014

China will be a better country because of it

It shows even in a communist country where principles of equality there, are still very much inequality

This bold move to eliminate corruption will see President Xi Jinping rise even further in the esteem of his people and his colleagues

The world watches and waits for justice to be done to the three Al-Jazeera journalists jailed on charges of spreading false news

The Egyptian court only has to see the journalist’s coverage of the events around the President Morsi’s overthrow

Then they will realise that all was given as effective journalism and reporting and that the present Government have nothing to fear

These incredibly brave journalists who have suffered injustice, will be able to report the standard of behaviour by the Egyptian authorities

Yet again the black mark will appear on their legal system

If the courts cannot get it right for the innocent what chances does anybody have to a fair and honest trial?

The answer in short is none!

As the number of victims claiming historical child abuse now mounts into tens of thousands the state find they cannot cope

It is the constant neglect of this situation over decades that has caused this amount of victims to be abused

One paedophile can inflict harm to hundreds of victims in one life time

Look how many Jimmy Savile abused. It is now stated that as many as 1000 victims in his life time – the youngest being 2 years old

Unless these perpetrators are dealt with seriously they go on to abuse continuously as there is no one to stop them

It is now that this Government starts to put into place an institute, which will continue with its findings and prosecutions constantly

The naming and shaming is the only way to prize these people out

Many of them as we know hide behind their office and feel they have the power over the police and social workers to hide their offences

This has got to stop, even if it takes decades

Governments and the judiciary have a responsibility not to incur any further damage to vulnerable people by these predatory people

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